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TODOs for Simple Profile

TODOs for Simple Profile. Need a list of things that user is allowed (not allowed to do) What are the constructs we need to simplify creating templates for the Consumer role?. Topology Template (cont.). < TopologyTemplate id="ID" name=" NCName "> ( 

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TODOs for Simple Profile

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  1. TODOs for Simple Profile • Need a list of things that user is allowed (not allowed to do) • What are the constructs we need to simplify creating templates for the Consumer role?

  2. Topology Template (cont.) <TopologyTemplate id="ID" name="NCName"> (  <NodeTemplateid="ID" name="string" nodeType="QName" minInstances="int"?maxInstances="int|string"?>+  <PropertyDefaults>? XMLDocument </PropertyDefaults>  <PropertyConstraints>?  <PropertyConstraint property="string" constraintType="anyURI">+ constraint? </PropertyConstraint>  </PropertyConstraints>  <Policies/>? <EnvironmentConstraints>? <EnvironmentConstraintconstraintType="anyURI">+ constraint type specific content? </EnvironmentConstraint> </EnvironmentConstraints>  <DeploymentArtifacts/>? </NodeTemplate>  |  <RelationshipTemplate/>  | <GroupTemplate/> )+  </TopologyTemplate> Relationship Template …type for… Node Template …type for… Group Template

  3. Topology Template (cont.) <TopologyTemplate id="ID" name="NCName">   ( <NodeTemplate/>  | <RelationshipTemplate id="ID" name="string" relationshipType="QName">+  <SourceNodeElement id="IDREF"/>  ( <TargetNodeElement id="IDREF"/> | <TargetNodeTemplateReference name="QName"/> )   <PropertyDefaults/>? <RelationshipConstraints>?  <RelationshipConstraintconstraintType="anyURI">+ constraint? </RelationshipConstraint>  </RelationshipConstraints>   </RelationshipTemplate>   | <GroupTemplate/> )+   </TopologyTemplate> Relationship Template …type for… Node Template …type for… Group Template

  4. Vendor „BestStorageVendor“ Sells its Devices with Corresponding Node Template <NodeTemplate name="BestStorageDevice" nodeType="SuperStorage"> <PropertyDefaults> <TotalStorageAmount>1000TB</TotalStorageAmount> </PropertyDefaults> <DeploymentArtifacts> <DeploymentArtifact name="InterfaceImplementation" type="WARref"> ... </DeploymentArtifact> </DeploymentArtifacts>  </NodeTemplate> • BestStorageVendor defines Node Template to specify its BestStorageDevice based on former Node Type • Vendor sets Properties that are known from the outset • TotalStorageAmount is known • IPAddress is set during installation/deployment • Implementation of interface is referenced from Node Template

  5. From TOSCA v1.0 spec. • Node Templates and Relationship Templates that together define the topology model of a service as a (not necessarily connected) directed graph. • A Node Template specifies the occurrence of a Node Type as a component of a service. A Node Type defines the properties of such a component (via Node Type Properties) and the operations (via Interfaces) available to manipulate the component. • Node Types are defined separately for reuse purposes and a Node Template references a Node Type and adds usage constraints, such as how many times the component can occur. • A Relationship Template specifies the occurrence of a relationship between nodes in a Topology Template. Each Relationship Template refers to a Relationship Type that defines the semantics and any properties of the relationship. Relationship Types are defined separately for reuse purposes. The Relationship Template indicates the elements it connects and the direction of the relationship by defining one source and one target element • Requirements and Capabilities of Node Templates in a Topology Template can optionally be connected via Relationship Templates to indicate that a specific requirement of one node is fulfilled by a specific capability provided by another node. • Requirements can be matched in two ways as briefly indicated above: • (1) requirements of a Node Template can be matched by capabilities of another Node Template in the same Service Template by connecting the respective requirement-capability-pairs via Relationship Templates; • (2) requirements of a Node Template can be matched by the general hosting environment (or the TOSCA container), for example by allocating needed resources for a Node Template during instantiation.

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