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Tier 2 Writing Interventions: Supporting Struggling Students

Tier 2 Writing Interventions: Supporting Struggling Students. Cristianne Lane, M.Ed Lee Pesky Learning Center. Introductions Logistics. r t i. Project Sponsor. Idaho Department of Education Special Education Division Richard Henderson, Director rhenderson@sde.idaho.gov. SESTA

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Tier 2 Writing Interventions: Supporting Struggling Students

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  1. Tier 2 Writing Interventions: Supporting Struggling Students Cristianne Lane, M.Ed Lee Pesky Learning Center

  2. IntroductionsLogistics r t i

  3. Project Sponsor Idaho Department of Education Special Education Division Richard Henderson, Director rhenderson@sde.idaho.gov SESTA Gina Hopper, Director ginahopper@boisestate.edu

  4. Training Outline • Struggling Writers • Current Research and Recommendations • Steven Graham and Karen Harris • An Evidence-based Instructional Model • Strategies Linked to CCSS • Two main text structures • P-O-W and T-R-E-E (Standard #1) • Color-coded Outlines (Standards #1 and #2) • W-W-W, What= 2, How= 2 (Standard #3) • Screening, Assessing and Monitoring Progress

  5. Your Materials • PowerPoint slides (yellow) • Handouts (white) • Common Core Writing Standards (pink) • Manila folder for activities • Highlighters and markers • Screening, assessing, progress monitoring handouts (this afternoon)

  6. Handouts, page 2 What do we know about our struggling students? What makes writing challenging?

  7. Steve Graham and Karen Harris

  8. Research and Recommendations The Educator Article, pages 3-5 Table Discussions

  9. Recommendations • Strategy instruction has a high evidence base • Teach the writing process • The planning step is often short- changed • Revising and editing are challenging • Time needs to be allocated to writing instruction • Writing experiences should be purposeful and offer variety • Research supports the Self-Regulated Strategy Development Model

  10. Prompts are Important! Who is the audience? What is the purpose? Considerations: Content areas topics/standards Spelling patterns Student interests

  11. Who is the Audience? Write a business letter to someone (a business, reading buddy, relative, friend, character in a story, a famous person, an insect, an organ, an alien) Publish in newsletters (articles, poems, announcements, book reviews, compliments) Write for another class, or classmate Write to the principal Write to persuade someone

  12. R= role of the writer (what is the writer’s point of view/voice) A= audience F= format T= topic or subject S= strong verb (persuade, analyze, create, predict, compare, defend, evaluate, etc.)

  13. Prompt Resources • Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium sample items • Eduplace.com (prompts and samples) • ReadWriteThink.org • TheTeachersCorner.net

  14. The SRSD Model of Instruction, pg. 6 • Develop background knowledge • Discuss the strategy • Model the strategy • Have students memorize it • Support it • Give students opportunities for independent practice

  15. Training Outline • Struggling Writers • Current Research and Recommendations • Steven Graham and Karen Harris • An Evidence-based Instructional Model (SRSD) • Strategies linked to CCSS • Two main text structures • P-O-W and T-R-E-E (Standard #1) • Color-coded Outlines (Standards #1 and #2) • W-W-W, What= 2, How= 2 (Standard #3) • Screening, Assessing and Monitoring Progress

  16. Strategy Instruction

  17. Two Major Text Structures Informational Story (Expository) (Narrative) Opinion Story Informative Personal Narrative Explanatory Research

  18. Informational (pg. 7) Story Expository Narrative

  19. Standard #1: 3rd-5th Write an opinion piece on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. • Introduce topic and state opinion • Create an organization structure • Provide reasons (3rd) and facts supporting the opinion • Use linking words and phrases • Provide a conclusion

  20. Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium Sample Item for 3rd Grade, pg. 9 Sample Item for 9thGrade, pg. 12

  21. P-O-W!by Graham and Harris • Pick my idea • Organize my notes (T-R-E-E) • Write and say more

  22. When you introduce a strategy...remember the SRSD Model • Build background • Discuss • Model • Memorize • Support • Independent Practice

  23. T-R-E-E: Paragraph Version Topic Reasons End it Examine See handouts, pg. 13

  24. T-R-E-E: Essay Version Topic Reasons Explain your reasons End it See handouts, pg. 14

  25. Topic Sentence Starters, pg. 16 In my opinion, I think… I believe… Personally, Although,

  26. Linking WordsProgression: from basic...to more sophisticated...to embedded/implied First, Second, Third, To begin, In addition, Also, My initial Next, Finally, Moreover, Not only Furthermore, Another

  27. Concluding Statements All in all, Overall, In conclusion, To sum up, On the whole,

  28. Scaffolding Ideas: page 17 Paragraph Sentence Word

  29. Mat Sam It is all about scaffolding!

  30. Do you like winter? Reason

  31. Do you like winter? fun Reason sno

  32. Scaffolding I like __________________________. Reason:

  33. I believe ________________________ is the best season. Reason #1 Reason #2

  34. I believe ___________________________ ____________________________________. I think this because_____________________ ____________________________________. Also, ________________________________ ____________________________________. All in all, _____________________________ ____________________________________.

  35. Debrief • Do you have a research-based tier 2 strategy for teaching standard #1? • Would the T-R-E-E strategy help your struggling students? • How would you scaffold for your students? • What are implications for tier 1 instruction?

  36. Standard #2: 3rd-5th Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly. • Introduce topic • Develop topic with facts/details/definitions, etc. • Link ideas • Use content specific, precise vocabulary • Write conclusion

  37. Color-coded StrategyStep Up to Writing, Maureen Auman

  38. Color-code everything...and link to READING experiences! Examples: • Class discussions • Reading informational text • Graphic organizers • Writing

  39. Tier 2 Writing Current Research and Recommendations Strategy instruction Purposeful writing experiences SRSD Strategies POW and TREE Color-coding Wrap-Up (go back and remind your reader...)

  40. Color-coded Outlines: K-1 Topic Reason, detail or fact Reason, detail or fact Reason, detail or fact Conclusion

  41. Color-coded Outlines Topic Reason, detail or fact STOP and explain Reason, detail or fact STOP and explain Conclusion

  42. Modeling the Outline Please turn to Chapter 5 in your whale book. Why are whales in trouble?

  43. Add the linking words: First Second Third To begin Next Finally Also Last Then In addition Furthermore

  44. Carter, 5th grade (before) The Thunderbird crash was scary. He almost hit a control tower. They used to have eight thunderbirds, now they have only five. He ejected at the last second. It burst into flames. It blew up lots of dirt. It was terrifying. My heart was pounding.

  45. Carter “After” page 18 Mountain Home better than Boise Smells better First, Less cars Better fishing Also, Legacy Park Better shooting Next, Illegal to shoot in Boise Conclusion

  46. High School StudentExample

  47. Scaffolding: Framed Paragraphs We learned many facts about whales. First ______________________________ Second ___________________________ Third ______________________________. I know a lot about whales.

  48. Wrapping Text We learned many facts about whales. First, __________________________. Second, ___________________________________ _____________. Third, _______________ ______________________________. I know a lot about whales.

  49. Sophisticated Example Martin Luther King is a revered American hero for many reasons. To begin, __________________ _________________________________________. In addition, _______________________________ ______________________________. Furthermore, _________________________________________ _________________________________________. Clearly, Martin Luther King embodies __________ ________________________________________.

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