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Martin Schaaper 29 May 2008. What are the Major themes ?. Achieving Economic ( growth, innovation, productivity, jobs / skills, globalisation) and Social ( health, education, environment, government) Goals.
What are the Major themes ? • Achieving Economic (growth, innovation, productivity, jobs / skills, globalisation) and Social (health, education, environment, government) Goals • Establishing an Enabling Environment: that enables the Internet to positively contribute to meeting economic and societal goals. • Creativity: innovation, participation, digital content • Confidence: security, privacy, user empowerment • Convergence: access,mobility, ubiquity, choice. • Placement in the Global Context
What are the Deliverables? • Seoul Declaration: a collective vision and guiding principles for the future; • Policy Framework: supports the objectives articulated in the Declaration by providing more specific policy recommendations based on analytical work; • Sets out a future agenda of policy issues that require analysis / multistakeholder input; • Statistical Profile: snapshot of recent trends • Background Analytical work: 12 reports on current issues: CIIP, Malware, RFID
Where are indicators issues in the draft declaration? • INVITE the OECD: • Improving statistical systems to measure the changing access and use of the Internet and related ICT networks …in order to provide reliable measures of evolving uses and the impact of the Internet on economic performance and social well-being.
Where are indicators contributions in the draft policy framework? • Building Awareness of the importance of IE(¶ 11) • improving the measurement of changing access to and uses of the Internet • Broadband Development (¶ 12) • improving internationally comparable measures of access and use of BB • Global Internet Access (¶ 58) • working with IXPs to get better measures of traffic flows
Who aretheConfirmedParticipants? • Ministers (30+ confirmed) • Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, Finland, France, Greece, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Norway, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Sweden, Turkey, United States, etc. • Oral confirmation: China • High-levelOfficials • EU Reding, ITU HamadounTouré, OECD SG Angel Gurria • Stakeholders • SAP (Apotheker), Toyota (Watanabe), British Telecom (Verwaayen), Google (Cerf), RIM (Balsillie), Fujitsu (Akikusa), Lawrence Lessig (Stanford).
What some of the potential outcomes? • Agree to measures to protect “critical information infrastructures” • Launch initiative to use Internet to combat climate change (message to G8 Hokkaido) • Open-up access to public sector information • Establish platform for cross-border cooperation to enforce privacy protection • Initiate Global dialogue to adapt privacy rules for the 21st Century “Internet Economy”
www.oecd.org/FutureInternet Martin.Schaaper@oecd.org