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How to Buy Used Cars in UAE | Tips & Tricks

Tips to buy used cars <br>It is always advisable to head to an authorized used car dealer to buy a used car.<br>Authorized used car dealers issue warranty on certified used cars.<br>Take a trained mechanic along when you are looking for available options.<br>Identify the model with the best resale history.<br>Check The Engine<br>Perform a thorough inspection of the engine.<br>Look for any broken valves, pipes or burnt wires.<br>Check the under belly of the engine to look for any sign of oil leaks. <br>Make sure that the engine belt is not worn out.<br>Ensure that the exhaust does not emit thick smoke.<br>Battery <br>Look out for any broken cables or improper connections. <br>Check if the battery fluid or acid leaks out. <br>Make sure that all electrical components function properly. <br>Take it out for a test drive <br>As you drive make sure that there is not noise from the engine.<br>Pay attention to the behavior of the suspension and abnormal noise.<br>Brake hard to test the effectiveness of the brakes.<br>Ensure that the gear shifts are precise and smooth. <br>Look out for steering wheel wobbles. <br>Ensure that the throttle response is crisp.<br>Maintenance <br>Go for a vehicle which has well established service network<br>Don’t go for cars which are out of production. <br>Ensure that the tires are not totally worn out. <br>Look for dents, scratches or any variation in body paint. <br>Check the car’s service log.<br>Ensure that the seller has all original documents. <br>Visit yellowpages-uae.com to contact Used Car Dealers in UAE i.e. at http://www.yellowpages-uae.com/uae/car-dealers-used-car

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How to Buy Used Cars in UAE | Tips & Tricks

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  1. To Buy Used Cars

  2. Check The Engine

  3. Battery Check

  4. For a Test Drive Take It Out

  5. Go for a vehicle which has well established service network • Don’t go for cars which are out of production. • Ensure that the tires are not totally worn out. • Look for dents, scratches or any variation in body paint. • Check the car’s service log. • Ensure that the seller has all original documents. Maintenance

  6. Visit yellowpages-uae.com to contact Used Car Dealers in UAE

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