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The Use of Models in Emergency Management

The Use of Models in Emergency Management. Presented By: Armond T. Mascelli Vice President, Operations Disaster Services. Mission of the American Red Cross

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The Use of Models in Emergency Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Use of Models in Emergency Management Presented By: Armond T. Mascelli Vice President, Operations Disaster Services

  2. Mission of the American Red Cross ‘The American Red Cross, a humanitarian organization led by volunteers and guided by its Congressional Charter and the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Movement, will provide relief to victims of disasters and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.’

  3. International Red Cross Movement • International Committee of the Red Cross - Geneva Conventions II. Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - Disaster Response • National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies - 180 Societies

  4. Principles of the • International Red Cross • Movement • Humanity Assistance • Impartiality No discrimination • Neutrality Non-partisan • Independence Autonomy • Volunteer Service No gain • Unity One Society per Country • Universality Equal Status of all Societies

  5. American Red Cross • 1+ Million Volunteers & 35,000 Paid Staff • Chapters – 707 • Divisions – 10 • Services to the Armed Forces Units – 100 • Blood Regions – 35 • Partnerships – Government and Non-Governmental Organizations

  6. Primary Lines of Service • Biomedical Services • Service to the Armed Forces • Health & Safety Services • International Services • Disaster Services

  7. Disaster Services • When Disasters Occur- • Feeding, sheltering • Distribution of emergency supplies • One-on-one casework/assistance • Health Services • Mental Health Services • Family Connectedness • Blood and blood products • Recovery and capacity building All Red Cross Disaster Assistance is Free!

  8. Disaster Services Business Plan Goals • Goal 1: Deliver service effectively and efficiently Reduce service delivery costs while enhancing constituent satisfaction. • Goal 2: Make chapters stronger Align national, state, and local resources to strengthen chapter programs. • Goal 3: Partner effectively and lead the sector Expand our role in disaster relief as a principle convener of agencies and communities nationally and locally. • Goal 4: Make the Red Cross the best place to work or volunteer Attract and retain the highest caliber of disaster expertise.

  9. Distributing Supplies Florida Tornadoes

  10. Health Services New Jersey Floods

  11. Disaster Mental Health New Jersey Floods

  12. Sheltering Ohio Floods

  13. Mobile Feeding Ohio Floods

  14. Family Connectedness Registration Page

  15. Partnerships

  16. Disasters are Physical, Political and Emotional Events

  17. Disasters are complex events that require focused actions

  18. The Term Disaster is a collective noun covering a range of • very different events • - Emergency • - Disaster • - Complex Disaster • - Catastrophic Event

  19. Disasters are complex, dynamic events • - The limitations of training and exercises • Future repeat disasters are not the recurrence of past events • - New Disaster Agents • - Shifting risk profile (US Coastline) • - Demographics • - Major and catastrophic events • Hurricane Hugo (1989) • Hurricane Andrew (1992) • Hurricane George (1999) • Hurricane Katrina (2004) • Hurricane Rita (2007) • - 1918 Flu vs 2009 Flu Pandemic

  20. - Ongoing linkage between risk • assessment and risk management • - The Roman God Janis

  21. Emergency Management Models • - Prediction Models • - Process Models

  22. The Application of Expert Systems to Emergency Management

  23. In Disaster Response there are • a lot of variables and they tend • to vary a lot

  24. Prediction Models • - Agent characteristics and behavior • - Scope and magnitude • - Onset • - Impact/vulnerabilities • - Duration • Natural Disasters • Hazardous Materials • Industrial Accidents • Acts of Terrorism

  25. Process Models • I. Simplify complex events • - Critical Elements • - Background noise • II. Better understand how an event will evolve • - Anticipate changing requirements • III. Essential for quantifying disaster events • - Performance • IV. Establish a common base for understanding • V. Useful in explaining future disasters and outcomes • to non-experts

  26. Sequence Process Models • Basic • - Pre-Event • - Disaster • - Post Disaster • Phases of Stages • [Prevention] • Preparedness • [Readiness] • Response • Recovery • Mitigation

  27. Internal Function Process Models • Functions • Initiation/mobilization • Integration • Production • Demobilization • Focus • Capability • Capacity • Decision Points • Manpower, materials, equipment, expertise, timeliness

  28. Models & Emergency Management Tools • I. Hazardous Materials Dispersion • - Plant and Transportation accidents • - Nuclear Power Plant incidents 10 mile EPZ • II. N1H1 Pandemic • Hurricane Evacuation Models • - National Hurricane Center’s 5 movement models • - Area evacuation Models • - Behavior • - Transportation & Clearance

  29. Models & Emergency Management Tools (Con’t) • III. Hazus • - Earthquake • - Hurricane • - Flood • IV. Homeland Security • 15 Planning Scenarios

  30. The Future • New/enhanced Disaster Agents • Larger events • Global urbanization • Reliance on technology • Media • Rising expectations • Just in time economy

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