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September 4, 2014 - Genre continued Ob jective

September 4, 2014 - Genre continued Ob jective I can identify the 5 major genre types and give effective reading strategies for each. Hom ework: M AP testing tomorrow! Wa rm Up: C opy the date and your objective into your notes. Today your group will be presenting your genre poster.

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September 4, 2014 - Genre continued Ob jective

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  1. September 4, 2014 - Genre continued Objective I can identify the 5 major genre types and give effective reading strategies for each. Homework: MAP testing tomorrow! Warm Up: Copy the date and your objective into your notes. Today your group will be presenting your genre poster.

  2. Draw the following graphic organizer in your notes. You will probably need to take up the whole page.

  3. Stories/Fiction http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/ba/Alice_par_John_Tenniel_30.png/220px-Alice_par_John_Tenniel_30.png

  4. Stories - Unique characteristics plot conflict characters setting theme point of view

  5. How do I read... Stories Make connections Picture the scene Make predictions about what will happen next Keep track of the events of the plot http://mcdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Custom-Colorful-Reading-Strategies-Posters/original-298769-1.jpg

  6. Poetry http://izquotes.com/quotes-pictures/quote-listen-to-the-mustn-ts-child-listen-to-the-don-ts-listen-to-the-shouldn-t-haves-the-impossibles-shel-silverstein-351440.jpg

  7. Poems - Unique characteristics A poem can be about ANYTHING! Poets arrange thoughts into LINES, not sentences. Lines are often grouped into STANZAS, not paragraphs. Sounds are important.

  8. How do I read... Poetry look at the form (how it is arranged on the page) notice the punctuation read it aloud form a mental picture http://mcdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Custom-Colorful-Reading-Strategies-Posters/original-298769-1.jpg

  9. Drama NO!!! Not that kind! http://www.cigarsage.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/relationship-drama_haha.jpg

  10. Drama This kind! http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/ijYF2jqNQCtoBa9nvDgX_05-07_example.jpg.jpg

  11. Dramas - Unique characteristics Meant to be acted out written in script format--lines 
of dialogue with stage directions.

  12. How do I read... Drama read it silently, then aloud read the stage directions and "see" the characters and setting on stage get to know the characters http://mcdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Custom-Colorful-Reading-Strategies-Posters/original-298769-1.jpg

  13. Nonfiction http://bookpeopleblog.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/fiction-and-nonfiction.jpg

  14. Nonfiction - Unique characteristics contains facts about real things / people purpose is to inform, explain, or persuade may have text features such as headings, captions, boldfaced terms may have graphic aids such as maps, diagrams, 

  15. How do I read... Nonfiction consider the purpose note the main ideas preview the text examine the graphic aids http://mcdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Custom-Colorful-Reading-Strategies-Posters/original-298769-1.jpg

  16. Media http://www.ereachconsulting.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/SocialMediaManagement.png

  17. Media - Unique characteristics available and accessible to a 
large audience can be viewed rather than read

  18. How do I read... Media It depends on the type of media... http://mcdn.teacherspayteachers.com/thumbitem/Custom-Colorful-Reading-Strategies-Posters/original-298769-1.jpg

  19. How do I read or watch media? films and tv shows know what's happening spot the techniques http://0707c778e0f1481535fe-36b693bb9065cd15445b260c56542cbf.r55.cf2.rackcdn.com//assets/df5463d8-a3df-11e2-85ca-bc764e10a080.jpg

  20. How do I read or watch media? news media get the facts evaluate the information http://www.journalism.org/files/2014/03/state-of-the-news-media-package-featured-image.jpg

  21. How do I read or watch media? advertising recognize the pitch don't be duped by dazzle http://tctechcrunch2011.files.wordpress.com/2010/01/ipad-app-store.png

  22. How do I read or watch media? web sites know the source don't get lost http://staffingstream.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/website-design.jpg

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