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INTRODUCTION. Energy Conservation A Key Strategic Business Goal

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    2. INTRODUCTION Energy Conservation – A Key Strategic Business Goal & Way of Life in BSNL Energy Saved :- Results in Less Carbon Emission,Global warming & Climate Change Can be used to meet the demands of Priority Sectors Reduces Operating Costs Pure Profit to BSNL

    3. INTRODUCTION-Contd Telecom Business is very competitive, Energy Saving through innovative strategies Helps to remain competitive Energy Conservation is thus critical for sustainability of growth and efficiency


    5. WHAT IS BSNL REQUIREMENT Quality Ingenuity Glare Free Illumination Energy Efficient Lighting Systems Enhanced Aesthetics Space Maneuverability

    6. WHY ENERGY CONSERVATION STRATEGIES FOR LIGHTING IN BSNL TN CIRCLE Lighting Load Approximately 20% Highest Saving Potential Verification of Savings Easy Implementation very easy You can make the difference Saving in Lighting Load means energy saving due to lighting and also energy saving due to less Airconditioning load

    7. Innovative Strategies Overview Electricity Bill for BSNL TN Circle for 2006-07 - Rs.1078 Millions Rs200 Millions due to Lighting alone BSNL Tamil Nadu Circle has 2020 Telephone Exchanges/ Buildings, and 2100 Base Tran server Stations BTS Buildings divided into seven Category Innovative Strategies specific to these seven categories employed

    8. Innovative Strategies Overview Encon Measures broadly classified as No Cost, Low Cost and High Cost Measures Standards and Base Line Energy Consumption Patterns for each Category defined, and Illumination Energy Audits / Surveys conducted on these buildings accordingly

    9. NO COST MEASURES Review of Lux Level Removal of excess lamps/tubes Building Orientation/Architectural Features, use of Natural Day Light Awareness Campaigns, Change in Human Behaviour and Attitude

    10. LOW COST MEASURES Retrofitting with Energy Efficient Lighting Sources and Fixtures Providing Electronic Chokes Separating Light Switches from Group Control to Individual Control Switching ‘OFF’ lights through Sensors / Timers

    11. LOW COST MEASURES-Contd Power Factor Improvement LED indications in Panels and in all Sign boards Use of Dimmer / Dali System Replacement of Discoloured Reflectors, Shades and ensuring their timely cleanliness

    12. HIGH COST MEASURES Automation and Building Management System Energy Auditing as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) guidelines for buildings having connected load of more than 500 KW

    13. CATEGORY OF BUILDINGS Cat I Cat II Cat III Cat IV Cat V Cat VI Cat VII Telephone Connections above 4 K Telephone Connections between 1.4 K to 4 K Telephone Connections between .5 K to 1.4 K Telephone Connections less than .5K Admn / Commercial buildings Training Centres Base Transerver Stations (BTS)

    14. ILLUMINATION ENERGY AUDITS/SURVEYS In BSNL Tamil Nadu Circle, Energy Audits/ Surveys completed in 1268 Exchanges/ Bldgs

    15. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES AT DESIGN STAGE Lighting in all new buildings including Category VII Bldgs and BTS Stations provided as per Energy Conservation Building Code with light power density less than 11.8 W/MSq Cat I, II & III Buildings are designed for general lighting 100 LUX and task lighting 150 LUX with T5, 28 Watt & T8+, 36 Watt Lamps

    16. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES AT DESIGN STAGE General Lighting Control provided near Switch Room and normally kept ‘OFF’. Task Lighting circuit divided in two parts to switch ‘OFF’ and ‘ON’ 50% of lighting in each bay with separate controls for every bay

    17. ENERGY CONSERVATION MEASURES AT DESIGN STAGE Category V & VI buildings are designed for 300-400 LUX with T5, 28 Watt and T8 +, 36 Watt Lamps. Basic 1 x 11 Watt CFL Lamp Luminaries has been standardised for Cat IV & Cat VII Buildings

    18. REPLACEMENT WITH ENNERGY EFFICIENT SOURCES Compound Lighting light sources efficiency more than 60 Lumens/Watt Common Areas like entrance, lobbies, corridors, staircase, toilets, etc, mainly with CFL Corridor 36 Watts fittings with Copper Chokes being replaced with 1 X 11 Watts CFL fittings

    19. COMMON AREA LIGHTING -CASE STUDY RS 76000 ANNUAL SAVINGS IN ADMN BLDG, CHENNAI Estimated Savings : Rs.7,500,000/For all TN Bldgs

    20. NO COST MEASURES – REVIEW OF LUX LEVELS LUX level of Switch Room Lighting continuously reviewed in Energy Surveys Excess Lamps & Fittings removed to bring LUX levels to 100 LUX for General Lighting and 150 LUX for Task Lighting Incandescent Lamps completely banned and are replaced with CFL Lamps even for small rented buildings

    21. NO COST MEASURES – USE OF NATURAL LIGHT New Buildings are planned to have following built-in features:- Optimum use of day light Artificial Light switched off manually for Cat II, III, IV & VII Buildings and by providing Sensors in Cat I, V & VI Buildings Interior walls painted with light colours to get maximum reflection Orientation of buildings so as to get maximum natural sun light

    22. NO COST MEASURES – AWARENESS CAMPAIGNS Awareness Campaigns, Presentations on Energy Conservation regularly conducted to spread the message. Energy Conservation Awards for Field Engineers to recognize and acknowledge the best performing engineers Energy Conservation Week Celebrated The above measures resulted in change in human behaviour and brought out positive attitude in the Employees

    23. LOW COST MEASURES – RETROFITTING WITH ENERGY EFFICIENT LIGHTING SOURSES In Cat I, II, V & VI Bldgs, existing T 12 (40 W) fittings replaced with T5 (28W) fittings and CFL Lamps In Cat III Bldgs T8+ (36 W with Electronic Choke) and CFL Lamps are provided In Cat IV and Cat VII Bldgs, basic 1 x 11 W CFL Lamps provided

    24. RETROFITTING WITH T5 -CASE STUDY RS 75000 ANNUAL SAVINGS IN RGM TTC, CHENNAI Estimated Savings : Rs.11,500,000/For all TN Bldgs

    25. LOW COST MEASURES – PROVIDING ELECTRONIC CHOKES Purchase of Copper Chokes banned Burnt out chokes replaced with Electronic Chokes In Major Buildings (Cat I, II, V & VI) copper chokes being replaced with Electronic Chokes or complete fixtures to be replaced with T5 (28 W) Tube and Fixtures

    26. LOW COST MEASURES – Contd Group Control Light Circuits rewired to enable minimum lights switched on actual need basis Occupancy Sensors provided in Senior Executive Chambers Timers and Nature Switch provided for Compound and Common area lighting Discoloured reflectors, shades replaced and staff are motivated for timely cleanliness of Luminaries.

    27. LOW COST MEASURES – Contd By Monitoring of Energy Bills, power factor improved to 0.98 with additional capacitors Conventional indicating lamps in panels/sign boards replaced with LED lamps

    28. LOW COST MEASURES – USE OF DIMMER/DALI SYSTEMS Dimmer/Dali Systems – In the Conference Hall “Hall of Inspiration” at Chennai, Dali Controllers provided to offer variety of Scene Settings Dali system along with suitable luminaries & Dimmable Chokes offers programmable lighting system from 0 to 100%. Savings up to 30% and thus very cost effective.

    29. HIGH COST MEASURES – AUTOMATION & BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM For the Admn Bldg coming at Greams Road, Chennai following features are planned :- Centralised Monitoring and Controlling of Lighting System Use of Occupancy Sensors, Photo Sensors, Timers, Dali and Dimmable Blast Lighting System integrated with Building Management System for programmed switching “ON/OFF” lights in various areas/zones based on occupancy, day light, time of day and Holiday Schedules

    30. HIGH COST MEASURES – ENERGY AUDITING AS PER BEE GUIDELINES For the 10 Major Buildings with connected load of more than 500 KW Energy Auditing as per BEE Guidelines Lighting installations upgraded to meet Energy Conservation Building Code High Cost Measures are selectively implemented in category I, V & VI buildings.

    31. BARRIERS IN IMPLEMENTATION OF ENERGY CONSERVATION STRATEGIES Awareness Level very low Energy Efficient fittings perceived to be expensive as the initial cost is high Lack of proper guarantee (burning hours) Wide Range of choices of lamps, though helps in innovative designs, causes barriers in standardisation Energy Labeling (Star Rating) will go a long way in changing the perception and creating awareness on Energy Efficient Lighting.

    32. CONCLUSION Quality & Life of Energy Efficient Lamps (T5) and Electronic Chokes are not as per parameters claimed by manufacturers Energy Labeling (Star Rating) of BEE will go a long way in improving the quality and life of these energy efficient lamps and chokes Continuous monitoring, Energy Surveys and Re-auditing is necessary to retain the cost effectiveness of these Energy Conservation Strategies

    33. CONCLUSION - Contd BSNL as on 31.11.07 has 37936 Buildings and more than 45,000 Base Transceiver Stations (BTS) 67,776,096 Telephone Connections (25.6% market share) 35,491,814 Basic (82.17% market share) 32,284,282 Mobile Telephones (14.57% market share)

    34. CONCLUSION - Contd Annual Electricity Bill of BSNL is more than Rs.14,000 Millions Thus there exists a tremendous scope of reduction in Energy Bills Energy Conservation has become a new ‘Mantra’ (Focus Area) in BSNL to save Energy and to make this world a Beautiful and Greener Place to Live.

    35. Thank You

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