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Unit 4 Review

Unit 4 Review. Chinese Exclusion Act. passed in 1882 prohibited immigrants from China was passed because of anti-Chinese feelings in the railroad industry only legislation to target a specific group. Compromise of 1877. caused by election of 1876 Hayes (R) vs Tilden (D)

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Unit 4 Review

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  1. Unit 4 Review

  2. Chinese Exclusion Act • passed in 1882 • prohibited immigrants from China • was passed because of anti-Chinese feelings in the railroad industry • only legislation to target a specific group

  3. Compromise of 1877 • caused by election of 1876 • Hayes (R) vs Tilden (D) • very close election and Tilden was only 1 electoral vote short • several southern states (especially Florida) had disputed results due to military control during Reconstruction • neither candidate had a majority of votes so Grant created a comission

  4. Compromise of 1877 con • the commission was to have 7 Rep, 7 Dem, and 1 Ind (who backed out and was replaced with a Rep) • they choose Hayes as the winner • in order to get the South to agree to that, they created a compromise

  5. Compromise of 1877 con • Hayes would become President • military would be removed from the south • the south would get $ for railroads • some Democrats would be given jobs • this officially ends the Reconstruction Era

  6. Corruption in Grant's Presidency • Fisk and Gould- tried to get all of the country's gold • Boss Tweed-corrupt politican • Credit Mobilier- railroad scandal that involved members of congress • Whiskey Ring- robbed the treasury of millions • William Belknap- sect of war who stole $$

  7. Bloody Shirt • used to campaign for Republican candidates by reminding voters of the Republican/Union victory in the Civil War

  8. Half-Breeds and Stalwarts • Half-Breeds-James Blaine- supported the use of the merit system • Stalwarts-Roscoe Conkling- supported the use of the Spoils system

  9. Liberal Republicans • formed in response to the corruption in Grant's administration • election of 1872- ran a candidate (Horace Greeley-whom Democrats also ran as their candidate) • even though they lost the election, they caused the party to reform

  10. Economic policies supported by debtors • those who were people and in debt supported the idea of inflation • during this time it meant using the greenback and making silver available

  11. voter turnout and support for both parties • there weren't many large differences in the parties • voter turnout was very high • Republicans were supported by the North, union soldiers, Puritan • Democrats were supported by the South, Lutherans, Catholics

  12. Bland-Allison Act • law that required the Treasury to buy and coin between $2 and $4 million in silver each month • vetoed by Hayes and congress voted to override the veto • the government only purchased the minimum and this was not very effective

  13. Garfield's Assassination • Republicans were fighting over the issue of the spoils system • they choose Garfield (merit) as their Pres candidate and Arthur (spoils) as their VP candidate • Garfield won and was killed by someone who thought they should have gotten a job- Arthur became President and a reform law was passed

  14. election of 1868 • Grant (R) vs Seymour (D) • Popular vote 3,013,421 to 2,706,829 and Electoral Votes 214 to 80 • Grant wins • some Southern states weren't voting • focused on Bloody Shirt- union victory

  15. Republican Domination • Republicans dominated the presidency from the election of Lincoln in 1860 until the election of Wilson 1912 with the expection of Cleveland's 2 nonconseuctive terms

  16. Pendleton Civil Service Reform • passed with the support of Arthur after Garfield's assasination • said that all government jobs must be awarded based on merit

  17. Supreme Court cases in the late 1800's • most cases in the late 1800's dealt with businesses • for the most part, they ruled in favor of businesses and against labor unions • Plessy v Ferguson- established idea of separate but equal facilities- legalized segration!

  18. effective labor unions • Labor unions during this time had little success and many situations became violent • business owners, congress, and the majority of people did not like them • those that were the most effective were the unions that focused on better wages and better working hours for SKILLED workers (AFL)

  19. feelings toward labor unions • labor unions were growing at this time periode because of the barsh working conditions • most people especially the government strongly disliked unions

  20. Railroads • connected the country • their construction in the West was the source of racial tension • there was a great deal of corruption- railroad owners worked together to control the system and make large profits • They gave price breaks to the weathly and farmers paid high prices

  21. Economy in the late 1800s • led by technological innovations • controlled by trusts • a very small amount of people had most of the wealth • bankers controlled many key business • monetary policies were hot topic • depressions in 1873 and 1893

  22. Immigration 1890-1910 • large inlfux of immigrants • mostly from Southern and Eastern European countires such as Italy, Croatia, Slovakia, Greece, Poland, Austria-Hungary, Russia

  23. Settlement Houses • centers set up to help immigrants • they taught English, provided counseling, childcare, and cultural activities • they were established by Christian women and became a way that women could be involved in social reform

  24. Jane Addams • founded the most famous settlement house in Chicago named Hull House • instrumental in helping immigrants assimilate into society

  25. Haymarket Square Incident • labor disputes broke out in Chicago in May of 1886 • police tried to break up a protest and a bomb was thrown into the crowd which killed and injured several dozen people including police

  26. Haymarket Square Incident Cont • 8 anarchists were accused on the bombing but there was no direct proof. 5 were sentenced to death and the other 3 were given long prison terms • people associated the K of L with the anarachists and their popularity dropped after this includent

  27. Booker T Washington • ran the black normal and industrial school at Tuskegge, AL • believed that blacks shouldn't focus on their social inequality • believed that they should try to acheive economic equality but learning a skill or trade and once achevied social equality would follow

  28. government subsidies of the railroads • in order to build the transcontinental railroad, the government gave monetary grants to fund the construction companies • they also gave land grants to the companies • see page 537

  29. role of the government in the late 1800s • in the late 1800s the government did the following: • protect private property rights • give away public land • use tariffs to protect American businesses • use court orders to prevent/stop workers from striking

  30. W.E.B. DuBois • founder of the NAACP • demanded social and economic equality for blacks • he believed this moment should start with the talented tenth who would become equal and help to push the race forward

  31. Homestead Act • passed in 1862 • the government gave western land to settlers • they could get up to 160 acres for about $30 • they had to live on it for 5 years and make improvements to it • was instrumental in settling the west

  32. Robber Barons • knickname given to wealthy industrials in the late 1800s

  33. American Cities • became crowded with immigrants who often settled into neighbors • were dirty, disease ridden • lacked good waste managment and clean water • began to see the weathly move toward the outside of the city because they could afford transportation

  34. Gibson Girl • magazine image of an independent and athletic new woman • potrayed women as independent and assertive • page 555

  35. Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan • Carnegie- Steel- Vertical Intergration (own all ascepts from start to finish) • Rockefeller- Oil-Horiztonal Intergration (own all competitors) • Morgan- Banking-interlocking directorate (group rivals together and place his officers on their board)

  36. Economic Crisis 1893 • caused by overbuilding, overspeculation, labor unrest, argicultural problems, monetary unstability caused by free silver, and unpaid loans from Europe • the gold reserves were very low and in 1895 Morgan loaned the US $65 million in gold

  37. agriculture in the south and west • due to technological advances, agriculture production increased greatly • this caused prices of agricultural products to drop • many farmers were in serious financial trouble as a result

  38. Mining • mining for gold and silver attracted a great deal of people to the west

  39. Election of 1896 • William Jennings Bryan was the Democratic and Populist party candidate • William McKinley was the Republican • main issue was Gold vs Silver • Bryan makes "Cross of Gold" speech in favor of silver • McKinley wins and Gold issue is settled • represents class divisons (pg 637)

  40. Election issues • 1888- Tariffs • 1892- Tariffs • 1896- Gold vs Silver • 1900- Imperialism

  41. Interstate Commerce Act • created to regulate businesses that operated across state borders • aimed at the railroads • banned price discrimination and rebates • enacted because railroads were giving breaks to the wealthy • Interstate Commerce Commission created to enforce this

  42. Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis • stated that the frontier was an essential part of America • frontier was the line between the civilzes and the uncivilized • was constantly pushing west • once the frontier was gone, America would find new places to civilize

  43. Helen Hunt Jackson's A Century of Dishonor • written in 1890 • it detailed the mistreatment of native americans

  44. New South • after Reconstruction • focus on changing the southern economy • connect the south with railroads • bring industry (manufacturing) • become more self-sufficient

  45. Populist Party Platform • free silver • income tax • government control of transportation and communication • direct election of senators • 1 term limit for president • initiative and referendum

  46. Pullman Strike • railroad workers in Chicago went on strike after the company cut their wages • led by Eugene Debs (leader of American Railway Union) • strike interfered with mail delivery and federal troops were brought in to crush the strike

  47. precipitation in the Great West • see page 612 • DRY!

  48. Billion $ Congress • Republican Congress under Harrison decided to spend the surplus by passed the Pension Act • Pension Act gave large pensions to Civil War Union veterans

  49. Coxey's Army • Jacob Coxey led a group of unemployed workers to march on Washington DC • demonstrates the difficult economy and the growing workers' movement

  50. Dawes Act • passed in 1887 • dissolved tribes as legal entites, took away tribal ownership of land • Indians were supposed to assimilate into American culture • if they followed the rules, they would eventually be given citizenship • this marks a change in policy towards Native Americans

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