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CLB 7 Report Writing

CLB 7 Report Writing. Blended Learning, Summer 2013. Notice the tense used. Even though it describes information from the past, the graph shows the information in the present time. Expressing opinion. Other phrases can include: Personally, I think/believe… In my opinion… To my mind….

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CLB 7 Report Writing

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CLB 7 Report Writing Blended Learning, Summer 2013

  2. Notice the tense used. Even though it describes information from the past, the graph shows the information in the present time.

  3. Expressing opinion Other phrases can include: Personally, I think/believe…In my opinion…To my mind…

  4. Additional information

  5. Making recommendations

  6. Other examples for making recommendations include: This report recommends that all sections state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave. This report suggests that all sections state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave. I suggest that all sections state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organisation of leave. One possible course of action could be for all sections to state the minimum level of cover needed and establish a system for the organization of leave. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/radio/specials/1212_how_to_instruct/page5.shtml

  7. Putting it all together

  8. The debriefing report Who you are writing to, as well as why you are writing the report, is very important. Decide if this is necessary. This is usually a good idea, and can show that you are a clear thinker and have ideas of your own. Another question could be: What information should I include?(Perhaps When and where / Why / Who / What? should all be answered)

  9. Information-only reports Memos and budget reports fall into this category, make sure they only include appropriate information. This depends on the report of course. The answer will usually be obvious: by department, product type, size, geographical area etc. Another question could be: What is the easiest way to present this information?

  10. The research report This should be stated in the first paragraph. If you don’t know the answer your report will be unclear! Busy bosses like reports they can read quickly and easily. Keep paragraphs short and relevant. Look how other people in your company present facts and figures. Make recommendations on the information contained in your report. Another question could be: Who could I ask to help me? Never be afraid to ask for advice.

  11. In case You Want More… INTRO: Tables charts and graphs http://www.settlementatwork.org/lincdocs/linc5-7/info.management/pdfs/manag.info.read.LINC5/08.intro.grphs.tbls.chrts.pdf http://www.settlementatwork.org/lincdocs/linc5-7/info.management/LINC5/reading/08.intro.grphs.tbls.chrts/08.graphs.intro.act2.comp2.htm http://www.settlementatwork.org/lincdocs/linc5-7/info.management/LINC5/reading/08.intro.grphs.tbls.chrts/08.graphs.intro.act4.find-it.htm TABLES: http://www.settlementatwork.org/lincdocs/linc5-7/info.management/LINC5/reading/11.cdas.imm.pop/11.cdas.imm.pop.act5.tble.comp1.mtch.htm http://www.settlementatwork.org/lincdocs/linc5-7/info.management/LINC5/reading/11.cdas.imm.pop/11.cdas.imm.pop.act6.tble.TF-NI.htm

  12. Keep it short & simple

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