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Marzano’s Essential 9 High Leverage Instructional Strategies. Objectives. By the end of the session you will... examine research-based instructional strategies that affect student achievement identify various methods for teaching these strategies
Objectives By the end of the session you will... • examine research-based instructional strategies that affect student achievement • identify various methods for teaching these strategies • determine which strategies you will incorporate in your classroom practice.
Research • Robert Marzano, Debra Pickering, Jane Pollock • From books, Classroom Instruction That Works & The Handbook for Classroom Instruction that Works • Identified nine instructional strategies that are most likely to improve student achievement across all content areas and across all grade levels
Clock Buddies • Sign your name on the top of your paper. • Avoid people seated at your table. • Find a different partner for 2:00; 4:00; 6:00; 8:00; 10:00; 12:00 • Trade signatures. • Sit down as soon as you have all signatures. • You have 2 minutes 14 seconds.
The Essential NineCategories Of Instructional StrategiesThat Affect Student Achievement
Similarities and Differences Research The ability to break a concept into its similar and dissimilar characteristics allows students to understand (and often solve) complex problems by analyzing them in a more simple way.
Synectics • Find your 4:00 partner. Find another pair, finish the following statement. Going back to school after Winter vacation is like ______________ because _________________ .
Identifying Similarities and Differences Variety of Ways -Comparing similarities and differences -Classifying grouping things that are alike -Metaphors comparing two unlike things -Analogies identifying relationships between pairs of concepts
Identifying Similarities and Differences Recommendations For Classroom Practice • Give students a model for the process. • Use familiar content to teach steps. • Give students graphic organizers. • Guide students as needed.
Summarizing and Note Taking Research High leverage strategies because they: - encourage powerful learning - lead to deeper understanding - endure long-term recall Verbatim note taking is the least effective way to take notes.
Summarizing Recommendations for Classroom Practice • Use summary frames • Use a rule-based summary strategy (a set of rules students can follow to summarize text)
Summarizing Use the Triad Summarizing format to summarize the article “Moving With the Brain in Mind” Large Group Share
Note Taking Research Note taking and summarizing are closely related. Both require students to identify what is most important about the knowledge they are learning and then state that knowledge in their own words.
Note Taking Recommendations For Classroom Practice • Teach students a variety of note- taking formats. • Give students teacher-prepared notes. • Remind students to review theirnotes.
Note Taking Although note taking is one of the most useful study skills a student can cultivate, often teachers do not explicitly teach note taking strategies in the classroom.
Note TakingCornell Notes Find your10:00partner and share. What elements of the Cornell note format make this type of note taking effective for students? How could this format be adapted for use with younger students?
Reinforcing Effort Believing in effort can serve as a powerful motivational tool that students can apply to any situation
Reflecting on Current Beliefs and Practices • Think, Pair, Share - Turn to your neighbor and discuss… • How do you reinforce students’ effort in your classroom? • What is the purpose for reinforcing effort in the classroom? • What makes reinforcing effort effective or ineffective? • What questions do you have about reinforcing effort?
RESEARCH • People generally attribute success at any given task to one of four causes: • Effort • Other people • Ability • Luck • Three of these four beliefs ultimately inhibit achievement – (Covington 1983,1985)
Generalizations from Research • Not all students realize the importance of believing in effort. Implication is that teachers should explain and exemplify the “effort belief” to students. Urdan,Midgley, & Anderman 1998
Generalizations from Research Students can learn to change their beliefs to an emphasis on effort Students who were taught about the relationship between effort and achievement increased their achievement more than students who were taught techniques for time management and comprehension of new material. Van Overwalle & De Metsenaere, 1990
Recommendations for Classroom Practice Students need to be taught that effort can improve achievement. • Share personal examples of times you have succeeded because you did not give up • Share examples of well-known athletes and others who succeeded mainly because they did not give up • Have students share personal examples of times they succeeded because they did not give up.
Recommendations for Classroom Practice Have students chart effort and achievement Charting their effort and achievement will reveal patterns and help students see the connection between the two.
Reinforcing Effort • Students know what is expected. • Fair and credible evaluations are used. • Curriculum is geared to standards. • Student responsibility for work is emphasized. • Results are fixed, time varies. • Recognition of accomplishment is utilized. ORGANIZING CLASSROOMS FOR EFFORT
Providing Recognition Providing recognition for attainment of specific goals not only enhances achievement, but it stimulates motivation
RESEARCH Rewards do not necessarily have a negative effect on intrinsic motivation. Reward is most effective when it is contingent on the attainment of some standard of performance. Abstract symbolic recognition is more effective than tangible rewards.
Recommendations for Classroom Practice • Establish a rationale for reinforcing effort and providing recognition • Follow guidelines for effective and ineffective praise. • Link effort to achievement • Use the pause, prompt, and praise technique
CHECKING FOR UNDERSTANDING Base Group ACTIVITY Read the four examples of providing recognition in the classroom. In your group, evaluate each example according to the Guidelines for Praise. Determine if recognition is Effective or Ineffective Cite the specific criteria and explain your thinking.
Teacher Recognition Example 1: Dana was unable to make any connections among the elements using a table of characteristics. Mr. Mulder suggests she focus on one characteristic and look for connections. When he returns later, Dana explains how she had figured out a way to group the elements according to boiling point. Mr. Mulder congratulates her on on finding a valid connection. Example 2: Mr. Mulder circulates as students are working in small groups. He pauses at Station 1 and comments, “Nice work on your calculations.” At Station 2, he says, “Nice work on your graphs.” At Station 3, he says, “Nice work on your calculations.
Teacher Recognition Example 3: “You really did a good job working through all of the steps and checking your answers for this problem. I know you’ve had difficulties with multi-step calculations before and sometimes settled for getting any answer down on paper, even if it wasn’t correct. Your determination with third task really showed.” Example 4: “Good job. Jackson. Keep it up.”
SNOWBALL ACTIVITY On a post-it note answer this question. Why are Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition included in the nine categories of Instructional Strategies proven to increase student achievement?
The Essential NineCategories Of Instructional StrategiesThat Affect Student Achievement Homework and practice Nonlinguistic representations Cooperative learning
Homework Rationale • Why homework? - Students are in school a short time - Homework extends learning beyond the school day • Asset or Liability? - It depends on how it is used
Homework • Take 3-4 minutes to answer these questions on the handout provided. • What are the purposes of homework? • What kind of homework do you assign your students? • What makes homework effective, and how do you know it has been? • What questions do you have about using homework? Find your 2:00 partner and share
Homework and Practice Research Both homework and practice give students opportunities to deepen their understanding and proficiency with content they are learning.
Homework Considerations/Recommendations -Amount 10 X the # of the grade as a guideline -Parent involvement Parents as facilitators -Homework policy Feasible & defensible expectations -Purpose Without one, it’s “busy work” -Assignment sheets Clarify what they are doing and why -Feedback (be specific) Can improve student achievement
Practice Research • Students need to practice skills and processes before they can use them effectively. • Goal is for learning a skill, not learning information.
Practice Recommendations For Classroom Practice • Determine which skills are worth practicing. • Schedule massed and distributed practice. • Help students shape a skill or process (explicit instruction and modeling)
Non Linguistic Representations Research -Teachers typically present new knowledge to students linguistically. -Engaging students in the creation of nonlinguistic representation actually stimulates and increases activity in the brain.
Non Linguistic Representations Recommendations For Classroom Practice • Graphic organizers • Pictographic representations • Mental images • Physical models
Graphic Organizers Use Graphic Organizers to: • Activate current knowledge • Present information • Take notes • Summarize information • Assess student learning
Graphic Organizers • Graphic organizers make thinking visible. • Different graphic organizers represent different kinds of thinking. • Students must be taught how to use graphic organizers. • The goal is for students to be able to select the appropriate graphic organizer.
Graphic Organizers Give One—Get One • Take two post-it notes, on each one, write one way that you have used graphic organizers in your classroom. • Share and exchange ideas with other participants.
Cooperative Learning Research Organizing students into cooperative groups yields a positive effect on overall learning if approach is systematic and consistent.
Cooperative Learning Recommendations For Classroom Use • Teach students the elements of cooperative learning • Vary grouping criteria (informal, formal and base) • Manage group size (3-5 students)
Cooperative Learning Pair Square Locate your Louvre Museum partner, find another team. • What activity did we do today that is an example of cooperative learning? • What are some ways you group students other than skill level?
Setting Objectivesand Providing Feedback Research Students learn more efficiently when they know the goals and objectives of a specific lesson or learning activity.
Setting Objectives • What do students need to know and be able to do? • How do I know they got it? • What do I do when they don’t? • What do I do when they do?
Setting Objectives • Mastery Objectives • Language Objectives • Written in Kid-Friendly Language