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Providential Women’s Course

Providential Women’s Course. The Fall. God. 5. A. 2. E. AA. 6. 4. 3. 1. Satan’s son. Satan’s wife. Satan. Restoration Providence. Two courses, not one .

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Providential Women’s Course

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  1. Providential Women’s Course Providential Women's Course

  2. The Fall God 5 A 2 E AA 6 4 3 1 Satan’s son Satan’s wife Satan Providential Women's Course

  3. Restoration Providence • Two courses, not one. • “The fall resulted in two courses. The fallen mother and son emerged, and the true mother and son have to be restored. Do you understand? Then what is the change of blood lineage? Those who are born from the Cain-type mother have to be engrafted into the Abel-type mother and her son. ... ... Thus we can conclude that to change the blood lineage, one must pass through the door of love of two mothers. Do you know what I mean? From the horizontal viewpoint, this is why Leah and Rachel fought each other in Jacob's family.” (2nd Jan 1997) Providential Women's Course

  4. The Fall God 5 A 2 E AA 6 4 3 1 Satan’s son Satan’s wife Satan 1st course 2nd course Providential Women's Course

  5. Restoration Providence • According to Rev. Sung Han Lee (Jan ‘94) • Providence of restoration of birthright (elder sonship) • Providence of separation of maternity • Providence to prepare Messiah’s Bride • Providence of cooperation of mother and sons Providential Women's Course

  6. Restoration Providence TM TF Separation of maternity Restoration of birthright Mother / son cooperation Preparation of bride Providential Women's Course

  7. Restoration Providence • Some points to note: • Usual understanding of restoration is from the viewpoint of the restoration of elder sonship (F/M) , parentship and kingship • After 1992, when True Parents’ mission was declared, truth based on Parentism could be revealed: Four Realms of Heart, 3 Kingships, woman’s role in restoration + teaching about Sp.World. • Clear that women played an important role in the background (mother/son cooperation, prepn. for bride) • Messiah comes from womb of a mother, so women had a key role also in preparing for the Messiah Providential Women's Course

  8. Restoration Providence • Elder son/daughtership – parentship – kingship God Providential Women's Course

  9. Restoration Providence 1945 Foundation for the Messiah 400 yrs preparation Providential Women's Course

  10. Restoration Providence 1945 Foundation for the Messiah = Foundation of Faith + Foundation of Substance (includes separation of maternity and mother/son cooperation) 400 yrs preparation Providential Women's Course

  11. Restoration Providence 2000 7yrs TMs victory June ‘99 7yrs HSAUWC – mission of bride 1993 1945 1952 Horizontal restoration of lost vertical conditions Mission of bride Transferred to TM 400 yrs preparation Providential Women's Course

  12. Restoration Providence • Two major issues in Mother’s victory: • Eve had to deal with:A/A (seducer), God (father), Adam (husb), 2 sons • Two kinds of women came from Eve:wife and mistress Providential Women's Course

  13. Women’s course: Sarah1 • Sarah (at first called Sarai), in position of fallen Eve, needed to separate from Satan • Pretended to be Abraham’s (first called Abram) sister. • Because of diseases on him and his household, Pharoah released her (Adam) Sarai (wife) God Abram (conditionally restored Eve) Satan Pharoah Sarai (sister) (Fallen Eve) (Archangel) Providential Women's Course

  14. Reversal course: (Adam) Sarah (wife) God Abram (conditionally restored Eve) Satan Pharoah Sarah(sister) (Fallen Eve) (Archangel) God Adam Eve Satan Archangel Eve (Fallen Eve) Providential Women's Course

  15. Women’s course: Sarah2 • God makes covenant with Abram: called them Abraham, and Sarah • Sarah, in position of fallen Eve, needed to separate from Satan • Pretended to be Abraham’s sister • Because of dream Abimelech released her Sarah (wife) Isaac God Abraham Satan Abimelech (before birth) Sarah (sister) Hated, wanted her sent away Hagar (concubine) Ishmael Providential Women's Course

  16. Women’s course: Rebekah • In the next generation Rebekah, in position of fallen Eve, needed to separate from Satan • Pretended to be Isaac’s sister • Because he saw them embracing, Abimelech released her at personal risk, against conventions Rebekah (wife) Jacob God Isaac Mother/Son - Helped restore birthright Satan Abimelech (after birth) Rebekah (sister) Esau Providential Women's Course

  17. Women’s course: Rachel Rachel (concubine) God Jacob Joseph, Benjamin United later took wife’s position Satan Leah (concubine) Stayed, but couldn’t unite Leah (wife) Levi, Judah + 4 Mothers should have helped unite the daughters Providential Women's Course

  18. Women’s course: Tamar at risk of life, against conventions God Judah Tamar Perez (father-in-law) (daughter) Satan Blood lineage restored in womb Zerah Providential Women's Course

  19. Mother of Boaz was RahabMatthew 1:5see note 1:5, in NIV study bible p 1411see also hebrews 11:31joshua 2at risk of life she helped spiespoint is that Tamr, rahab ruth didn’t create the line, but helped preserve it and/or restored eves positioncf Sarah, Rebecca at risk of lifeto do: study esthers course** Providential Women's Course

  20. Women’s course: Ruth Inherits position at risk of life, against conventions Mother /daughter cooperation Perez Boaz God Elimilech Naomi Ruth Obed (father-in-law) (mother) (daughter) (Grandfather of David) Through love, faith Satan Ruth (Moabite) Possible Husb. Providential Women's Course

  21. Women’s course: Bathsheba Bathsheba (concubine) 1st dies 2nd son Solomon God David Bathsheba Satan Uriah Providential Women's Course

  22. Women’s course: Mary at risk of life, against conventions Mary (concubine) Jesus God Zechariah Couldn’t unite Mary Received, but couldn’t let stay Satan Joseph At start John Elizabeth (wife) No mother/son cooperation Providential Women's Course

  23. Women’s course: Mother1 mother’s –ve persuasion Song Jin God Choi Sun Kil (1st Mother) Father Satan Choi Sun Kil (fallen) Kim Myung Hee (Leah) Kim Myung Hee (fallen) A/A figure Providential Women's Course

  24. Women’s course: Mother2 mother’s –ve persuasion God Choi Sun Kil (1st Mother) True Mother (Rachael) Father Serve as Own Mother and daughter Satan Choi Sun Kil (fallen) Kim Myung Hee (Leah) Won Pok Choi (Leah) Kim Myung Hee (fallen) A/A figure Providential Women's Course

  25. Women’s course elements Providential Women's Course

  26. Women’s course elements: 1 Eve (conditionally restored) God Adam Satan Archangel Eve (fallen) Separate from A/A sexual and wealth temptations. Faith in God’s providence / lineage. To restore position of Eve, Adam and A/A Providential Women's Course

  27. Women’s course elements: 1example (True Mother) Sister in UC (conditionally restored) Connect in heart Mother position God TF Satan Fallen Man Girl (fallen) Wife Providential Women's Course

  28. Women’s course elements: 2 God Adam Concubine (conditionally restored) Abel children Need to completely unite (feeling is to hate and want to send away) Unite with help of mothers Satan Wife (fallen) Cain Children To restore fallen Eve’s nature, and blood lineage Then help restore Cain/Abel birthright Providential Women's Course

  29. Women’s course elements: 2 example “abel type” Eve (conditionally restored) Internal TF Abel children Unite with help of mothers Need to completely unite External “cain type” Eve (fallen) Cain Children Providential Women's Course

  30. Women’s course elements: 2 example External Internal Cain Children Abel children Unite with help of mothers “cain type” Eve “abel type” Eve Need to completely unite TF Providential Women's Course

  31. Women’s course elements: 2 example External Internal Cain Children (contacts guests) Abel Children (members, 2nd gen) IIFWP FFWPU “4 realms” education “DP” education ICUS, WFWP, IRFF, CAUSA, WMA, YFWP, etc. HSAUWC TF Providential Women's Course

  32. Women’s course elements: 2 example External Internal Need to completely unite Abel Sister President NL wife NL Need to completely unite Need to completely unite Need to completely unite Sister representative Pastor wife Pastor Cain IIFWP FFWPU ICUS, WFWP, IRFF, CAUSA, WMA, YFWP, etc. HSAUWC TF Providential Women's Course

  33. Women’s course elements: 2 example Abel – restored elder son Sarah God Korea Japan (conditionally restored) USA Need to completely unite (feeling is to hate and want to send away) Unite with help of mothers Satan Britain (fallen) Europe Hagar Cain – restored younger son Help Britain’s role: In Europe, world (AforPs) Providential Women's Course

  34. Women’s course elements: 3 at risk of life, against conventions, with mother’s help God Adam Eve Elder son (father) (daughter) Satan To restore deception of Elder son (Adam) And God (Father) at Fall. Providential Women's Course

  35. Women’s course elements: 3 example at risk of life, against conventions, with mother’s help Connect in heart God TF Wife Husband (father) (daughter) Satan See later Providential Women's Course

  36. Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage • Restoration of husband God Satan last Adam – substantial Satan Adam 2 1 Eve – Satan’s wife Restored Eve 4. Elder sonship Cain Abel 3 – mother/son 5. Younger brother brought back by Abel Abel Cain Providential Women's Course

  37. Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage God bride mother M TF TM New life. Cain child. (Sp child) Abel Abel children Phys. children Cain Providential Women's Course

  38. Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage God Won Pok Choi Posn. of mother till 1975 mother bride 2 other women Choi TF TM Abel children Phys. children Cain children Sp children Providential Women's Course

  39. Women’s course elements: 3 example Changing the blood lineage God TF TM Extension of TM God mother bride wife Husb wife Abel children 2nd Gen. children Cain children Sp children Providential Women's Course

  40. Women’s course: Conclusion Blessing Providential Women's Course

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