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Antennas -- in 50 Minutes or Less!

Antennas -- in 50 Minutes or Less!. Cynthia Furse Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University furse@ece.usu.edu. Introduction to Antennas. Antenna Parameters Types of Antennas Where to find out more. Antenna Parameters. Radiation Pattern Directivity Gain

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Antennas -- in 50 Minutes or Less!

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  1. Antennas -- in 50 Minutes or Less! Cynthia Furse Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Utah State University furse@ece.usu.edu

  2. Introduction to Antennas • Antenna Parameters • Types of Antennas • Where to find out more

  3. Antenna Parameters • Radiation Pattern • Directivity • Gain • Planes ( E or H, Elevation or Azimuth) • Lobes (HPBW, FSLBW, etc.) • Input Impedance • Link Budget

  4. Common Types of Antennas • Wire Antennas • Dipoles, Monopoles, Monopoles above Gnd • Patch, Printed circuit board antennas • Slots, apertures • Dishes, Reflector Antennas • Arrays

  5. Dipole Antenna From:http://www.qth.com/antenna/dipole.gif,plot.gif

  6. Folded Dipole From:http://www.qth.com/antenna/fdipole.gif

  7. Monopole Antenna From: http://www.letstalk.com//Images/mits-ah-129.GIF

  8. Monopole Antenna From:http://www.letstalk.com//Images/5-a.gif

  9. The University of Utah mm-resolution Head Model Furse, Lazzi, Gandhi, “FDTD Computation of Power Deposition in the Head for Cellular Telephones,” Proc. 1996 IEEE APS Symposium

  10. Applications: Cellular Telephones SAR Distribution in Adult - 835 MHz - Simplified Phone Model - l /4 antenna Pandit,McDermott,Lazzi,Furse,Gandhi, “Electrical Energy Absorption in the Human Head,” presented at IEEE Visualization ‘96, S.F., CA 1996

  11. SAR Distributions - 835 MHz (adult, 10 year old, 5 year old) 10 year old Adult 5 year old From: Gandhi, Lazzi, Furse, IEEE Trans. MTT 44(10) 1996

  12. Monopole Antenna above Ground =Dipole Antenna

  13. V-Antenna v.gif From:http://www.qth.com/antenna/v.gif

  14. Loop Antenna From:http://www.downeastmicrowave.com/graphics/kbloop.gif

  15. Pagers From: http://www.letstalk.com//Images/13-a.gif

  16. Discone Antenna From: http://www.northcountryradio.com/discfig.htm

  17. Reflector (Dish) Antenna From: http://www.dssdirectv.com/chanmas1.jpg

  18. Arecibo Observatory -- Puerto Rico From: http://www.naic.edu/about/photos/aoviews/tescop.jpg

  19. Arecibo Observatory From:http://www.naic.edu/about/photos/aoviews/wideao.jpg

  20. Arecibo Observatory From: http://www.naic.edu/about/photos/aoviews/tescop4.jpg

  21. Horn Antennas From: http://www.tmo.hp.com/tmo/datasheets/Images/img-HP11966J-1lg.gif

  22. Conical Horn Antenna From: http://www.afcsat.com/CH14_MOT2.jpg

  23. GPS Antennas From:http://www.lowe.co.uk/gpsant.jpg

  24. GPS Antenna SEN 67157549 SENSOR SYSTEMS L1 From:http://gracie.grdl.noaa.gov/GRD/GPS/Projects/ANTCAL/Models/Images/SENS67157549.s.jpg

  25. GPS Antenna with Choke Ring SEN 67157549+cr SENSOR SYSTEMS L1 WITH CHOKE RING From:http://gracie.grdl.noaa.gov/GRD/GPS/Projects/ANTCAL/Models/Images/SENS671575+cr.s.jpg

  26. GPS Antenna LEI AT302 From:http://gracie.grdl.noaa.gov/GRD/GPS/Projects/ANTCAL/Models/LEI_AT302.shtml

  27. Antenna Arrays Two Elements -- Pattern adds constructively or destructively From: http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/images/ant/pat1.gif

  28. Antenna Arrays More Elements: Higher Directivity Sidelobes From: http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/images/ant/pat2.gif

  29. Scanning Antenna Array Changing the phases on the element feeds can make a scanning array. From:http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/images/ant/pat3.gif

  30. Arrays From:http://www.qth.com/antenna/tiny2rl.gif

  31. Yagi-Uda Arrays From: http://cust.iamerica.net/dwhowell/yagimax.jpg

  32. Satellite Antenna Array From:http://www.qth.com/antenna/hfsatrl.gif

  33. HAARP Observatory HAARP (High frequency Active Auroral Research Program) is to be a major Arctic facility for upper atmospheric and solar-terrestrial research. HAARP is being built on a DoD-owned site near Gakona, Alaska. From:http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/images/ohd.jpg

  34. HAARP Antenna Array The HF antenna system to be used for Active Ionospheric Research at the HAARP site will assist other facility instruments in the study the overhead ionosphere. As a result, it too has been designed to optimize or restrict the transmission pattern to lie within a narrow overhead region. To achieve this desirable antenna pattern, the HAARP system uses an "array" of individual antenna elements. The HAARP antenna array is similar or identical to many other types of directive antenna types in use for both military and civilian applications including air traffic control radar systems, long range surveillance systems, steerable communication systems and navigation systems. From:http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/images/twr/pan2.jpg

  35. HAARP -- Feed Sytem From:http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/ HAARP/images/ant/tpile.jpg

  36. HAARP -- Matching Networks From: http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/images/ant/amu.jpg

  37. Corner Reflector Antenna From: http://www.northcountryradio.com/crfigs.htm

  38. Anything Radiates …Fan-tenna From:http://www.qth.com/antenna/fanfull.gif

  39. The Bottom Line • ANYTHING radiates. Sometimes you want it to, and sometimes you don’t. • To choose an antenna for your design, prepare a LINK BUDGET to determine the necessary gain and directivity of your antenna. • Don’t forget MATCHING NETWORKS to prevent reflection between your antenna and your circuit.

  40. Antenna References on the Web General: http://www.ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/D.Jefferies/antennas.html GPS Antennas Lowe Industries :http://www.lowe.co.uk/antrev2.htmlhttp://www.lowe.co.uk/antrev2.html Antenna Calibration: http://gracie.grdl.noaa.gov/GRD/GPS/Projects/ANTCAL/index.shtml Ham: North Country Radio: http://www.northcountryradio.com/techtips.htm Antenna Elmer: http://www.qth.com/antenna/antenna.htm HAARP Observatory: http://server5550.itd.nrl.navy.mil/projects/HAARP/ant3.html Arecibo Obervatory: http://www.naic.edu/aboutao.htm

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