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Teach English To Adults Online

James coaches ESL teachers to get their own students online and build a 6-figure teaching business. James is a scientist, consultant, business coach, and an ESL student himself. His own ESL teachers inspired him to start a business to help many more ESL teachers who are currently undervalued. To know more information visit here: https://teachers.boweistrategy.com/

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Teach English To Adults Online

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  1. JamescoachesESLteacherstogettheirownstudentsonlineandbuilda6-JamescoachesESLteacherstogettheirownstudentsonlineandbuilda6- figureteachingbusiness.Jamesisascientist,consultant,businesscoach, andanESLstudenthimself.HisownESLteachersinspiredhimtostarta businesstohelpmanymoreESLteacherswhoarecurrentlyundervalued. TeachEnglishTo AdultsOnline PositionsforonlineEnglishteachers foradultlearners.Meethighly motivatedstudents,eagertopractice theylanguageskillswithaforeign teacher. UnderstandtheTransformationFrom TeachertoTeacher-Entrepreneur Whenyouareabletochargeover $100anhour,youwillbeatotally differentperson.Youwillbedoing thingsalotdifferently.Youwillhave transformedyourselffromteacherto teacher-entrepreneur. 1.TeachingSkills Youneedtoknowhowtoteachand delivertheresultsyourstudents 2.MarketingSkills expect. Youneedtoknowhowtodo marketingandhowtoget yourselfoutthere,developleads, andgenerateprospects. 3.SalesSkills Youneedtoknowhowtobuildtrustandconvertstudentsintopayingclientsat over $100anhour. “I’mateacher,” youmightsay, “Ionlyknowhowtoteach.” Mostteachersmightonlyhavethefirstskillsettostartwith.Butthetruthis,ifthey justwanttostayrightwheretheyare,justdowhateverthey’redoingrightnow, theywon’tbeabletochargeover $20anhour.Infact,it’sgoingtogetworseand worseduetothecompetition. FollowOnSocialMedia h t t p s : / / t e a c h e r s . b o w e i s t r a t e g y . c o m /

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