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我 要頌揚寶貴救主 , 你 的愛使我歸你, 你潔淨我又充滿我 , 使 我成流通管子。 How I praise Thee, precious Savior, That Thy love laid hold of me; Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me That I might Thy channel be. 主 阿,我願成為管子 , 讓 你奇妙大能 力 充 滿我心,藉我流出, 每時每刻不停止 。 Channels only, blessed Master,
我要頌揚寶貴救主, 你的愛使我歸你, 你潔淨我又充滿我, 使我成流通管子。 How I praise Thee, precious Savior, That Thy love laid hold of me; Thou hast saved and cleansed and filled me That I might Thy channel be.
主阿,我願成為管子, 讓你奇妙大能力 充滿我心,藉我流出, 每時每刻不停止。 Channels only, blessed Master, But with all Thy wondrous power Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Every day and every hour.
我願倒空讓主充滿, 成為主潔淨器皿, 我無力量,惟主加添, 能完成主的命令。 Emptied that Thou shouldest fill me, A clean vessel in Thy hand; With no power but as Thou givest Graciously with each command.
主阿,我願成為管子, 讓你奇妙大能力 充滿我心,藉我流出, 每時每刻不停止。 Channels only, blessed Master, But with all Thy wondrous power Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Every day and every hour.
我見證主救贖恩典, 釋放我脫離罪境, 主買贖我永遠屬主, 享受主豐盛生命。 Witnessing Thy power to save me, Setting free from self and sin; Thou who boughtest to possess me, In Thy fullness, Lord, come in.
主阿,我願成為管子, 讓你奇妙大能力 充滿我心,藉我流出, 每時每刻不停止。 Channels only, blessed Master, But with all Thy wondrous power Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Every day and every hour.
求主聖靈今來充滿, 我奉獻全心全意, 生命活水永遠長流, 從我心湧流不止。 Jesus, fill now with Thy Spirit Hearts that full surrender know; That the streams of living water From our inner self may flow.
主阿,我願成為管子, 讓你奇妙大能力 充滿我心,藉我流出, 每時每刻不停止。 Channels only, blessed Master, But with all Thy wondrous power Flowing through us, Thou canst use us Every day and every hour.