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Clarino WP4 – Electronic Editions Platform

Clarino WP4 – Electronic Editions Platform. Christian-Emil Ore, UiO Clarino Solstrand-møte 12. september 2013. WP 4 – Electronic Editions Platform. This platform will enable non-technical philologists to work with digital editions of literary and historic documents:

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Clarino WP4 – Electronic Editions Platform

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  1. Clarino WP4 – Electronic Editions Platform Christian-Emil Ore, UiO ClarinoSolstrand-møte 12. september 2013

  2. WP 4 – Electronic Editions Platform • This platform will enable non-technical philologists to work with digital editions of literary and historic documents: • inspected at various levels of interpretation, such as facsimile, multiple editions and scholarly annotations, • comparisons between editions, visualization of specific textual elements, etc. • Based on the Interactive Dynamic Presentation (IDP) system, which has been tested at the Wittgenstein Archive Bergen (WAB) • The Menotec project will from its own funding provide content and tools to integrate the Menotec (Medieval Norwegian Text Corpus)/Menota (Medieval Nordic Text Archive) infrastructure into this platform.

  3. Generalization of the architecture … Main viewer Viewer 1 Viewer 2 Viewer n + + + x x x x x x • Main viewer: General information about a work or an object • Viewers: • Each viewer can display the text from various aspects and also contextual information about the text and the physical witnesses. • texts and content can be interconnected both internally and externally according to a common ontology/conceptual model.

  4. Underlying ontology – FRBRoo • FRBRoo • Common ontology for libraries and museum collections • Based on a harmonisation of FRBR & CIDOC CRM • Developer, joint international working group IFLA & ICOM-CIDOC • Libraries • FRBR Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records • For levels, work, expression, manifestation, item • Developer IFLA • Museums • CIDOC-CRM Conceptual Reference Model • Event centric • ISO standard (iso21127) • Developer ICOM-CIDOC

  5. General architecture 1 … V1 M V2 V3 • Control unit: • The ontology • Bibliographic info, URIs for the work(s) , witnesses etc. • Information about of the type of the current content displayed in the viewers • Information about fixed data dependencies between the viewers (data pipes etc)

  6. General architecture 2 … V1 M V2 V3 • Viewers: • Each viewer consists of a series of tabs shows filtered text of witnesses or other aspects of a text • Content is conceptually connected according to the underlying ontology • Information is taken from dedicated sources in the semantic web (LOB) • Information encoded as XML TEI-documents • Transformed by XSLT • Predefined style sheet and also user defined • Load on demand (ajax)

  7. Use Case 1: Menota archive Main Viewer 1 Viewer 2 Viewer 3 Information about available texts + + + + x x x x x x x x Corpus search window Corpus Result, KWIC conc. KGS Olav’s saga • Main viewer: List of available texts • Viewers 1 & 2: Text view transformed XML/TEI documents • Viewer 3: Corpus search and option window, requests are sent to corpus system as XML/TEI • Viewer 4: Kwic-concordance encoded as a TEI document

  8. Use Case 2: Wittgenstein nachlass Main Viewer 1 Viewer 2 Viewer 3 + + + x x x Information about available texts x x x Filter 1 (presentation format) Filter 2 (presentation format) complete encoded text

  9. Use Case: H. Ibsen’s Peer Gynt Main Viewer 1 Viewer 2 Viewer 3 Viewer n Text from HIS printed edition + + + + x x x x x x x x E.Grieg, Op. 23: Solveigs sang Jap. Phil. Orchestra. 1st edition 1867 Trans+facs NBO Ms.4° 4461 Trans + facs Translation into Japanese …

  10. Implementation • User interface • Javascript, jQuery, ajax • Communication: • Http, linked data, TEI-encoded information • Dedicated servers: Menota, Wittgenstein, Ibsen • Cocoon, XSLT, relational database for metadata, eXist XML database, Corpus Workbench • Use existing web-services for transformation of TEI-documents as much as possible • IN GENERAL: Depends on decent bibliographic metadata schemes and URIs!

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