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Core 1 Science

Core 1 Science. SC1 OBTAINING EVIDENCE FAIR TESTING AND PLANNING BOARDS “LEARNING IS A MESSY BUSINESS.” (DEARING, 1992). Independent Study Tasks – follow up. Read Oliver (2006) Creative Teaching - Science in reading pack Be prepared to discuss the children’s work in this chapter.

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Core 1 Science

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  1. Core 1 Science SC1 OBTAINING EVIDENCE FAIR TESTING AND PLANNING BOARDS “LEARNING IS A MESSY BUSINESS.” (DEARING, 1992) University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  2. Independent Study Tasks – follow up • Read Oliver (2006) Creative Teaching - Science in reading pack • Be prepared to discuss the children’s work in this chapter. • Read Harlen and Qualter (2009) Chapters 7, 9 & 12, Ch 19 & 20 University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  3. IST – Reflection follow up: • Use this writing frame to complete an entry in your reflective journal. You will refer to this again for your assignment. • Have you any concerns about safety in science? • What do you still need to know? • “Risk assessment is little more than common sense and prudent primary teachers do it informally as a matter of course” (Ellis 2001, p7) Comment on this statement. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  4. Session 3: Learning intentions • Explore the link between observing, hypothesizing, planning and variables • Become familiar with the use of planning boards to help pupils to structure and record investigations • Plan and carry out an investigation with particular emphasis on practising identifying and controlling variables, measuring precisely and replicating readings • Identify patterns in and establish the reliability of the data collected • Review and evaluate the planning University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  5. What is a fair test? • Consider • the words used to explain a fair test • How we make a test fair • Why we need to make a test fair • When we use a fair test • So … • WHAT is a fair test? KS1 –Sc1 2d recognise when a test or comparison is unfair KS2 – Sc1 2d make a fair test or comparison by changing one factor and observing or measuring the effect while keeping other factors the same University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  6. Fair Testing and variables • … occurs within the context of planning and carrying out investigations. • … is set up to answer a question such as ‘What will happen if?’ • 6- 7 year olds can consider fairness AFTERcarrying out a test. • Older pupils can consider fairness BEFORE doing a test. • Fairness involves a discussion about variables - factors in an investigation that can be changed or kept the same. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  7. Why do you need to know about variables? So you can:- • Help children succeed with their investigations • Manage investigations in class • Understand progression in Sc 1 • Assess children’s attainment in Sc 1 University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  8. Types of variable • Variables that can be changed or manipulated Independent variables • Variables that are to be measured or observed Dependent variables • Variables to be kept the same in order for the test to be fair Controlled variables University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  9. What is a model in science? University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  10. www.juniorscience.ie/jsss/Files/se_models.doc University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  11. Modelling Model making is an observation activity… in this case the task encourages close observation of a natural form and the way it behaves … through… … watching behaviour, drawing, asking questions…and then… …planning, making, testing and evaluating …and building confidence in problem solving. Note opportunities to develop Sc1! 11 University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  12. Planning Boards • Introduction • Uses : • Children need help to identify variables. This can be done through questioning. What are you trying to find out? What do you want to observe/measure? What do you want to change? What will you need to keep the same? • Recording the variables. • NOTE: Goldsworthy and Feasey (1997) Chapter 3 , Oliver (2006) in reading pack and Harlen and Qualter (2004) all discuss the use of planning boards University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  13. Planning a fair test using a model Sc3 Materials and their properties Making Sandcastles • KS1 Sc3 1a use their senses to explore and recognise the similarities and differences between materials • 1d find out about the uses of a variety of materials [for example, glass, wood, wool] and how these are chosen for specific uses on the basis of their simple properties. • KS2 Sc3 1a. to compare everyday materials and objects on the basis of their material properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour, and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  14. Setting a context Sc3 Materials and their properties Making Sandcastles • Mixing sand and water to find the ideal proportions for making a sandcastle. • An everyday experience in which the familiar context can develop scientific thinking and process skills University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  15. Investigation – Making sandcastles • Try making a sandcastle with dry sand. • You need to add water but how much? • Use a planning board – you may wish to devise your own to suit the context – to carry out an investigation to find out – • What is the best mixture of sand and water for making sandcastles? • Consider criteria to be used and the observations and measurements to be made. • What variables will you keep the same / change? Why? University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  16. How will you judge which is the most successful sandcastle in order to determine which mixture is the best? • Be prepared to present how you planned and carried out your investigation and your findings to the rest of the group. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  17. Sandcastles - planning • As a small group, select a variable for investigation • Note why you think this variable will have an effect - note prediction and hypothesis • Use a planning board to organise your investigation • Consider safety and risk assessment • Carry out the investigation - note use of observation, measurement, prediction, hypothesis, fair testing. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  18. Sandcastles - evaluation Evaluate carefully your investigative procedures. • How accurate was your prediction? • What aspects of your procedure might you change if you were to carry out the investigation again? • What surprises were there? What did you discover that you hadn’t thought about or predicted? • What aspects of knowledge about materials and are developed in this investigation? University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  19. Fair Testing and Planning – your role • Give time to discuss all possible variables before setting up a test. • Set up preliminary investigations or trial runs in order for all variables to be considered. • Help children to focus on the central question they want to answer University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  20. Support resource • Evaluate the CD ROM Goldsworthy, A.(2002) Teaching Scientific Enquiry. Nelson Thornes. Complete the Quiz. To access follow the links: ‘Start – Library – Subject software – Nelson Thornes – Teaching Scientific Enquiry’. Remember to make an entry on your Science ICT record. ICT record proforma available on LEN. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  21. Plenary • Skills from previous sessions: observing, sorting, predicting, hypothesising. • These skills are employed in investigations. • Today’s type of investigation requires understanding variables & fair testing. University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  22. Independent Study Tasks • Read Harlen and Qualter (2009) Chapter10 ‘ Helping development of enquiry skills’. Summarise, in your own words, the link between process skills and conceptual development. Choose an activity from a science scheme or workcard (available in the School Resources section of library). Analyse and exemplify this link between process skills and conceptual understanding. • Use this writing frame to complete an entry in your reflective journal. You will • refer to this again for your assignment. • How would you like to organise practical work in science? • How will you support the development of process skills? • Have you any queries about your role? University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

  23. Assignment • Any questions? • Hand-in date is Week 5, Tuesday 25th October 2011 University of Winchester Core 1 Science Session 4 KP

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