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The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawheed

The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawheed. Presented by Mln Abdurragmaan Khan. اَلْمُؤْمِنُ. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security.

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The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawheed

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  1. The 99 Beautiful Names of Allah: Gateways into Tawheed Presented by MlnAbdurragmaan Khan

  2. اَلْمُؤْمِنُ

  3. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security • “The One to whom safety and security are attributed in view of the fact that he supplies that which brings them into being and therewith blocks the avenues of fear… The true Al-Mu’min is He who it is inconceivable to have safety and security save that it emanates from Him.” • “It is a well-known fact that the blind person is afraid of suffering destruction in as much as he cannot see; but his seeing eye gives him a degree of security from it. In a similar way the one-armed man fears the evil which only the hand can ward off, for the sound hand is security against it. This also is the case with all the senses and limbs.”

  4. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security • Muslim & Non-Muslim are equal in terms of safety and security of the apparent world – Al-Mu’min bestows both with food, drink, medicine etc. • In the world of the unseen (Alam al-Gayb) and afterlife (Akhirah) safety and security is only for believers. Allah says in a Hadith Qudsi: لا إله إلا الله حصني، فمن دخل حصني أمن عذابي La IlahaillaLlah is my fortress, whoever enters my foretress will be saved from my punishment.

  5. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security • Importance of daily Prophetic Adhkar, Hamza Yusuf, People are in need of the Prophetic du’ā’s now, more than ever, because there are shayateen everywhere. If we could see the unseen world, I’m telling you, we would all pass out. Because there are demons all over the place. What you’re doing whilst reciting invocations and litanies is creating a space around you, that if the Jinn and shaytansee it, they have to back away. If you are consistent with this (al-Wird al-Latif), I guarantee you will see a difference in your life. And if you miss it out you’ll feel horrible during the day – it’ll feel like going outside without brushing your teeth. Put yourself in the protection of Allāhﷻ through daily du’ā.

  6. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security • عن أنس (من قال حين يصبح أو يمسي اللهم إني أصبحت أشهدك وأشهد حملة عرشك وملائكتك وجميع خلقك أنك أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت وأن محمدا عبدك ورسولك أعتق الله ربعه من النار فمن قالها مرتين أعتق الله نصفه ومن قالها ثلاثا أعتق الله ثلاثة أرباعه فإن قالها أربعا أعتقه الله من النار ) حديث حسن، رواه أبو داود • Safety and security is of the greatest favours of Allah. The Messenger sallaLlahualayhiwasallamsaid, Whoever wakes up in the morning, secure in his property, healthy in his body, and he has his food for the day, it is as if he were given the entire world. [at-Tirmidhi]

  7. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security • Man’s portion or share in Al-Mu’min. Al-Gazzali says, Man's portion of this characterization lies in the fact that all mankind is safe from him. Even more, every timid soul should hope for and anticipate help from him in staving off destruction from himself in respect of both religious and secular affairs • RasuluLlahsallaLlahualayhiwasallamemphasized this, By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer.'' It was asked, "Who is that, O Messenger of Allah?'' He said, "One whose neighbour does not feel safe from his evil [al-Bukhari]

  8. AL-MU’MIN – The Bestower of safety & security عن أبي هريرة قال: قيل للنبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: يا رسول الله! إنّ فلانة تقوم الليل وتصوم النهار، وتفعل، وتصدق، وتؤذي جيرانها بلسانها؟ فقال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: «لا خير فيها، هي من أهل النار»، قالوا: وفلانة تصلي المكتوبة، وتصَّدّق بأثوارٍ(جمع ثور: القطعة من الأقط، وهو الجبن المجفف الذي يتخذ من مخيض لبن الغنم،)، ولا تؤذي أحداً؟ فقال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-: «هي من أهل الجنّة»حديث صحيح، أخرجه أحمد O Messenger of Allah, such-and-such a woman spends her nights in prayer, fasts during the day, and so on, and she gives in charity, but she offends her neighbours with her sharp tongue." The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Her good deeds will be of no avail: she is among the people of Hell." They said, "And so-and-so prays only the obligatory prayers, gives charity in the form of left-over curds, but does not offend anyone." The Prophet (PBUH) said: "She is among the people of Paradise. [Ahmad]

  9. اَلْمُهَيْمِنُ

  10. AL-MUHAYMIN – The Guardian • The One who tends to His creation with regards to their actions, sustenance and life span. He tends to them by His Cognisance (Ilm), His control (Qudrah) and His protection (Hifz). Everyone who has complete command of a situation, who takes control of it and protects it, will be its guardian.

  11. AL-MUHAYMIN – The Guardian • Al-Muhaymin necessitates that Allah is ALWAYS in control; Allah is Ever-Cognisant; and All-Powerful. • Every situation and condition • The fire listened and obeyed

  12. AL-MUHAYMIN – The Guardian • The river Nile listened and obeyed.

  13. AL-MUHAYMIN – The Guardian • The titanic is one of the largest ships ever built with an overall weight of 52310 tons. Her length equalled 882 feet (269m) with a width of 94 feet (29m). Her total height was 104 feet (32m) with 10 decks in total. • The titanic was a luxurious palace on water. It had an on-board telephone system, a lending library and a large barber shop.It had a swimming pool, a gymnasium, a squash court, a Turkish bath, an electric bath etc. • The titanic had many new features, including remotely sealable compartments that led to it being deemed "unsinkable.“

  14. AL-MUHAYMIN – The Guardian • Al-Gazzali concludes: Every servant who watches over his heart until he supervises its depths and its secrets, and also takes possession of reforming his inner states and attributes, and undertakes to protect it continuously … will then be a ‘guardian’ in relation to his heart.

  15. AL-AZIZ



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