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The ILC - Status & Plans

The baseline design and R&D efforts. The GDE. The path to the RDR. The EGDE & summary. Introduction & latest developments. The ILC - Status & Plans. Despite the fact that both US and Asian research had been in warm technology, both regions accepted the decision and

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The ILC - Status & Plans

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  1. The baseline design and R&D efforts The GDE The path to the RDR The EGDE & summary Introduction & latest developments The ILC - Status & Plans Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  2. Despite the fact that both US and Asian research had been in warm technology, both regions accepted the decision and united behind cold technology; now, transition is complete. In August 2004, group of “Wise Men”, chaired by B. Barish, chose the “cold”, superconducting, RF technology over the competing “warm” X-band RF. B. Barish appointed as GDE director, with three regional directors: BF (Europe), F. Takasaki (Asia), G. Dugan (Americas) ICFA moved ahead quickly to appoint a Global Design Effort (GDE) to transform the technology decision into a full Technical Design Report, capable of being presented to world governments for a decision to construct. M. Nozaki Status of the ILC Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  3. The CERN Strategy group met last week in Zeuthen. Although its conclusions remain confidential, I believe that the current draft document to be submitted to the special CERN Council Session in July contains a strong endorsement of the ILC and a recommendation that Europe, and CERN, are strongly involved in it through the GDE. At end of April, EPP2010 panel produced its report. This concluded that it was very important that the US regained its leading position in particle physics, under clear threat with the closure of all US domestic pp accelerators by end of the decade. It gave a ringing endorsement for the ILC strategy, requested increased US investment in the R&D for both machine and detector and gave strong support for the US bidding to host the machine. Status of the ILC Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  4. Currently GDE is 64 strong : Americas - 22; Asia - 18; Europe - 24; corresponding to ~ 30 FTEs. • Produce a design for the ILC that includes a detailed design concept, performance assessments, reliable international costing, an industrialization plan , siting analysis, as well as detector concepts and scope. • Coordinate worldwide prioritized proposal driven R & D efforts (to demonstrate and improve the performance, reduce the costs, attain the required reliability, etc.) GDE mission Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  5. ILC Parameters • Ecm adjustable from 200 – 500 GeV • Luminosity ∫Ldt = 500 fb-1 in 4 years • Ability to scan between 200 and 500 GeV • Energy stability and precision below 0.1% • Electron polarization of at least 80% • The machine must be upgradeable to 1 TeV Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  6. Baseline Design completed in December 2005 overseen by Executive: Directors + T. Raubenheimer, N. Walker, K. Yokoya. BCD overview Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  7. Energy Upgrade Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  8. Generally they were very positive and impressed by the scale of the progress that has been made. They had concerns about the current accelerating gradient spec. and how R&D could be done to achieve it, about communications with the experimenters and also about coordination of world-wide R&D. The first meeting of the Machine Advisory Committee, which reports to ILCSC, took place last month in Fermilab & examined the BCD. MAC report Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  9. What knobs do we have to turn? Relative Cost Gradient MV/m C. Adolphsen (SLAC) BCD & AC cavities Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  10. Somewhat inconsistent Cavity performance Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  11. Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Increase diameter beyond X-FEL Review 2-phase pipe size and effect of slope ILC Cryomodule Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  12. Several suppliers for BCD: But none meet performance requirements - may need to go to 5 MW. Klystron Fabrication Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  13. TTF exists at DESY, SMTF (FNAL), STF (KEK): Stimulate SC industry in the regions - collaborate on SC technology Test facilities Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  14. BCD is “complete”. In the next phase, RDR will take forward the BCD, refine the design and in particular gather industrialisation data in order to form the basis for reliable cost estimate with the RDR. There are 3 new boards: Change Control Board; Global R&D Board; Design & Cost Board. Next steps for GDE Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  15. FALC ICFA FALC Resource Board ILCSC MAC GDE Directorate GDE Executive Committee GDE R & D Board GDE Change Control Board GDE Design Cost Board Global R&D Program RDR Design Matrix Next steps Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  16. The board has overseen the consolidation of the baseline design and the production of a Word document containing all information. Dealing with requests for changes to baseline as further work and R&D is completed. During process, all GDE members can comment on proposed change. Dealing with ~ 1 request/week. Careful methodology developed - categorise the importance of the change, assign number of board members to review it depending on importance. Change control Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  17. Design & cost board produced a (very) • detailed programme of work to lead us • towards the most important RDR deliverable • a believable, robust and affordable costing; • a preliminary, non-public version will be • available by the summer Vancouver meeting. • R&D board has to try to impose a structure • and discipline on inherently chaotic system • R&D - eliminating wasteful duplication • while preserving & enhancing necessary • duplication. Other boards Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  18. R&D board Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  19. R&D board Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  20. R&D board Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  21. R&D issues Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  22. The RDR will be produced using a matrix structure of “area systems” and “technical systems” to account for the project structure. Next steps for GDE Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  23. The WBS Next steps for GDE Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  24. The meetings are going well and detailed progress is being made. The day-to-day work of constructing the RDR is supervised by an RDR board chaired by N. Walker (DESY) which meets every week by telephone and reports to the ILC Executive Committee. Next steps Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  25. European GDE meets about every 6 months. • Discusses obviously regional issues: • how to get more resources from inside • Europe, in particular the EU; • - regional outreach - Europe has particular • difficulties & challenges here. The European GDE does NOT discuss the technical issues of the BCD or take up European positions on them - these are matters for the full GDE. European GDE Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  26. European Outreach group re-established at Orsay meeting in January. B. Warmbein joined the team recently as PA to EGDE director, based at DESY. Meeting held in DESY just before Easter. EGDE director’s advisory group also meets regularly. European GDE Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  27. Yesterday evening we had an EGDE meeting in DESY to discuss the shape of the EU FP7 proposal. We heard about European cryogenic RF development centre to be cited at CERN, about possible continuation of some current FP6 activities, the use of HERA as a prototype damping ring, etc. ELAN/EuroTeV Meeting at Orsay next Mon-Weds will also discuss these ideas. Goal to have an action plan & outline strategy in next few weeks. European GDE Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  28. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design Effort Project LHC Physics; CLIC Baseline configuration Reference Design GDE Plan & Schedule Technical Design ILC R&D Program Bids to Host; Site Selection; International Mgmt

  29. Next steps July Dec Jan Frascati Bangalore Valencia Vancouver Freeze Configuration Organize for RDR Review Design/Cost Methodology Review Initial Design / Cost Review Final Design / Cost RDR Document Design and Costing Preliminary RDR Released Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

  30. The ILC is making excellent progress and the GDE is well established. Producing the RDR & the cost estimate by the end of the year is going to be very tough - we need all the help & expertise that we can get. This is a very exciting and challenging enterprise that is vital for the future of world particle physics. Summary Brian Foster - Cosener's Forum May 06

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