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Strategies to Raise the state Buying Power

Strategies to Raise the state Buying Power. Research Department. Regulatory framework. One or more agencies. Centrally tendered with decentralized use. Using FA V/S individual purchases. Demand Aggregation: Health care sector singularity.

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Strategies to Raise the state Buying Power

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  1. Strategies to Raise the state Buying Power Research Department

  2. Regulatory framework One or more agencies Centrally tendered with decentralized use

  3. UsingFA V/S individual purchases

  4. Demand Aggregation: Health care sector singularity For drugs and medical devices there is one single buying agency (CENABAST) which aggregates demand and tender for the whole system. Afterwards, distribution is carried out to each Hospital. How different are drugs prices when procured through this centralized agency or when using framework agreements?

  5. Demand Aggregation:CENABAST • Generic Drugs: Twice a year CENABAST aggregates Hospital´s demand and call for proposals through www.mercadopublico.cl e-marketplace. Awarded products will have a 6 month fixed price. • Ministerial Programs: Non generic drugs and vaccines are purchased by Ministerial command through CENABAST. Quantities and delivery structure is defined by the Ministry. Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Hacienda | Dirección ChileCompra

  6. Demand Aggregation: FA • Business Model: Recently deployed FA (April 2011). • Scope: Generic drugs • Call for proposals: Done by ChileCompra through www.mercadopublico.cl • Agreement duration: 3 years • Prices: After the first year, prices may be updated depending on market conditions. • Delivery mechanism: From vendors to purchasing units along the country. • Payment system: decentralized Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Hacienda | Dirección ChileCompra

  7. Market structure CENABAST has a 36,6% market share (data in log scale): However, nowadays framework agreements are irrelevant in terms of market share

  8. CENABAST and FA: comparative performance The following table shows a comparison between the two purchasing mechanisms (CENABAST and FA), showing that under current conditions, they are complementary Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Hacienda | Dirección ChileCompra

  9. Aggregating demand with framework agreements: 21% additional

  10. Going beyond drugs: The case of computers: Savings 24,5%

  11. Could framework agreements deliver additional savings?

  12. Study of FA Mechanism Some variables that affect prices in framework agreements: • Agreementsduration. • Vendors pricing strategies. • Estimated demand. • Idiosyncratic industry features. • Others factors UNCERTAINTY Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Hacienda | Dirección ChileCompra

  13. Modeling FA as Options a la Black-Scholes Grounded evidence on the necessity of FA theory While standard auctions are considered an efficient mechanism in many cases, in the presence of uncertainty about future demand, future spot prices, or the desired properties of the procured product, they become less successful in allocating goods to the most efficient suppliers. The figures bellow, emphasize auction inefficiency in the presence of demand uncertainty, in which even a simple randomizing mechanism (e.g., a coin flipping) may perform better in terms of efficiency than a standard auction. This suggests that procurement mechanisms that operate under this type of uncertainty such as FAs require a special treatment that goes beyond standard auctions. Left: The portion of Bad assigments (i.e., expost inefficiency) as a function of alpha. Right: The fraction of time the big supplier is preferred out of the inefficient assignments as a function of alpha. Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Hacienda | Dirección ChileCompra

  14. Dealing with uncertainty: Systematic market risk Assessing a call premium research project • The buyer of the call option has the right, but not the obligation to buy an agreed quantity of a particular commodityfrom the seller of the option at a certain time for a certain price.. • The seller is obligated to sell the commodity if the buyer use the option. • The buyer pays a fee (called a premium) for this right. Payoff Profit 0 Premium Profit Long Call Share Price at Maturity Strike Price Frameworks agreements may include a premium for allowing the buyer handle the underlying commodity uncertainty.

  15. Dealing with uncertainty: Auction theory approach to asses demand uncertainty impact Dealing with uncertainty: Product Uncertainty and Horizontal Differentiation Gobierno de Chile | Ministerio de Hacienda | Dirección ChileCompra

  16. Strategies to Raise the state Buying Power Research Department

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