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Mobile Devices for parliamentary work in the Spanish Senate

Mobile Devices for parliamentary work in the Spanish Senate. The minutes of the previous: Senate Session Hall , in 1906 Asterio Mañanós (1861-1935). ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November. Mobile Devices for parliamentary work in the Spanish Senate.

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Mobile Devices for parliamentary work in the Spanish Senate

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  1. Mobile Devices for parliamentary work in the Spanish Senate The minutes of the previous: Senate Session Hall, in 1906 Asterio Mañanós (1861-1935) ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  2. Mobile Devices for parliamentary work in the Spanish Senate • First endowment of laptops to Senators for electronic mail and web navigation (2001) • Smartphone for Senators (early 2009) • Electronic submission of parliamentary initiatives (early 2010) • Tablets in parliamentary works: early 2012 • Statistics of the usage of the system • Future development for mobile devices • App for citizens tablets and smartphones ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  3. Thank you very much ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  4. Electronic submission of parliamentary initiatives • From a functional point of view, the two main notes that characterize the system are: • Onlyused in someproceedings: • WrittenquestionstotheGovernment • Amendmentstolaws • Request of information and documentstotheGovernment • Compulsorycomputerpresentation ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  5. Electronic submission of parliamentary initiatives • The main technical characteristics are: • Very simple System. Themainscreenisreminiscent of the Outlook email program. • Presentation of thequestionswithelectronicsignatureforeachSenator • TelematicShipping of thequestionstotheGovernmentbymeans of web services • Publication of questions and answersonthewebsiteonly (no longerpublished in theOfficialGazette) ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  6. Electronic submission of parliamentary initiatives • Why start with the written questions?: • Because the process is not too complex. • And the number of questions to the government has grown exponentially in recent years: ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  7. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  8. Tablets in parliamentary works • The application was made for operating system Android and devices Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 • Android was chosen by the lower cost of terminals and systems implementation and openness to different suppliers • Web services to communicate with the internal system. • Server java application with HTML 5. • Shielded storage of the private key for asymmetric cryptography in the tablet. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  9. Tablets in parliamentary works • The user can see the number of affairs pending to be done of each type. • It is possible to view also current and completed affairs if desired. • It is possible to access to each type of proceeding separately or choose the View All button to access to a view with all the paperwork mixed. • This screen is only displayed if the user has proceedings pending of more than a type. if not, the system goes directly to the concerned type. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  10. Tablets in parliamentary works • The information is displayed in a different way if the tablet is in landscape or portrait mode. • The MP’s can approve (with or without sign depending on the procedure) or reject. • If signature is required appears a link "XML view" to see what is going to be signed. • In case of rejection is possible to include a short message of explanation. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  11. Tablets in parliamentary works At the and of the process, a NIP associated to the private key is required to sign the question, amendment…. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  12. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  13. Statistics of the usage of the system ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  14. Statistics of the usage of the system ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  15. Statistics of the usage of the system ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  16. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  17. Future development for mobile devices • The objetives are: • Extend its functionality for the Senator to fill the entire form of the initiative from any device (not just personal computers) • Use in other parliamentary initiatives: • Motions • Request to appear • Questions in Commisions • Use with all types of devices: • Personal computers, tablets and Smartphones • With multiple operating systems, since many Senators ask to use Apple: • Android, IOS and Windows 8 • Improve usability to get Senators use it every day ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  18. Future development for mobile devices • The main usability problem lies in the electronic signature: • The digital certificate has to be stored in the terminal or be read from a card with an external device (even worse). • Need to remember the pin. • Problems with the Java virtual machine, with drivers, etc ..... ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  19. Future development for mobile devices We have studied the problem and decided to change the electronic signature policy: The electronic signature based on cryptography will be replaced by the sending to MP’s mobile phone of a one use alphanumeric code This will be applied to parliamentary procedures and to administrative questions without impact outside the Parliament ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  20. Future development for mobile devices • The ability to do this is based on the following rule: • Law 11/2007, of 22th June, about electronic access of citizens to public services. • ……………………………….. • Section 16. Using other electronic signature systems. • 1. Public authorities may determine, taking into account the data and interests involved, and always with justification, assumptions and conditions for use by citizens of other electronic signature systems, such as concerted keys in previous registration, provision of information known by both parties or other non-cryptographic systems. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  21. Future development for mobile devices • Security requirements: • Login with username and password in the Senate Intranet (SSL connection). • The alphanumeric code for single use will be generated with the maximum safety conditions (simultaneous generation between client and server, etc..). • The evidence of the transaction (XML format) will be stored in the system, electronically signed with server certificate. • The new signature system will be applied first with the remote voting system, that is going to work (still with cryptographic signature) in the first plenary sitting of December. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  22. Telematic voting program at Plenary sitting • Who can use it?: • Senators with health problems, or pregnancy, maternity or other who are appreciated by the Bureau • Who autorizes? • During the previous week the Board or the President define the matters of next Plenary sitting and which can be voted with this system • How do they know this? • The system send messages (SMS, email and in the Intranet) with the votes and the term of the vote (one hour before the vote in the plenary sitting) ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  23. Telematic voting program at Plenary sitting • Howtoavoidduplicated votes? • Thekeyboard of theSenatorisblocked, but he can telluntilonehourbeforethebegginning of thePlenarysittingthat he will be, “in person”: hiskeyboardisreleased and theirelectronic votes are nottakenintoaccount • Howtoavoidimpersonation (theproblem of thesignature)? • Sincenow, theywill vote signingwiththeirelectroniccertificates in their personal computers. • In thefirstmonths of 2014, thesystemwill be changedtothesending of one use alphanumericcodetotheirmobiles. In thatmomenttheywill be ableto vote, with personal computers, tablets and smartphones (operatingsystems Android, IOS and windows 8). ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  24. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  25. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  26. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  27. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  28. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  29. ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

  30. Senate app at citizen devices: After downloading from Google play or App store, the app is installed and, when the icon "Senate" is clicked, the following screen appears. Senators  Committees Senate‘s agenda The laws Officialpublications Plenary Sitting Hall Live broadcast: Plenary sitting Dd/mm/yyyy Live broadcast: Committee xxxxxxxxxxxxx Dd/mm/yyyy Title banners which appear on the website ECPRD - ICT Group Seminar 2013, Bakú 28-29 November

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