Giant squid

Livia Norton • Jul 31, 2014 • 427 Views

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Presentation Transcript:
  1. Giant squid By the one and only thong vu

  2. Where does it live • Giant Squids live in the deep ocean. • They also live in the cold water. • As well as cold they also live really deep down. • They live so deep that you can barely see them. • They live where not so many sea creatures go to.

  3. What do they eat • They eat small creatures like fish. • They also so eat smaller squids. • Sometimes they would even eat small whales. • In the stories they would eat humans too! • They also are told to eat blue whales and other things.

  4. What do they look like • They are huge and have huge eyes. • They have exactly 7 arms some have 8. • They are pinkish tan like normal squids. • They have a sharp head on top. • They are rarely fat.

  5. Interesting facts • Their eyes are bigger than any animals • Giant squids leave scars on a whale than avoid being eaten. • They are carnivores. • Giant squids are about 440 pounds. • They can change color.

  6. Interesting facts • They are the biggest invertebrates on Earth. • A giant squid's lidless eye can be as big as a dinner plate or a beach ball. • A full grown squid is about 33ft long. • The scientific name for the giant squid is Architeuthis dux. • giant squids would reach the water if held from the top of an Olympic diving platform!