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Analogue HCAL R & D studies at DESY

Topics: Slow Control Monitoring System APD studies LED Monitoring for P hysics P roto T ype T ile F iber S ystem studies. Analogue HCAL R & D studies at DESY. H. Meyer. Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 0. Slow Control Monitoring System.

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Analogue HCAL R & D studies at DESY

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  1. Topics: Slow Control Monitoring System APD studies LED Monitoring for PhysicsProtoType Tile Fiber System studies Analogue HCALR & D studiesat DESY H. Meyer Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 0

  2. Slow Control Monitoring System Aim of monitoring: correction of temperature and HV fluctuation =>crucial for APD operation Monitored values: Monitoring speed: • HV (PM, SiPM, APD) • temperatures • with termo resistors on cassettes • low voltage (LED, PIN) • 1 read out per minute • 1ms integration time Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 1

  3. HV Monitoring 4.5 days s = 1 ‰ SiPM s= 0.5 ‰ The power supplies are stable at better than1 ‰ Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 2

  4. Temperatures SiPM 4.5 days temperature sensors not absolutely calibrated fluctuations within 4.5 days: same shape SiPM LED Precision better than 0.05 K daily temperature fluctuations can be corrected => important for APDs PM LED Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 3

  5. Detector stability PM LED signal used to monitor detector stability: The PM is stable within 3% 4 days Time in min SiPM The SiPM is stable within 2% Time in min Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 4

  6. APD temperature effect studies Temperature The Setup: PMT PIN diode LED APD PIN-diode Fibers The PIN diode monitors LED shifts or fluctuations The PMT is for crosscheck The APD signal is studied 4% drop The setup was heated up 20 ºC PM PM signal PIN corrected PM is stable within 2% PM should have no temp. effect Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 5

  7. APD signal correction Temperature APD signal was corrected for LED light drop Different raise shapes: the temperature in the setup was not homogeneous 50 % drop APD temperature dependencies can be corrected Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 6

  8. Multi Tile LED Monitoring Development of NEW concept of LED monitoring for many tiles with a single clear transport fiber for ppt Tiles First results with one tile 5x5 cm2: LED Clear Fiber Using: • single clad 0.5 mm fiber 90 cm long • blue LED Light will be seen only by WLS With higher LED intensity, this system can be used to monitor 1 row of ppt Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 7

  9. TileFibreSystem • g source on Tile • PM read out • average of 4 measurements 3 x 3 cm2 tiles: 4 fiber configurations tested Setup: LY in AU 2 tiles curved diag. 2 tiles center hole 2 tiles center groove Center hole enlarged With optical greace higher light yield Similar light yield obtained for curved diag. and center hole Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 8

  10. Summary • Operational and reliable Slow Control System HV stability within 1‰ Temperature fluctuations monitored with 0.05 K precision • LED monitoring System MiniCal: LED stability of PM and SiPM within 3% will be improoved soon possibility to correct detector temperature dependence ppt: new concept developed to monitor 1 row of tiles promissing results • TFS Studies first tests on 3x3 cm2 tile curved diag. and center hole deliver same light yield Tile HCAL main meeting 30.01.2004 page 9

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