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Friday, May 2, 2014 Unit V: Decades of Change: Collaborative Work

Homework : Complete Unit V word wall tile; continue Ch. 20- 24 PPT work; OHP product due by 5/12. Friday, May 2, 2014 Unit V: Decades of Change: Collaborative Work BUILD a “Powerful PPT” to exhibit the answers Visit Robinson Share’s folder for today’s chapter-specific lesson

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Friday, May 2, 2014 Unit V: Decades of Change: Collaborative Work

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  1. Homework:Complete Unit V word wall tile; continue Ch. 20- 24 PPT work; OHP product due by 5/12 Friday, May 2, 2014 Unit V: Decades of Change: Collaborative Work BUILD a “Powerful PPT” to exhibit the answers Visit Robinson Share’s folder for today’s chapter-specific lesson SAVE & DROP your work TODAY!

  2. Why are we here TODAY? Students will collaborate and construct a PPT slide show based on a chapter (20-24) from The Americans.

  3. Ch. 20-24 “POWERFUL PPT Project” • Groups of students will design & construct a chapter-specific presentation using PowerPoint • All students will be responsible for one or more “telescoping the times” questions/sections from The AmericansREAD the BOOK! • Each question/section is allowed 1-3 slides (intro/group name slide, plus 12-15 max.) • “Main ideas” & “essential” answers to “ttt” questions, plus relevant images, PPT effects, textbook graphics, are required (use of video clips, music, History Alive! Strongly suggested) • Each group will present the PPT to class and “co-design” a major quiz on each chapter. • Teacher, peer, & self-evaluation on this collaborative project = major grade (~40 points)

  4. Ch. 20-24 “POWERFUL PPT Project” Work now, LEARN from each other, and later you can share you creativity in a dramatic and/or playful way! Groups that act out a skit or create a game of any useful kind will earn additional points!

  5. Chapter 24, Americans p. 792-827An Age of Limits Responses will vary but should include points similar to the following: 1. Nixon reversed past U.S. policy by opening relations with Communist China and pursued more friendly relations with the Soviet Union. 2. The cover-up of Watergate represented the president’s effort to block investigations, thus trying to put himself above the law. 3. Ford tried to end inflation with energy conservation and higher interest rates. Carter tried to use voluntary price freezes and spending cuts. 4. The debate over environmental laws focus on the need for economic development and for protection of natural resources.

  6. Chapter 24 Americans, p. 792-827 An Age of Limits Alive! P. 697-707 1. How did Nixon ease Cold War tensions? Nixon reversed past U.S. policy by opening relations with Communist China and pursued more friendly relations with the Soviet Union.

  7. Chapter 24 Americans, p. 802-807 An Age of Limits Alive! P. 704-707 2. Why was Watergate a constitutional crisis? The cover-up of Watergate represented the president’s effort to block investigations, thus trying to put himself above the law. -Nixon resigned instead of facing impeachment (August 8, 1974); burglary & “high crimes & misdemeanors” were committed (1972) while spying on Democratic National Headquarters; failure to disclose activity led to Nixon’s downfall, & tape recorded conversations sealed his fate

  8. Chapter 24 Americans, p. 792-827 An Age of Limits 3. How did Ford and Carter try to fix economic problems, and why didn’t their plans work? Ford tried to end inflation with energy conservation and higher interest rates. Carter tried to use voluntary price freezes and spending cuts.

  9. Chapter 24 Americans, p. 792-827 An Age of Limits Alive! p. 714-715 4. What differing needs are the focus of the debate over environmental laws? The debate over environmental laws focus on the need for economic development and for protection of natural resources. -Earth Day (4/22/1970); Environmental Protection Act (EPA); Clean Water (1972) and Safe Drinking Water Act (1974); Three Mile Island accident (3/28/1979)

  10. History Alive!

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