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Reliable Ethernet

Reliable Ethernet. By: Aleksandr Movsesyan Advisor: Hugh Smith. OSI Model. Packet Routing - BGP. The host machine figures out the IP address of the destination and places it in the IP header of the packet The host machine then sends the packet to its network router.

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Reliable Ethernet

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  1. Reliable Ethernet By: Aleksandr Movsesyan Advisor: Hugh Smith

  2. OSI Model

  3. Packet Routing - BGP • The host machine figures out the IP address of the destination and places it in the IP header of the packet • The host machine then sends the packet to its network router. • Each router has an network address and a subnet mask • The router then looks at the IP address and applies a subnet mask • If the network address of the destination network is on the same network or the destination is directly connected to the router then the router sends the packet to the correct link to get to its destination • Otherwise, the router sends the packet to its default gateway, which is another router • These step are then repeated until the packet reaches its destination


  5. Why am I Talking? Faster error detection on Ethernet Quicker to recover from errors in packets

  6. Who Cares? • Our target audience is people and companies who have time critical data and need to send it over a cheap solution • Governments • Data Centers • My project will also hopefully increase the speed of internet itself and allow all users to enjoy faster speeds, so YOU as well.

  7. What Out There? • Many work has been done to help companies and people for more reliable networks. • These solutions include: • InfiniBand • Fiber Optics • Gigabit Ethernet • All good, but expensive. • Is there a good, cheap solution • Yes

  8. UETS/EFR • UETS – Universal Ethernet Telecommunications Service • Ethernet switching architechture • EFR – Ethernet Fabric Routing • Topological and hierarchically assigned standard local MAC addresses. • Benefits: • Secure • Scalable • Low cost/performance ratio • Compatible with existing Ethernet and IP networks

  9. UETS/EFR(cont) • UETS domain is a network composed of: • UETS network nodes(CUE) • Network terminals(NTE/TRUE) • End nodes(TUE) • Services like Ethernet DNS(EDNS) are also used • End nodes can have: • TCP/IP • LLC • EDNS translates Domain Name or IP address into MAC addresses upon request at end nodes

  10. UETS/EFR(cont) • CUE(Central Universal Ethernet) is a new network node concept • Uses hierarchical local (U/L bit = 1) addresses linked to physical port ids. • Frame switching and routing based on local MAC destination addresses • Assigned an address prefix and a bit mask of variable length • Destination MAC addresses that match with the address prefix are switched according to the bits of the bit mask, selecting the port according to the value of the bit group.

  11. UETS/EFR(cont) • NTE • Gateway between an Ethernet 802.1 LAN and a UETS network • Performs address translation(ENAT) or encapsulation between 802.1 universal(UMAC) and UETS local(LMAC) addresses • Intercepts DNS requests and conveys it to the EDNS service • In UETS domain, MAC addresses are physically dependent and controlled by ISP or network owner, allowing hardware based switching and enhancing network security by preventing layer two address spoofing. • These addresses may be hidden to service users for enhanced security.

  12. Protocol Stack Applications use sockets to interface with layer two LLC protocol connectionless and connection oriented variants Uses a dual stack to guarantee the interoperability with TCP/IP hosts and networks

  13. LLC over Ethernet Currently apps use ports at transport(TCP/UDP) protocol layer to id points of access in a machine and to define connections using endpoints service id. UETS stack does this by using link service access points(LSAP) that provides interface ports for users above LLC sub layer

  14. TCP/IP over Ethernet • End nodes use TCP/IP in the standard way • Isolated Ethernet and IP domains • Possible to offer simultaneously services in the Ethernet domain with the IEEE 802.2 LLC protocols and in the IP domain with the IP, UDP, and TCP protocols.

  15. MAC addressing • Structure • Locally administered Ethernet MAC(LMAC) • Universal/local (U/L) bit, adjacent to the individual/group (I/G) address bit, is set to Local value • If U/L = 1 then the entire 48-bit address has been locally administered. • Universal Addresses(UMAC) are not allowed inside an EFR domain • Configuration • EFR switching is based on the correlation of MAC addresses to the physical hardware architecture • Can be done as a standard network management activity via SNMP over Ethernet or via automatic address assignment protocols, executed by EFR switches through info exchange with root switch and address server

  16. MAC addressing(cont) • LMAC addresses assignment • May be assigned hierarchically according to the network topology if switches • May correspond to physical design of switches • Allows switching frames based only on UETS LMAC destination address • Pseudo-IP mode • 6 byte MAC address structure permits use of IPv4 addresses as layer two addresses embedded in the 6 byte address • Mobile and fixed addresses • Use of a bit next to the U/L bit to indicate mobile or fixed UETS address • Multicast addresses • Allowed through snooping of subscriptions to multicast groups in a way similar to IGMP snooping and GMRP in routers

  17. Good Aspects • Scalability and domain size • Able to be scaled from small domains up to international world-wide domains due to it hierarchy and the 48 bit MAC • VLANs and encapsulation • Compatible with IEEE 802.1Q VLANs and other Ethernet encapsulations such as MAC in MAC or SNAP

  18. Good Aspects(cont) • Security • Binding of MAC addresses to the network point of attachment disallows spoofing since addressing is controlled by the switch owner • No address learning or spanning tree so no attacks on them can happen • Expected UETS performances • Single chassis have been demonstrated switching up to 10Tbps with an estimated scalability of up to 50Tbps per chassis

  19. How do I help? • In this new system, the end nodes use TCP/IP to handle congestion and error correction. • Is there a problem? • My thesis will be to implement a congestion and error correction algorithm that is able to be implemented on every switch so as to speed up the time it takes to correct these problems • I hope to decrease the amount of time it takes to recover from congestion or a packet with errors

  20. Questions?

  21. References Barroso, Jose Morales. Ethernet Fabric Routing(UETS/EFR). http://neia.seanfitzroy.com/csi110/resources/OSI-internet_model.gif

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