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Low-Level Program Verification

Low-Level Program Verification. CPU. Components of a Certifying Framework. Specifications. certified code (machine code + proof) specifications: program safety/security/correctness + machine model automated proof checker need not trust the correctness of proofs. No. Proof.

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Low-Level Program Verification

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  1. Low-Level Program Verification

  2. CPU Components of a Certifying Framework Specifications • certified code (machine code + proof) • specifications: program safety/security/correctness + machine model • automated proof checker need not trust the correctness of proofs No Proof Proof Checker Yes machine code

  3. Low-Level Machine Code Verification • Machine code is the executable form of programs • Why verify machine code • Bugs in compilers may produce buggy machine code, even if source code is correct • There are manually written assembly code in OS kernels

  4. The Machine (data heap) H f1: I1 addu … lw … sw … … j f pc 0 1 2 … f2: I2 r1 r2 r3 … rn f3: I3 (register file) R … (code heap) C (state) S ::=(H,R) (instr. seq.) I ::={fI}* (program) P ::=(C,S,I)

  5. Operational semantics

  6. The CAP Logic [Yu et al. ESOP 2003] Certified Assembly Programming Judgments

  7. State assertions - Examples a   S. S.H(100) > 0  S.R(r1) = 17 a'   S. odd(S.R(r1) ) S. a S  a' S

  8. Inference Rules Well-formed program: Well-formed code heap:

  9. Inference Rules (2)

  10. Inference Rules (3)  means logical implication

  11. Verification of malloc/free

  12. Verification of malloc/free (2)

  13. Soundness Lemma (Preservation). If and , then there exists an assertion a’ such that . Lemma (Progress). If , then there exists a program such that

  14. Soundness (2) Theorem (Soundness). If , then for all natural number n, there exists a program such that , and then then and then

  15. a1 a2 a3 Program Specifications (spec) ::={fa}* (data heap) H a f1: I1 addu … lw … sw … … j f pc 0 1 2 … f2: I2 r1 r2 r3 … rn f3: I3 (register file) R … (code heap) C (state) S ::=(H,R) (instr. seq.) I ::={fI}* (program) P ::=(C,S,I)

  16. c1 c2 c3 cn … P0 P1 P2 Pn Invariant-Based Verification Initial condition:Inv(P0) Progress: if Inv(P), then P’. P c P’. Preservation: if Inv(P) and P cP’, then Inv(P’).

  17. stack fp f: ... sw $ra, -4($fp) h: jal h ;; $ra contains ct ct: lw $ra, -4($fp) jr $ra ... jr $ra How to verify function call? R void f(){ void h(){ h(); return; return; } } ra ct ?? pc Does f use the right return addr.?

  18. {$ra = n …} g0 g1 {$ra = n …} Specifications • Challenges • f uses the “right” return addr.? • Hoare triple {p} f {q}? • In different basic blocks! f: ... sw $ra, -4($fp) jal h ct: lw $ra, -4($fp) ... jr $ra {(p0, g0)} • SCAP specifications: (p, g) • p: State  Prop • g: State  State  Prop {(p1, g1)} g0 S S’ S’.$ra = S.$ra …

  19. Program Spec. and Code Pointers • Program Specification ::= {f1(p1,g1), …,fn(pn,gn)} • “safe” to return (jr $ra): • $radom()  ($ra)=(p,g) • pholds at the time of return p0 p1 jal f p2 jal h g2 g0 g1 p3 jr$ra g3 p4 jr $ra … g4 jr $ra

  20. SCAP : Stack Invariant Always safe to return? p0 S0 g0 p1 jr $ra g0 S0S1  S1.$ra   (S1.$ra))=(p1, g1) p1S1 S1 g1 p2 S2 g0 S0S1  g1 S1S2  S2.$ra   (S2.$ra)=(p2, g2) p2S2 g2 p3 S3 g0 S0S1  g1 S1S2  g2 S2S3  S3.$ra    (S3.$ra)=(p3, g3) p3 S3 g3 … Logical control stack

  21. SCAP : Stack Invariant WFST(n, g0, S0, )  S1. g0 S0 S1   p1,g1. (S1.$ra)=(p1, g1)  p1 S1  WFST(n-1, g1, S1, ) WFST(0, g0, S0, )   S1. g0 S0 S1 Invariant: p S  n.WFST(n, g, S, ) p0 S0 g0 p1 jr $ra S1 g1 p2 S2 g2 p3 S3 g3 Logical control stack

  22. c S p’,g’ p S  n.WFST(n,g,S,) p’ S’  n.WFST(n,g’,S’,) SCAP : Invariant Preservation • Inv(S): p S  n.WFST(n, g, S, ) S’

  23. n+1 jal f SCAP: call p S  WFST(n, g, S, ) p0 S0 WFST(n+1, g0, S0, ) p p0 p0 S S0 g0 g0 p1 p1 g jr $ra jr $ra g1 g1 S1 S1 n n S2 S2 … … p S  p0 S0 g0 S0 S1 S0.$ra = S1.$ra p S  g0 S0 S1 p1 S1 p S  g0 S0 S1  g1 S1 S2  g S S2

  24. SCAP: the call rule (p0, g0) = (f)(p1, g1) = (fret) H,R. p (H,R)  p0 (H,R{rafret}) H,R,S1. p (H,R)  g0 (H,R{rafret}) S1  p1 S1  (S2. g1 S1 S2  g S S2) S0,S1. g0 S0 S1 S0.$ra = S1.$ra  |- {(p,g)} jal f fret

  25. SCAP: ret p S  WFST(n, g S, ) p1 S1 WFST(n-1, g1 S1, ) p n p1 p1 S g S1 g1 g1 jr $ra n-1 n-1 … … p S  g S S1

  26. SCAP: return rule S. p S  g S S  |- {(p,g)} jr $ra

  27. SCAP: direct jump (or tail call) p S  WFST(n, g S, ) p0 S0 WFST(n, g0 S0, ) p p0 p0 S S0 g0 g0 g jr $ra jr $ra j f n n S1 S1 … … p S  p0 S0 p S  g0 S0 S1  g S S1

  28. SCAP: sequential  |- {(p’,g’)} I S. p S  p’(AuxStep(c,S)) S,S’. p S  g’(AuxStep(c,S)) S’  g S S’  |- {(p,g)} c;I

  29. Other control flows • Stack unwinding • Stack cutting • setjmp/longjmp in C

  30. Multi-ret p1 p g1 jr ra g Call with Multiple Return Addr.

  31. Call with Multiple Ret. or Tail Call

  32. Multi-ret p1 p1 p p g1 g1 jr ra jr ra g g + Tail-call p1 p g1 g jr ra Generalization: Stack unwinding/cutting

  33. Change of Invariant

  34. env cannot outlive the stack frame of rev ! f0 f0 … … setjmp/longjmp jmp_buf env = …; void cmp0(int x,jmp_buf env){ cmp1(x, env); } int rev(int x){ if (setjmp(env) == 0){ cmp0(x, env); return 0; }else{ return 1; } } pc pc void cmp1(int x,jmp_buf env){ if (x == 0) longjmp(env, 1); else return; } pc env sp …

  35. Read the paper at: http://flint.cs.yale.edu/flint/publications/sbca.html

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