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REVISION 2º BTO. Conson + y = – ies (study- studies) O = es (go – goes) S, x, ch, sh = es (watch- watches/ mix-mixes ). Present simple. +. We study English My sister watches TV. he/ she / it : -s -es (play s , go es ). -. Don`t Doesn´t.

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  2. Conson + y = – ies (study- studies) • O = es (go – goes) • S, x, ch, sh = es (watch- watches/ mix-mixes) Present simple + We study English My sister watches TV he/ she / it : -s -es (plays, goes) - Don`t Doesn´t We don´t study She doesn´t study + verb ? Do you study ? Does she study? A + S + V ? Am Is Are + V-ing presentcontinuous I am studying you are studying he is studying + • V monosilábicos q terminan en 1 vocal + 1 cons., doblan cons. • Run—running swim—swimming • V de dos sílabas y acento en la 2ª, doblan consonante • Begin—beginning • Verbos que acaban en l , doblan l • Travel—travelling • Verbos que acaban en -ie , cambia a y + ing • Die—dying - I am not studying You aren´t studying He isn´t studying Am I studying? Are you studying? Is he studying? Study- studying Play-playing ? A + S + V ?

  3. Present simple The simple present is used for two main types of action: • actions which happen regularly • on Sundays • Frequency Adverbs : -always, usually, often – • every day, every week, Once a month, etc. Habits States Things which do not often change ( opinions, conditions, etc) presentcontinuous The present continuous tense is used for two main types of action: • A temporary action happening now : • Something which is going on right now (but it will stop in the future) • Algo que está ocurriendo ahora pero parará en el futuro) • A definite plan for the future : • Something we intend to do, usually in the near future. • Algo que tenemos la intención de hacer en un futuro cercano

  4. Non-continuousverbs / Stativeverbs There are some verbs that you don't usually use in the continuous form, just as in Spanish. Generally speaking they're verbs that describe states and not actions, such as these: verbs describing thought processes and opinions:think, believe, remember, know, forget, agree, disagree… verbs describing emotions:want, like, love, hate, adore, detest… verbs describing the senses:see, hear, taste, feel, smell… This doesn't mean that it's impossible to use these verbs in the continuous. It just means that it's unusual and would probably be very specific in a particular situation.

  5. Frequency adverbs and time expressions At the end of the sentence Howoften..? I do yoga twice a week • Always • Usually • Often • Sometimes • Hardlyever • Never • Every day • Once a day / week / month.. • Twice a day / week / month.. • Three times a day / week / month.. • Twelve times a day / week / month.. Before the verb She often plays golf After to be They are always hungry

  6. Past Simple • Monosyllabic ending in 1 vowel+1 conson, double conson • Stop—stopped • 2 syllables & stress in the 2nd, double consonant • Permit—permitted • V ending in conson + y i + ed • Study—studied • Vowel + y + ed play - played I played Use + Suj + V+ -ed 2ndcol I sang - Suj + didn´t + verb • Past and finishedactions. • Wevisitedthemuseumlastweek • A series of completedactions in thepast • When I openedthedoor, thedogbarked at thepostman. • Paststates. • The old lady lived in thishouse in 1887 I didn´t play I didn´t sing ? Did+ Suj + verb ? A+S+V ? Didyouplay? Didyousing? TIME EXPRESSIONS Yesterday last week/year 2 days ago In 2002 in the 80s when then

  7. Past Continuous Was Were Remember + V-ing I , He , She , It Was/ wasn´t I wasplaying + Was Were + V-ing Suj + Youweresinging You, we, they I wasn´t playing - Wasn´t Weren´t Suj + + V-ing You weren´t singing Were/weren´t ? Was I playing? Was Were + Suj + V-ing Wereyousinging? A+S+V ? Time expressions:

  8. Usos : • Para decir lo que estaba ocurriendo en un momento concreto del pasado (no algo puntual, sino algo en proceso). La acción comenzó antes de dicho momento y seguramente continuó después. • Fíjate que suelen expresar acciones largas. • I was studying all day yesterday I studied all day yesterday Solamente informas, no quieres dar la idea de cuánto tiempo pasaste estudiando Parece q la acción d estudiar fue algo muy largo 2. Para 2 acciones que estuvieron ocurriendo al mismo tiempo. While you were reading the newspaper, I was doing my homework 3. Para la mas larga de las acciones, que suele ser interrumpida x una mas breve. I was walking by the street when it began to rain.

  9. Presentperfect Have Has + V-ed 3ª col + I have worked She has written - I haven´t worked She hasn´t written ? Have you worked? Has she written ? A+S+V ? Time expressions Ever , never , yet , just , Already , lately , howlong..? For , since , in recentyears

  10. TIME EXPRESSIONS • EVER : (Interrogativas)(“alguna vez”) Entre el auxiliar y el verbo. • Have youeverbeen to London? • NEVER : (“Nunca”) Siempre con el verbo afirmativa. • I haveneverseen a class like this. • FOR : Indica un periodo de tiempo, cuánto ha durado una acción. (durante-desde hace) • I´ve known himfortwenty years. (Le conozco desde hace 20 años) • DURING: + noun . Indica cuando ocurrió algo (not how long) • during our holiday during the summer during the night • SINCE : Indica el momento o circunstancia concreta en que comenzó la acción. • I´ve known her since 1994. (La conozco desde 1994) • JUST : Indica que la acción acaba de concluir. Va entre el auxiliar y el verbo. • Have + just + Past Participle = “acabar de + infinitivo” • I´vejustwashed my hair ( Me acabo de lavar el pelo). • ALREADY : Va con oraciones afirmativas e interrogativas. (Entre el auxiliar y el verbo).( “ Ya” ) • I´vealready seen that film ( Ya he visto esa película) • Have you alreadywashed the dishes? (¿Ya has lavado los platos?) • YET : Va con oraciones negativas e interrogativas. ( Al final de la frase) • Negativas. (aún,todavía). I haven´t found it yet. (Aún no lo he encontrado) • Interrogativas(“ya”) Has the doctor come yet? (¿Ha venido ya el médico?)

  11. usos • Para hablar de experiencias y hechos pasados que han ocurrido a lo largo del tiempo sin especificar el momento. • I have eaten Chinese food many times • Para hablar de acciones que aún continúan aunque empezaron tiempo atrás.(Suele llevar “for” y “since”). Las preguntas se hacen con “How long..?” • I´ve lived here for five years ( Vivo aquí desde hace 5 años-todavía vivo aquí) • Para acciones que ocurrieron en un momento indeterminado del pasado y cuyo resultado podemos ver. • We´ve painted the kitchen • Expresar que una acción acaba de ocurrir. Entonces añadimos“just” entre el aux. y el verbo • The team hasjustscored a goal

  12. CONTRASTE PAST SIMPLE / PRESENT PERFECT • Past Simple: acciones que ocurrieron en un momento concreto del pasado. • When did Sam go to India? Last June • Present Perfect: experiencias que han ocurrido en algún momento indeterminado. • Sam has been to India. • Past Simple: acciones completamente acabadas. I lived in India in 1992. • Present Perfect: acciones que comenzaron en el pasado pero que continúan en el presente. I´ve lived in India since 1992. • Past Simple: se acompaña de expresiones de tiempo pasado yesterday, 2 years ago. • Present Perfect: se acompaña con ever, never, yet, already….

  13. Presentperfect continuous Present perfect of “to be” Havebeen Has been + V-ing ( llevar + gerundio) Time expressions I have been working She has been studying + For a year , since 2002 , how long..? All day / night / week … I haven´t been working She hasn´t been studying - Have you been working ? Has she been studying ? ? Use • An action that started in the past and which still continues in the present. Or has recently stopped. (Como todos los contínuos resalta el tiempo que está durando la acción) • You´re out of breath. Have you been running? • She has been working here for 2 years • Actions repeated over a period of time. • She´s been playing tennis since she was 8 • An action whose results are still apparent. • I´m still tired.. I have been studying all night

  14. PresentPerfect and PresentPerfectContinuous Period of time: I´ve been washing the car. I´m rather wet Completed action: I´ve washed the car. It looks a lot cleaner now The CONTINUOUS here focuses on the action going on The SIMPLE focuses on the result of the action Continuous : For an activity that is still happening. How long ? How long have you been reading that book? Simple : Completed actions. How much? How many? How many times? How many pages of the book have you read? Mary is still writing letters. She´s been writing letters all day Mary has written ten letters today. • Non-continuousverbs: like, know, believe, etc. Notnormallyused in CONT Live & work : we use either CONTINUOUS or SIMPLE John has been living/has lived in London for a long time With “always” we use the SIMPLE . John has always lived in London

  15. Past perfect V-ed 3ª col Time expressions Had + Already , bythe time, after , Before, Until , never , just + I had worked By + a time = no later than I´ll have finished my work by 11:30 (I´ll have finished it no later than 11:30) - I hadn´t worked Use ? Had you worked ? A completed action which took place before another action in the past By the time we arrived at the cinema, the film had already started Present Future Past Perfect Past

  16. Pastperfect continuous Past perfect of “to be” + hadbeen V-ing (llevaba + gerundio) Time expressions Forhours , sincelastyear Allmorning , when , until , before + I had been - I hadn´t been Use ? Had you been ? Para hablar de una acción prolongada que ocurrió en el pasado antes que otra acción breve también pasada. Suelen ir unidas por una expresión de tiempo de las del cuadro, o “although” , “because”. We had been driving for 5 hours when we ran out of petrol.

  17. Future • TO BE GOING TO + INFINITIVO ( Futuro de intención) • Para hablar de nuestras intenciones, planes cercanos, o preguntar a otros lo que han pensado hacer en un futuro próximo. Next week I´m going to celebrate my birthday. • Para hacer predicciones basadas en una evidencia en el momento en • que hablamos. Listen to the wind. It´s going to be a storm. • FUTURE SIMPLE will + inf • Para expresar decisiones espontáneas en el momento en que hablamos (ofrecimientos, peticiones, promesas, advertencias, amenazas..) I think you´ll learn this very quickly The window is open. Don´t worry I´ll close it • Para hacer predicciones basadas en nuestra opinión. He won´t come.

  18. FUTURE CONTINUOUS Future de “to be” + V-ing Time expressions At this time, at this time next… On Thursday , in the next decade + I will be studying - I won´t be studying ? Will you be studying ? Anaction in progress at a certain time in thefuture At this time nextyear, I willbestudyingLaw in Madrid Use FUTURE perfect V-ed 3ª col Future de “have” + + I will have studied Time expressions - I won´thavestudied Use By this time next week, by 10 o´clock…, In three months ? Will you have studied? A completedaction at a certain time in thefuture. Bytheend of June, wewillhavefinishedourexams

  19. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use a present, past or future tense. 1.When you get home from the shop, I ……………………… (help) you carry in the bags. 2.By the end of the school year, I ……………………… (speak) French very well. 3.……………………… you ……………………… (pay) the water bill yesterday? 4.We ……………………… (not usually eat) a big meal in the evening. 5.While he ……………………… (reach) for his cup of coffee, he accidentally knocked it over. 6.Next week, Emma ……………………… (visit) me. 7.Today, our teacher ……………………… (take) us to the British Museum in London. will help will be speaking Did pay don’t usually eat was reaching is going to visit / is visiting is taking / is going to take

  20. Reportedspeech

  21. Cambios en los tiempos verbales

  22. Cambios en los modales Can May Must / haveto Will Could Might Must / hadto Would Cambios en otras palabras

  23. Reportedquestions Hay dos tipos de preguntas: • LAS YES / NO QUESTIONS son las que se contestan con un “si” o un “no”. • para ponerlas en estilo indirecto utilizamos el verbo ask, y a continuación if o whether. • Entonces la pregunta deja de serlo y se convierte en una frase afirmativa, ya no hay • inversión sujeto-verbo(A+S+V), ni signo de interrogación, ni comillas. • “Did you speak to John last night?” She asked • She asked if / whether I had spoken to John last night • LAS WH-QUESTIONS son las que empiezan por una palabra interrogativa • (Wh- word) • Al pasarlas al estilo indirecto ponemos dicha palabra (wh-) y luego el sujeto + verbo. • ►Who told you that story? She asked • She asked who had told us that story Who are youwritingto? Sheasked SheaskedwhoIwaswritingto

  24. Reportedorders Para poner una orden en estilo indirecto cambiamos el imperativo por un infinitivo con to. Pero antes del infinitivo debemos poner un verbo que exprese mandato, como Tell u order , seguido del complemento indirecto. Hay otros verbos que siguen esta estructura aunque no expresen orden. Ask o beg para peticiones. Warn para advertir a alguien de algo. Advise para dar consejo Invite para hacer una invitación. “Stop driving so fast”. My mother ordered me to stop driving so fast. Si la oración es negativa , ponemos not delante de to. “Don´t tell anybody”He begged me not to tell anybody

  25. Reportedsuggestions • Primero ponemos el sujeto y el verbo suggest en pasado y después lo que se sugirió. • Las sugerencias se pueden pasar a estilo indirecto de dos formas: • usando una oración introducida por that, con su sujeto y el verbo en la forma base. • (El verbo demand, que expresa mandato, también sigue esta estructura) • “Let´s watch the news” Tom suggested • Tom suggested thatwewatch the news • Usando el gerundio, sin especificar ningún sujeto. • “ Let´s phone the police inmediately” • He suggested phoning the police inmediately

  26. Reportedverbs Complain Declare Deny Explain Inform Insist + Admit Agree Answer Apologise Boast (presumir, alardear) Claim Mention Offer Promise Refuse Remind Reply ? Enquire Request Wanttoknow Wonder SÚPLICAS Y RUEGOS Beg Órdenes Demand Order Shout Warn Sugerencias Advise Invite Suggest Recommend

  27. Passivevoice The reward of a thing well done is to have done it. Ralph Waldo Emerson

  28. They gave Diana a camera last week SUJETO + VERBO + OI + OD + CC Diana was given a camera last week SUJETO (OI) + BE+PARTICIPIO + OD + CC + (BY+SUJETO) A camera was given to Diana last week SUJETO (OD) + BE+PARTIC. + OI + CC + (BY+SUJ) 1.Identificar el objeto de la activa(OD/OI) 2.Lo ponemos de sujeto de la pasiva 3.Identificamos el tiempo del verbo. 4.Ponemos “to be” en el mismo tiempo + PastParticiple (3ª column /-ed) del verbo 5.Ponemos el sujeto de la activa como agente de la pasiva precedido por “by”

  29. + Se forma con el verbo “to be” + el participio ( -ed / 3ª c) del verbo principal Anastronautwassentintospace Hay que añadir “not” (n´t) al “to be”. Si la frase lleva un modal, un verbo en futuro simple o un tiempo compuesto, lo que negamos es el modal, will o have / has. - Anastronautwasn´tsentintospace El orden es tobe + el sujeto + el participio. Si es un modal, un verbo en futuro simple o un tiempo compuesto, la pasiva empieza con el modal o el auxiliar, igual que en la activa. ? Wasanastronautsentintospace?

  30. TEN EN CUENTA QUE… • Al poner en pasiva una frase afirmativa cuenta el número de palabras que tiene el verbo en activa. En pasiva tiene que haber una más. • Al poner en pasiva una frase interrogativa debes empezar por el auxiliar. • Are they preparing the meal? Is the meal being prepared? • Si la pasiva es negativa, “not” va con el primer auxiliar • They are not making the meal. • The meal is not being prepared It is said that.. / He is said to.. Con verboscomo believed, thought, expected, said,estimate, known, considered, reported… la pasiva se hace de dos formas: “Experts expect that the Chinese economy will grow” 1. “The Chinese economy is expected to grow” 2. “It is expected that the Chinese economy will grow”

  31. HAVE / GET SOMETHING DONE • Cuando alguien hace las cosas x nosotros, ej“cortar el pelo, • pintar un piso, etc. • Have/get + object (my room, my hair, ..)+ Participio (-ed/3ªc) • En cualquiertiempo = I´m having, I´ve had, I´ll have • I´m having my house painted (Me estánpintando la casa) • When are you going to have your hair cut? (¿Cuándo te vas a cortar el pelo?)

  32. Conditionals

  33. Summing up…. 1st If + present simple , future simple Modal Imperative Unless = if not 2nd If + past simple , would + infinitivo Could might 3rd If + past perfect , would have + participio Could have might have

  34. Oraciones temporales Se forman como las de 1st conditional : Present Simple , Future Simple. Lo que cambian son las conjunciones : as soon as , by the time , when , the moment (that) , etc She´ll buy a car as soon as she passes her driving test When I get home, I´ll help you with your homework

  35. WishClauses Wish / ifonly + Past simple Situaciones presentes que quisiéramos cambiar/mejorar He wishes his house were bigger If only I lived near the school Wish / ifonly + PastPerfect Hechos pasados lamentando lo Ocurrido Pam wishes she and Tom hadn´t broken up If only Sarah had arrived earlier + base form Wish / ifonly + Could Would Deseos sobre situaciones futuras, indicando q es poco probable q ocurran I wish I could improve my marks If only he would call me


  37. Who & that para referirnos a personas • Which & that para referirnos a cosas • When & that para referirnos a un momento en el tiempo • Where para referirnos a lugares • Whose expresa posesión (“ cuyo”) (* Nunca es sujeto y no se puede omitir) Omisión Pron. Relat. + Verbo = NO del relativepronoun Pron. Relat + Suj + Verbo = SI • Nunca se puede omitir si es el sujeto de la oración de relativo The man who visited us yesterday is a professor The house that was so old was rebuilt Sujeto = sustituye a The man sujeto = sustituye a The house • Podemos omitirlo si no es el sujeto de la oración de relativo The man (who) we met at the bus stop told me the truth Sujeto de la or. de relativo The house (that) we bought is very comfortable Sujeto de la or. de relativo

  38. Defining relative clauses Hay dos tipos de oraciones de relativo Non-Defining relative clauses Defining relative clauses • imprescindibles para “definir”el antecedente. • Sin ellas el sentido de la oración quedaría incompleto. The computer which we bought is very expensive ( si no especificamos de qué ordenador hablamos no queda claro el sentido) • Los pronombreswho, which y thatpueden omitirse si no hacen de sujeto. • Whose no se puede omitir ni sustituir. Pron. Relat. + Verbo = NO This is the blog whose author is unknown Pron. Relat + Suj + Verbo = SI • When y whereson los adverbiosrelativos. • When puede omitirse y sustituirse por that. • I´ll never forget the day (when/that) I met him. • Where no puede sustituirse por that y no suele omitirse. • I visited the area where all the trendy shops are. • Si el relativo lleva preposición, lo mas común es omitirlo y poner la preposición • detrás del verbo. The boy (who/that) I talked to was nervous

  39. Non-Definingrelative clauses • Nos dan información extra que no es esencial sobre su antecedente. • Si quitamos la or. de relativo la frase tiene sentido The king of Spain, who lives in Madrid, is called Juan Carlos • Siempre van entre comas. • No se puede usar that. Se forman con who, which, when, where y whose. • Nunca se omiten. • Se utilizan en el lenguaje escrito y formal.

  40. Complete the passage with relative pronouns. I work at an animal shelter (1) ……………………… takes in homeless animals. The shelter is the place (2) ……………………… the animals are fed and taken care of. On the day (3) ……………………… animals are brought to the shelter, Dr Sloan is the vet (4) ……………………… examines them and gives them medical treatment. Anyone (5) ……………………… pet is lost can come to the shelter to see if it’s there. which where when who whose Combine the sentences using a relative clause. • Here is the box. I keep my discs in it. • 2.Look at that park. I used to play there. • 3.I graduated from university. I’ll never forget that day. • 4.We invited Jane to dinner. Her family is abroad. • 5.My sister studied medicine. She’s a good doctor. Here is the box where I keep my discs. Look at that park where I used to play. I’ll never forget the day when / that I graduated from university. We invited Jane, whose family is abroad, to dinner. My sister, who studied medicine, is a good doctor.

  41. Modals

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