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EDULINK II ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Higher Education

Funded by the European Union. EDULINK II ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Higher Education. Call for proposals EuropeAid/132023/D/ACT/Multi General outlines. Implemented by the ACP Secretariat. Higher Education Challenges in the ACP.

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EDULINK II ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Higher Education

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  1. Funded by the European Union EDULINK IIACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Higher Education Call for proposals EuropeAid/132023/D/ACT/Multi General outlines Implemented by the ACP Secretariat

  2. Higher Education Challenges in the ACP • Lack of graduates withhigh-level skills in areas crucial to development • Lack of qualified teaching staff, up-to-date curricula and adequate teaching methods • Lack of qualified managerial and administrative staff • Lack of global and intra-regional linkages

  3. Response • EDULINK contributes to: • Capacity building and regional integration in the field of higher education through institutional networking • Fostering higher education of quality, which is efficient and relevant to the needs of the labour market and consistent with the ACP socio-economic development priorities

  4. Feedback from the previous Calls • 3 Calls for Proposals published, 406 valid proposals received and 66 projects financed (success rate 16%) • 1st call (2006): 5 million EUR ➙ 11 projects • 2nd call (2007): 9 million EUR ➙ 21 projects • 3rd call (2008): 16 million EUR ➙ 34 projects • TOTAL: 30 million EUR ➙ 66 projects • (average project size Euro 450 000) • 340 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) involved, out of which 260 from ACP countries

  5. Lessons learnt • The mid-term evaluation of the Programme concluded that the 66 projects are highly relevant in fostering capacity building and regional integration in higher education in ACP States • The number of networked institutions in the ACP with collaborative agreements has significantly increased as a result of the partnerships formed

  6. Specific Objective The Specific Objective of the EDULINK II Programme is to strengthen the capacity of ACP HEIs at: • Management/administration level • Academic level

  7. Target Areas • EDULINK II target areas are: • Energy access and efficiency • Agriculture and food security

  8. Types of Action and Activities Institutional capacity building • Establishment or strengthening of international relations units within HEIs • Capacity building of international relations units to support student and staff mobility Improving academic quality • Developing and implementing new curricula • Organisation of exchanges for training academic staff

  9. Financial Allocation The overall indicative amount is EUR 23 300 000: • Lot 1 –EDF: EUR 18 300 000 • Lot 2 – Budget: EUR 5 000 000

  10. Duration and financing • Duration: between 12 and 42 months • Grants budget: between EUR 200 000 and EUR 500 000 • Any grant awarded must be limited to 85% of the estimated total accepted costs

  11. Partnerships • Applicants and partners must be a public or private HEI, a network of HEI, or a Regional Institution of Higher Education formally recognised by one of the Eligible Countries • At least 3 partners, including the applicant, from at least 2 different ACP States • Number of institutions from the ACP Statesmust be greater than thenumber of institutions from the EU or from other non-ACP regions

  12. Lot 1 – EDF The 79 ACP Member States divided into the six regions 27 EU Member states 3 EEA EFTA states Least Developed Countries (LDC) (As defined by the UN) OECD/DAC Member Countries (Only when the Action happens in a Least Developed Country (LDC) as defined by the UN) Lot 2 – BUDGET Same countries as in Lot 1 except the LDC For the other countries see annex I of the Guidelines List of eligible countries

  13. Suggestions • Ensure complementarity of expertise among partners • Do not overstretch the partnership • Define partnership rules, roles and responsibilities in an ad-hoc internal MOU • Include Associates only if they offer real added-value

  14. Suggestions • Address cross-cutting issues such as, among others, gender equality and environmental sustainability • Individual scholarships for studies and training courses are not eligible • Actions concerned only or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars and conferences are not eligible

  15. Suggestions • The Applicant should make sure that a Project Management Unit is set up with a Project Coordinator and a Project Administrator • Identify within each partner a Focal Point and an Administrative Assistant • Ensure timely and compliant reporting • Ensure financial flows among consortium partners

  16. Application Procedure The Applicant sends on behalf of the partnership: • Application form + Annexes to Edulink PMU, c/o GOPA-Cartermill, Rue de Trèves 45, B1040 Brussels • Deadline for submission of proposals: 30 July 2012 (as per postmark) • Further information can be asked until 21 days before the deadline to: Call2012@acp-edulink.eu

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