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Dewey Decimal Classification at Linköping University Library - an implementation project

Dewey Decimal Classification at Linköping University Library - an implementation project. Eva-Lisa Holm Granath Project Manager Linköping University Library. Short facts about the university…. University status in 1975 Today 27.000 students & 4.000 employees

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Dewey Decimal Classification at Linköping University Library - an implementation project

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  1. Dewey Decimal Classificationat Linköping University Library- an implementationproject Eva-Lisa Holm Granath Project Manager Linköping University Library EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  2. Short facts about the university… EDUG symposium April 26th 2012 University status in 1975 Today 27.000 students & 4.000 employees Two cities: Linköping & Norrköping

  3. …and about the library 4 libraries at 3 campuses in 2 cities 100 employees approximately 500.000 printed books (of course a large electronic collection) tradition of open stacks & shelf-browsing EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  4. Outline of this presentation 2009 A time of adjustment… 2010 Preparations… 2011 Let’s go! 2012 Where are we now? EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  5. Why change & how to do it? Follow the decision made by the National Library of Sweden in November 2008 to change to DDC History of eagerness to be in the ”front-line” Early in 2009 a working group was formed with a mission to: ”From a user perspective present alternative solutions for arranging the book collection after the transition from SAB to DDC” EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  6. Our solution: 2 separate collections with the clear ambition to move books from the old collection to the new… Start using DDC January 1st 2011 Create a new shelf list according to DDC Start a new collection shelved according to DDC containing all new books …but also reclassify/reshelf all course books/text books, all reference books and all the returned books we can manage… EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  7. Lots of things to do! Information & support Discussions & planning Measuring shelfspace Weeding (again!) Technical issues ….. EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  8. …and still more Budget plan for 2011 Training for all staff and particularly for cataloguers Last but not least: Create the new shelf list EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  9. From the old shelf list to the new… We had around 1200 shelf marks/call numbers according to SAB Management determined that we should have MUCH less according to DDC Great help from lists created by other Swedish libraries Discussions with the liaison librarians about their subjects Comparisons and compromises Drafts that were scrutinized again and again… EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  10. By November we had an accepted list with around 450 shelf marks/call numbers! Why not shelf according to full classification? Keep areas together that would be spread out More clearly defined subject groups Easier shelving & easier to shelf browse EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  11. For example 200/Religion 200 - Religion 200 Religion Religion 200.71 Religionsundervisning Religion: education 210 Religionsfilosofi Philosophy of religion 220 Bibelvetenskap Exegesis 230 Kristendom Christianity Hit även böcker klassade 240, 250 & 260 270 Kristendomens historia History of Christianity Hit även böcker klassade 280 290 Religionshistoria History of religion 294.3 Buddhism Buddhism 294.5 Hinduism Hinduism 296 Judendom Judaism 297 Islam Islam EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  12. Another example 350 • 351 Offentlig förvaltning Public administration (Hit även böcker klassade 352-354) • 351.485 Offentlig förvaltning: Sverige Public administration: Sweden (Hit svenska förhållanden klassade 351-354) • 353.6 Sjukvårdsadministration Administration of health services • 355 Militärvetenskap Military science (Hit även böcker klassade 356-359) EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  13. Now it’s January 2011 & we’re ready to go live! Budgetwise this was our lucky year: 2 extra librarians hired to work with the project this year! Schedules throughout the year to work with returned books. During the summer we had ”youngsters” employed to help to make more space for the new collection During 2011 we managed to change over 50.000 books including all course books/text books. EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  14. Monitoring the transition through statistics New DDC collection = Floating collection Books stays at the library were they are returned Statistics on a weekly basis Books in the new collection: by library, by new acquisitions or reclassified/relabled Reference books in the new collection by library (compared to the ones in the old collection…) EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  15. What about the users? Information through the university website Information through the library webpage In the library: TV-monitors, roll-up:s, book marks… Most of all: friendly staff who explains and shows around  So far: mostly positive reactions! EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  16. Example from the catalogue: The book is classified 365.643, but in our shelf list there is a commentary saying that books classed 365 are shelved under 364 since we just want one section for Criminology EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  17. The marked area is the ”300-section” EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  18. …and here’s the shelf and the book. EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  19. Project status in April 2012 70.000 books in the new collection Routines now up and running on a regular basis EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  20. What more needs to be done before the project ends? One goal can be: the number of books borrowed from the new collection should reach 80% of the total number of borrowed books… Make sure we concentrate on the most wanted/most used books – for example by refining the statistical evaluation analyis Continue to prioritize staff time to work with returned books EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  21. Special collections How to deal with the fiction collection? Non-fiction for children: we have a plan, but when will we have time… There still remains more than 8.000 reference books to deal with… Periodicals… EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  22. My vision • I can see a future scenario when shelving according to Dewey is natural and dominates our libraries. There might still be a small old and odd collection shelved according to a long forgotten letter-based system. The librarians move freely and swiftly among the DDC numbers, both in thoughts and in the physical collections. The students don’t know any other system than the numberbased, mostly they don’t care at all how the books are shelved. The important thing is that they find what they are looking for. EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

  23. Thank you for your attention!eva-lisa.h.granath@liu.sewww.bibl.liu.se EDUG symposium April 26th 2012

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