AFI The Art of Drowning

Decima Oistin • Sep 11, 2014 • 360 Views

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  1. AFI The Art of Drowning Visual Rhetoric By: Justus Meek

  2. Background • AFI(a fire inside) was formed in 1991 in California. • They have transcended through the decades first as a hardcore punk band, transitioning to a horror punk sound, and now their current, modern punk/pop sound. • Their album decemberunderground reached No.1 on the Billboard charts in 2006 and songs from the album such as “Miss Murder” and “Love Like Winter” have been featured on MTV. • Lead vocalist Davey Havok was featured on Green Day's Broadway show entitled, “American Idiot” playing the lead role of St. Jimmy. • The band is proclaimed to be mostly vegan/vegetarian and they are part of the straight-edge movement.(abstinence from drugs, alcohol, and promiscuous sex) • AFI has been together without a break-up for over twenty years. • The Art of Drowning is their fifth album and was released in 2000.

  3. Where is the focus in the image?

  4. The focal point in this image is the fountain in the middle of the graveyard. Your eyes are drawn to it and look up to the dark, soulless eyes on the fountain. You stare into them, and it seems as if they are looking into the depths of your being. The eerie innocence of the image draws your eyes to the center. Your eyes may also be drawn to the AFI logo, because the orange color contrasts to the darkness of the rest of the image.

  5. Who is the intended Audience?

  6. The intended audience is fans of the alternative genre. The image appeals to them and is something they would be interested in. It is also to you youth of today. It shows them the innocence of death, and how to act when no one is watching, because the dead always are.

  7. What is the purpose?

  8. The purpose is to show the innocence and eerie nature of death. It shows that there are always those that have passed watching us and that we shouldn't be afraid of the one's that have past or the fear of passing, but that we should be afraid of becoming like some that have passed, mindless, looking down on others instead of contemplating their own lives.

  9. Does taking away the eyes change the image?

  10. Yes. Taking out the eyes doesn't make it seem near as creepy and takes a lot of meaning away from the image.

  11. What is the ethical appeal?

  12. The ethical appeal is the name of the band on the album: AFI.

  13. What is the emotional appeal?

  14. The image's emotional appeal is the fear. The fear of what is ahead of us. The fear of death. The fear of who we are when we think no one is looking. It shows us the souls that are in the graves. They faced all those fears and that death once. They faced all of it, and now this is where they are. It makes us feel sympathetic towards them, but at the same time fear sharing their fates.

  15. What is the logical appeal?

  16. The logical appeal in this image is that our lives all end at one point, but that we should not fear it because death is just as innocent as the ones who have died. That is why they are considering drowning as an “art,” because of the innocence of its nature.

  17. Bibliography •