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Review! Muscular System

Review! Muscular System. True or False. Muscles make up 20-30% of your body weight?. Answer:. FALSE – Muscles make up approximately 40% of your body weight. True or False. An example of voluntary muscle are the biceps. Answer:. TRUE . True or false.

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Review! Muscular System

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review!Muscular System

  2. True or False • Muscles make up 20-30% of your body weight?

  3. Answer: • FALSE – Muscles make up approximately 40% of your body weight

  4. True or False • An example of voluntary muscle are the biceps

  5. Answer: • TRUE

  6. True or false • There are 4 types of muscles. Skeletal, Smooth, Cardiac and Digestive

  7. Answer: • FALSE – there are only 3 different kinds of muscles. Digestive is not a kind of muscle

  8. True or false • Skeletal muscles are striated muscles that hold the skeleton together

  9. TRUE

  10. True or false • Examples of smooth muscles are the walls of the stomach and intestines

  11. Answer: • TRUE

  12. True or false • The cerebellum coordinates the muscle movements ordered by the motor cortex

  13. Answer: • TRUE

  14. True or false • Muscles move body parts by relaxation

  15. Answer: • False- muscles move by contraction and relaxation

  16. Multiple choice • This muscle pulls the heel up via the Achillies tendon A. GlutuesMedius B. Sternocleidomastoid C. Gastrocnemius D. Biceps

  17. answer • C - Gastrocnemius

  18. Multiple choice • This movement brings the arm towards the midline of the body A. Flexion B. Adduction C. Abduction D. Rotation

  19. answer • B. Adduction

  20. Multiple choice • These two muscles are part of the quadriceps A. Biceps and Triceps B. Gastrocnemius and Soleus C.BicepsFemoris and D. Rectus Femoris and SemitendonosisVastusLateralis

  21. Answer • D – Rectus Femoris and VastusLateralis

  22. Multiple Choice • This is the primary muscle used in the pull up and the lat pull down A. LatissimusDorsi B. Rectus Abdominus C. VastusMedialis D. Trapezius

  23. answer • A – LatissimusDorsi

  24. Multiple choice • This muscle abducts the leg A. VastusMedialis B. Gluteus Medius C. Sartorius D. Tricep

  25. answer • B – Gluteus Medius

  26. Identify the muscle involved in the movement • EXAMPLE: Picking up a can of soda from a table and drinking it • Answer: Biceps

  27. Identify the muscle involved in the movement • Straightening the legs when performing a vertical jump

  28. answer • Quadriceps

  29. Identify muscle • Bringing arms towards the chest

  30. answer • Pectoralis Major

  31. Pressing on the gas pedal in a car.

  32. answer • Gastrocnemius

  33. Raising your heel to your butt

  34. Hamstring

  35. Straightening the arms when performing a push up

  36. Triceps

  37. Identify the movement • EXAMPLE: Heel to butt. • Answer: Flexion

  38. Identify the movement • Turning a doorknob.

  39. answer • Rotation

  40. Pushing open a door

  41. Extension

  42. Standing up from a sitting position in a chair (leg action)

  43. Extension

  44. The up motion of a jumping jack

  45. Abduction

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