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Find Any Document in 5 Seconds or Less

Find Any Document in 5 Seconds or Less. Presented To: Administrative Services Division WA Community Mental Health Services October 28, 2009. Paperless Office Myth. Prediction of Paperless Office in Business Week Article 1975 Worldwide paper usage doubled 1980-2000.

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Find Any Document in 5 Seconds or Less

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  1. Find Any Document in 5 Seconds or Less Presented To: Administrative Services Division WA Community Mental Health Services October 28, 2009

  2. Paperless Office Myth Prediction of Paperless Office in Business Week Article 1975 Worldwide paper usage doubled 1980-2000

  3. Our Goal: the Paper Less Office Document Management E-File Electronic File Cabinets Electronic Storage Document Workflow Etc.

  4. $$ What Paper Costs $ According to Delphi Research*, the cost of a 4-drawer file cabinet (holding 20k pages) is a staggering: Approximately $25,000 to produce the paper stored there. This includes the paper, toner or ink and labor etc. Then it costs an extra $2,000 a year to maintain it, with up to 30% of your employees’ work time spent finding, retrieving and re-filing. A Coopers and Lybrand study** states that 7.5% of all paper documents become lost, and 3% of the remainder become misfiled, meaning that one out of 10 documents creates a problem. Association of Information and Image Management (AIIM)

  5. More aboutPaper Costs Coopers and Lybrand found that the average executive wastes 150 hours per year looking for lost, misplaced, misfiled or mislabeled documents. Additionally the average cost to: File a paper document is $30 Additional labor costs equal $120 if the document is not in the right place. Recreating a lost document either by requesting it again or retyping it creates an additional $250 worth of labor. One in 20 documents is lost and never recovered.

  6. Other Reasons for Considering Electronic Document Management Instant document retrieval (5 seconds or less) Find related documents from different sources Simultaneous use of documents Safety from disaster Reduction of storage space Eliminate document loss Reclaim productivity Compliance Strategy

  7. PC/Work Station Based Comparable to File Drawer in Desk: Easy to use and set up Good for personal use May be difficult to share documents Low initial cost

  8. Network Solutions For those who need to share documents Allows for Workflow Processing Greater initial investment May or may not include hardware purchase. Often able to access via the web

  9. Web Based Only SolutionsSaaS Low upfront costs…No hardware needed Costs are lifetime: rent space Good functionality Secure but still many prefer to keep records on-site.

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