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Introduction to Databases

Introduction to Databases. CS162 Guest Lecture Sam Madden madden@csail.mit.edu. Zoo Data Model Entity Relationship Diagram. Animal. contains. Cage. 1. 1. 1. entity. relationship. entity. feedTime. name. 1. 1. Name. Time. keeps. 1. Building. age. bldg. 1. Age. Keeper. 1.

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Introduction to Databases

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  1. Introduction to Databases CS162 Guest LectureSam Maddenmadden@csail.mit.edu

  2. Zoo Data ModelEntity Relationship Diagram Animal contains Cage 1 1 1 entity relationship entity feedTime name 1 1 Name Time keeps 1 Building age bldg 1 Age Keeper 1 name species 1 entity Species 1 Name Animals have names, ages, species Keepers have names Cages have cleaning times, buildings Animals are in 1 cage; cages have multiple animals Keepers keep multiple cages, cages kept by multiple keepers

  3. Our Zoo Sam the Salamander Stoica the Shrew Sally the Student Slimy Skinny Energetic

  4. SQL – Structured Query Language SELECT field1, …, fieldM FROM table1, … WHERE condition1, … INSERT INTO table VALUES (field1, …) UPDATE table SET field1 = X, … WHERE condition1,…

  5. Names of Shrews • Imperative for each row r in animals if r.species = ‘shrew’ output r.name • Declarative SELECT r.name FROM animals WHERE r.species = ‘shrew’

  6. Cages in VLSB • Imperative for each row a in animals for each row c in cages if a.cageno = c.no and c.bldg = VLSB output a • Declarative SELECT a.name FROM animals AS a, cages AS c WHERE a.cageno = c.no AND c.bldg = VLSB

  7. Average Age of Bears • Declarative SELECT AVG(age) FROM animals WHERE species = ‘bear’

  8. Complex Queries Find pairs of animals of the same species and different genders older than 1 year: SELECT a1.name,a2.name FROM animals as a1, animals as a2 WHERE a1.gender = M and a2.gender = F AND a1.species = a2.species AND a1.age > 1 and a2.age > 1 “self join” Find cages with shrews fed later than the average feedtime of any cage: SELECTcages.cageidFROM cages, animals WHERE animals.species ='shrew' AND animals.cageid = cages.cageid AND cages.feedtime > (SELECT AVG(feedtime) FROM cages ) “nested queries”

  9. Complex Queries 2 Find keepers who keep both shrews and salamanders: SELECT keeper.name FROM keeper, cages as c1, cages as c2, keeps as k1, keeps as k2, animals as a1, animals as a2 WHERE c1.cageid = k1.cageid AND keeper.keeperid = k1.keeperid AND c2.cageid = k2.cageid AND keeper.keeperid = k2.keeperid AND a1.species = 'shrew' AND a2.species = ’salamander' AND c1.cageid = a1.cageid AND c2.cageid = a2.cageid keeper.keeperid = k1.keeperid a1 c1 k1 keeper species = ‘shrew’ keeper.keeperid = k2.keeperid a2 c2 k2 species = ‘salamander’

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