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The b ack story of “Stuff”--Part IV Sources of GHG emissions

Discover the sources of greenhouse gas emissions for our everyday "stuff" and how it impacts climate change. Learn about landfills and wastewater, transportation, and extraction/manufacturing contributing to 42% of USA's GHG emissions. Supported by REAP Conservation Education Program, Iowa DNR Solid Waste Alternatives Program, Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center, and UNIEPSCoR. Created by Susan Salterberg, Carole Yates, and Heidi Fuchtman.

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The b ack story of “Stuff”--Part IV Sources of GHG emissions

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The back story of“Stuff”--Part IVSources of GHG emissions

  2. Sources of Greenhouse GasEmissions Sources of Greenhouse GasEmissions for our stuff. 42%

  3. Sources of Greenhouse GasEmissions Sources of Greenhouse GasEmissions for our stuff. 42%

  4. Landfills &Wastewater

  5. Landfills &Wastewater 3%

  6. Transportation

  7. Transportation 7%

  8. Extraction & Manufacturing

  9. Extraction & Manufacturing 32%!!

  10. 42%

  11. 42% of USA’s GHG (gases that cause climate change) are generated to make, use and dispose of “stuff”

  12. Thanks to REAP Conservation Education Program, theIowaDNRSolidWasteAlternativesProgram,the Recycling and Reuse Technology Transfer Center, andUNIEPSCoRforfundingsupport. Created by Susan Salterberg, CaroleYates, and HeidiFuchtman. UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERNIOWA Center for Energy & EnvironmentalEducation uni.edu/ceee /uniceee

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