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Essential Git For Developers

Essential Git For Developers. Cork ALT.NET December 2013. What is Git?. D istributed version control system Open source ,written in C Linus Torvalds 2005 to maintain the linux k ernel. Why Git?. F ocuses on content not files Opt in when it comes to commits

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Essential Git For Developers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Essential Git For Developers Cork ALT.NET December 2013

  2. What is Git? • Distributed version control system • Open source ,written in C • Linus Torvalds 2005 to maintain the linuxkernel

  3. Why Git? • Focuses on content not files • Opt in when it comes to commits • Open, not closed– open source model of working is baked into the software • Distributed - works almost entirely offline • It changes how you work – commit more often, making code reviews easier • Browsing history is lightening fast • Non-linear development

  4. Centralized vs. Distributed

  5. Demo – create a repo and add some files

  6. Commands • $git init • $git add <fileName> • $git commit –m <commit message> • $git status • $git log • $git command --help

  7. Staging Working Directory git add Staging Area git commit Repository

  8. File Status stackoverflow.com/questions/15653066/how-to-track-but-not-stage-and-how-to-unstage-but-not-untrack

  9. Git stores snapshots, not differences git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-Git-Basics

  10. Demo – working with remotes

  11. Commands • $git remote add <name> <url> • $git push <remote name> <local branch name> • $git clone <path to repo>

  12. Git on the Server • Protocols –SSH , HTTP • HTTP - slower but allows anonymous access to the files • SSH - faster but everyone needs a unique SSH key • Hosting Options • Self Hosted (GitLab CE) • GitHub, BitBucket & many more …

  13. Demo – web hook integration

  14. $git pull command • $git fetch + $git merge = $git pull

  15. .gitignore file Tells git to ignore specific files / folders https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore

  16. Branching • $git branch < new branchname> • $git checkout <branchname> • $git merge <branchname> • Think of a branch as simply a movable pointer to one of the commits in your repository

  17. Fast forward merge Before merging After merge

  18. 3 way merge Before merging After merge

  19. Demo – branching and merging

  20. Git-Flow • Vincent Driessen's branching model • Defines a branching model designed around the project release, suitable for managing larger projects / large teams

  21. TIME

  22. Rebasing • “Take my commits and replay them after the HEAD of another branch.” • take all the changes that were committed on one branch and replay them on another one. • Moves a branch to a new base commit • Completely rewrites history! • Don’t do this on a shared branch


  24. Forking & Pull Requests

  25. Demo – exploring the repo history

  26. Debugging git blame $git blame [-L ine1,line2]] <file> • Lets you see when each line of a method was edited and by whom

  27. Debugging git bisect $ git bisect start $ git bisect bad HEAD $ git bisect good 1b6d

  28. Cherry Picking If you want to get one single commit out of a branch $git cherry-pick <sha-1_commit>

  29. Git on Windows • GUI Clients • SourceTree (free) • GitHub for Windows • Git GUI for Windows • TortoiseGit • Shells • Bash • Posh-git • Powershell • Cmd

  30. Advice for getting started • Learning curve • Start with the command line, not the GUI • Agree a good branch strategy with your team up front • (Almost) every should be short lived, and kept up to date with master • Commit often, perfect later & user meaningful commit messages

  31. Thanks for listening!twitter : @AIDANJCASEY

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