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Customer Satisfaction Study Wave I

This presentation provides an overview of the Customer Satisfaction Study conducted by the Southeastern Institute of Research for VDOT. The study aims to understand citizen expectations, provide guidance for outreach communications, and track perceptions of VDOT.

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Customer Satisfaction Study Wave I

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  1. Draft #2 – Presentation to Jeff Caldwell Southeastern Institute of Research Customer Satisfaction StudyWave I July 16, 2007 Part of Pulsar Advertising Contract Team

  2. Objectives & Methodology

  3. Objectives • Periodically over the last several years, VDOT has conducted an “Omnibus” study among residents of Virginia. The objectives of this study have been: • Understand citizens’ expectations and perceptions of VDOT on critical issues across all areas of Virginia • Provide guidance for VDOT’s outreach communications program across the state • Track and monitor perceptions of VDOT across the state

  4. Objectives • VDOT now wishes to expand the scope of this study to include satisfaction measures for specific functional and operational areas to be reported by the VDOT Dashboard. Therefore, the objectives of this study have been expanded to include: • Develop and report regularly key measures of resident satisfaction for VDOT’s functional and operational areas • Provide this information on a regular, quarterly basis • Utilize this first wave of the “new” customer satisfaction study to identify the most important attributes and satisfaction measures to monitor and report regularly

  5. Methodology • Random telephone survey conducted across Virginia • Designed to track key measures of contact, familiarity, satisfaction, and trust of VDOT • Survey includes “diagnostic” questions to understand the nature of the contact • Because this data will be reported as part of VDOT’s Dashboard, satisfaction measures have been expanded to included specific functional and operational areas • Interviews conducted with 1,800 residents of the Commonwealth • Sample of 200 in each of VDOT’s nine Districts • The data collected in 2006 have been recoded by District for comparison with the current wave • Interviews were conducted May 2007 – one year after the last wave of the Omnibus

  6. Methodology • By design, each of VDOT’s nine Districts is equally represented in the sample. In terms of population, this causes some Districts to be over-represented and some to be under-represented. This means that the sample is not representative of Virginia’s population distribution. To correct for this inaccuracy, the data have been weighted. • Weighting is a standard statistical procedure that allows for the correction of distributions in the sample drawn to approximate those of the population from which it is drawn. • In this report, weighted data are used for the “total” sample. When results are reported for each District, unweighted data are utilized. • The weighting rationale is outlined on the following slide.

  7. Methodology Note: In order to make appropriate comparisons with 2006 data, the “total” sample reported for 2006 has also been weighted.

  8. Methodology • For some measures in this study, comparable data are available from last year. In those instances, the results from the two waves of data are compared statistically to determine if there is statistical evidence that there is a difference from last year to this year – and, thus, that the difference is not due to chance. A red asterisk (*) is used to indicate that the difference between 2007 and 2006 is statistically significant. All significance testing is conducted using a 95% level of confidence.

  9. Detailed Findings

  10. Detailed FindingsOutline of Presentation • Monitoring VDOT Performance • Satisfaction with VDOT: Overall Measures of Performance • Satisfaction with VDOT: Functional Areas • Improving VDOT Performance • Contact with VDOT • Relationship between Nature of Contact and Satisfaction/Trust • 511 Virginia

  11. Monitoring VDOT Performance

  12. Monitoring VDOT’s Progress Awareness (Contact with VDOT) In previous waves of the Omnibus study, the research measured growth of awareness, familiarity, favorability, and trust of VDOT. The current study – reported in this document – continues to monitor VDOT’s performance on these key measures. Familiarity Favorability (Satisfaction) Trust

  13. Most Residents of Virginia Have Contact with VDOT -- Just as Has Been Reported in the Past * Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. * 2007 differs significantly from 2006 at a 95% confidence level Q15: Tell me, in which of the following ways have you come into contact with VDOT during the past year?

  14. Half of Virginians Are Familiar with VDOT Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. 16% are not familiar with VDOT and its work. About half (46%) say that they are familiar with VDOT. Q5: Overall, how familiar would you say you are with VDOT and the work it does?

  15. Familiarity with VDOT Has Not Changed Since the Previous Wave of Research Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. Q5: Overall, how familiar would you say you are with VDOT and the work it does?

  16. Familiarity with VDOT Runs from a Low of 42% in Northern Virginia and Richmond to 52% in Hampton Roads 52% 51% 50% 49% 49% 46% 44% 42% 42% Q5: Overall, how familiar would you say you are with VDOT and the work it does?

  17. Familiarity with VDOT Has Stayed Fairly Constant across All Districts NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their familiarity a “4” or a “5.” Q5: Overall, how familiar would you say you are with VDOT and the work it does?

  18. Nearly Half of Virginia Residents – 47% – Are Satisfied with VDOT Overall Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. Q6: Thinking about VDOT overall, how satisfied are you with VDOT overall?

  19. Satisfaction with VDOT Has Increased Over the Past Year 39% in 2006 vs. 47% in 2007 – a statistically significant increase* Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. * 2007 differs significantly from 2006 at a 95% confidence level Q6: Thinking about VDOT overall, how satisfied are you with VDOT overall?

  20. Residents of Lynchburg and Staunton Are Most Likely to Be Satisfied with VDOT Overall 66% 65% 58% 55% 49% 46% Lowest levels of satisfaction are posted in Fredericksburg and Hampton Roads. 45% 38% 36% Q6: Thinking about VDOT overall, how satisfied are you with VDOT overall?

  21. Improvement of VDOT’s Satisfaction Scores Is Posted for Some Districts – Including Staunton, Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads Increases in Staunton, Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads are statistically significant. NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their overall satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” * * * * 2007 differs significantly from 2006 at a 95% confidence level Q6: Thinking about VDOT overall, how satisfied are you with VDOT overall?

  22. Slightly More than 4 out of 10 Virginia Residents Say that They Trust VDOT Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. 44% Q5a: To what extent do you trust VDOT to do the right thing for the people of Virginia in regard to managing the state’s road and highway system?

  23. Trust in VDOT Has Increased over the Past Year Trust has increased from 37% in 2006 to 44% in 2007 – a statistically significant increase.* Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. * 2007 differs significantly from 2006 at a 95% confidence level Q5a: To what extent do you trust VDOT to do the right thing for the people of Virginia in regard to managing the state’s road and highway system?

  24. Satisfaction Is a Deciding Factor for Developing Trust in VDOT 80% of those who are satisfied with VDOT overall also trust VDOT. In contrast, only 13% of those who are not satisfied trust VDOT. “Satisfied” rated their overall satisfaction with VDOT “4” or “5” on a 1-5 scale. “Not Satisfied” rated it “1,” “2,” or “3.” 80% 13% Q5a: To what extent do you trust VDOT to do the right thing for the people of Virginia in regard to managing the state’s road and highway system?

  25. VDOT’s Highest Levels of Trust Equity Are Posted for Lynchburg, Bristol, Staunton and Salem 62% 60% 56% The lowest levels of trust are posted in Fredericksburg and Hampton Roads. 55% 46% 43% 42% 36% 36% Q5a: To what extent do you trust VDOT to do the right thing for the people of Virginia in regard to managing the state’s road and highway system?

  26. There Is Slight Improvement across All Districts in Trust of VDOT Since 2006 – Especially in Northern Virginia NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their trust a “4” or a “5.” The improvement in Northern Virginia is a statistically significant increase. * * 2007 differs significantly from 2006 at a 95% confidence level Q5a: To what extent do you trust VDOT to do the right thing for the people of Virginia in regard to managing the state’s road and highway system?

  27. Monitoring VDOT’s Progress Awareness (Contact with VDOT) 96%* Familiarity 46% * Indicates a statistically significant increase since 2006, at a 95% confidence level Favorability (Satisfaction) 47%* Trust 44%*

  28. Conclusion & Implication Conclusion: VDOT continues to have a far-reaching presence in the lives of Virginia citizens. Nearly all have had some contact with VDOT in the past year. Through that contact, Virginians develop understanding (familiarity) and perceptions (satisfaction and trust) of VDOT. Implication: Every interaction between VDOT and the citizens of Virginia is an opportunity to impact familiarity, satisfaction and trust. Ensure that every point of interaction is positive in order to grow satisfaction and trust.

  29. Satisfaction with VDOT: Overall Measures of Performance

  30. VDOT’s Highest Satisfaction Ratings Tend to Be for Physical Attributes and Conditions of the Roadways – Lowest Ratings Are for Planning and Management 63% 63% Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. 62% 61% 52% 45% 44% 44% 44% 34% 28% 28% 24% Q4: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to:

  31. Satisfaction with VDOT in These Kay Areas Has Not Changed Significantly over the Past Year NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” Data weighted to be representative of Virginia population. NOTE: Other “overall” attributes were not measured in 2006. Q4: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to:

  32. Rest Areas and Welcome CentersBristol Has the Highest Level of Satisfaction in Regard to Rest Areas and Welcome Centers – Salem Has the Lowest 73% 69% 68% 67% 61% 60% 60% 58% 55% Q4h: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to the rest areas and welcome centers along the roads and highways in Virginia?

  33. Cleanliness of the Highways and RoadwaysResidents of Staunton and Salem Are Most Satisfied with the Cleanliness of the Highways and Roadways of Virginia 75% 73% 67% 61% 59% 59% 58% 57% 47% Q4j: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to overall cleanliness of highways and roadways in Virginia?

  34. Signs and Pavement MarkingsResidents of Fredericksburg, Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads Are Least Satisfied with VDOT in Regard to Signs and Pavement Markings 77% 73% 70% 70% 67% 65% 56% 56% 55% Q4l: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to the signs and pavement markings on Virginia’s roads and highways?

  35. Roadside AppearanceStaunton Posts the Highest Level of Satisfaction with the Appearance of the Roadside, and Fredericksburg Posts the Lowest 74% 65% 61% 61% 60% 60% 58% 58% 47% Q4k: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to the appearance of the roadside along roads and highways in Virginia?

  36. Safety of the Roads and HighwaysResidents of Staunton and Lynchburg Post the Highest Levels of Satisfaction with VDOT in Regard to Safety of the Roads and Highways 67% 65% 59% 57% 55% 55% 53% 42% 41% Q4m: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to the safety of Virginia’s roads and highways?

  37. Quality of the RideStaunton Posts the Highest Level of Satisfaction with the Quality of the Ride on Virginia’s Roads – Hampton Roads and Fredericksburg Post the Lowest 67% 61% 60% 58% 52% 43% 39% 34% 33% Q4g: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to overall quality of the ride experienced on the roads and highways of Virginia?

  38. Communications The Lowest Levels of Satisfaction in Regard to Communication Are Posted for Fredericksburg, Northern Virginia and Culpeper 53% 51% 51% 49% 46% 43% 41% 38% 37% Q4f: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to communicating to you, that is – keeping you informed about transportation changes that impact you?

  39. CommunicationsSatisfaction with VDOT Communications Has Not Changed Significantly over the Past Year in Any District NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” Q4f: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to: Communicating to you, that is – keeping you informed about transportation changes that impact you?

  40. Maintenance and Construction of BridgesResidents of Staunton, Lynchburg, Salem and Bristol Are Most Satisfied with Bridges – Residents of Hampton Roads and Fredericksburg Are Least Satisfied 61% 60% 56% 55% 46% 43% 41% 32% 30% Q4i: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to maintenance and construction of bridges in Virginia?

  41. Traffic Management and Incident ResponseThe Lowest Levels of Satisfaction in Regard to Traffic Management and Incident Response Are Posted for Hampton Roads, Fredericksburg and Northern Virginia 66% 65% 59% 54% 49% 43% 38% 37% 32% Q4c: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to traffic management and incident response, including such things as signal timing, placement of road signs and clearing accidents and roadway obstructions?

  42. Traffic Management and Incident ResponseThere Have Been No Significant Changes in any District over the Past Year in Regard to Satisfaction with Incident Response NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” Q4c: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to: Traffic management and incident response, including such things as signal timing, placement of road signs and clearing accidents and roadway obstructions?

  43. Responsiveness to Citizens’ Needs Bristol Residents Are More Likely than Residents in Other Districts to Be Satisfied with VDOT’s Responsiveness to their Needs and Preferences 58% 48% 45% 44% 35% 33% 29% 27% 21% Q4e: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to being responsive to the needs and preferences of the citizens of Virginia?

  44. Responsiveness to Citizens’ NeedsA Significant Decrease in Satisfaction with VDOT’s Responsiveness Is Posted for Richmond NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” * * 2007 differs significantly from 2006 at a 95% confidence level Q4e: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to: Being responsive to the needs and preferences of the citizens of Virginia?

  45. Planning for Future NeedsHighest Levels of Satisfaction for VDOT for Working with Communities to Plan for the Future Are Bristol, Salem, Lynchburg, and Staunton 45% 41% 40% 35% Lowest levels of satisfaction are posted in the more densely populated areas. 29% 27% 24% 24% 19% Q4a: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to working with communities, stakeholders and businesses to plan for Virginia’s future transportation needs?

  46. Planning for Future NeedsNo Significant Changes Are Posted for 2007 in Regard to “Planning for Future Needs” NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” Q4a: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to: Working with communities, stakeholders, and businesses to plan for Virginia’s future transportation needs?

  47. Maintenance and Construction of the Roadways & HighwaysResidents of Staunton, Bristol and Lynchburg Are Most Satisfied with Overall Maintenance and Construction 43% 41% 40% 34% 31% 25% 25% 21% 16% Q4b: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to maintenance and construction of the roadways and highways across Virginia, including ensuring quality design and completion of projects on time and on budget?

  48. Maintenance and Construction of the Roadways & HighwaysNo Significant Changes Are Posted in Any of the Districts for Maintenance and Construction Since 2006 NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” Q4b: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to: Maintenance and construction of the roadways and highways across Virginia, including ensuring quality design and completion of projects on time and on budget?

  49. Management of Public FundsThe More Rural Areas Also Tend to Be More Satisfied with VDOT’s Management of Public Funds 41% 36% But, in all Districts, satisfaction on this measure is less than 50%. 35% 31% 29% 24% 19% 18% 14% Q4d: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to management of public funds in regard to the road and highway system in Virginia?

  50. Management of Public FundsSatisfaction with Management of Public Funds Has Not Changed Significantly in Any of the Districts Since Last Year NOTE: Percentages indicate those rating their satisfaction a “4” or a “5.” Q4d: How satisfied are you with VDOT in regard to: Management of public funds in regard to the road and highway system in Virginia?

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