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Bellringer. Download today’s notes: English & French Exploration Answer the following question: How would you feel about the discovery of a planet with humans? Why?. Columbus Primary Source. 1. According to Columbus, what qualities do the native people that he meets possess?

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  1. Bellringer • Download today’s notes: English & French Exploration • Answer the following question: • How would you feel about the discovery of a planet with humans? Why?

  2. Columbus Primary Source • 1. According to Columbus, what qualities do the native people that he meets possess? • 2. Since one of Columbus’s goals for his expedition was to get riches and to conquer territories, how do you think he might have felt on meeting these people? • 3. How do you think Ferdinand and Isabella might have felt on reading this report? • 4. How do you feel about this report?

  3. The Big Idea European explorers brought knowledge, wealth, and influence to their countries. Main Ideas Europeans had a desire and opportunity to explore in the 1400s and 1500s. Portuguese and Spanish explorers discovered new trade routes, lands, and people. The English and French claimed land in North America. Great Voyages of Discovery

  4. Since the Spanish and Portuguese already held the southern routes through the Americas, the English and French explored northern routes. Looking for a “Northwest Passage” to Asia Also looking for riches in the New World like Spain and Portugal had found Although a northern route to Asia was not established, these explorers claimed northern lands for England and for France. The English and French in America

  5. The Spanish controlled the gold and silver from the former Aztec and Inca empires. An English sailor named Francis Drake began stealing gold and silver from the Spanish ships. The Spanish were angry with the English for these raids and sent 130 ships, known as the Spanish Armada, to attack England. The English ships were faster and had better weapons. They were able to defeat the Spanish. The Spanish Armada

  6. The explorations brought new knowledge and geography and proved that some old beliefs were wrong. Geographers made more-accurate maps that reflected new knowledge. New trade routes gave more opportunities for wealth and resources. Europeans spread their influence around the world by establishing colonies and setting up new trade routes– race for power. A New European Worldview

  7. Connect! • 1. Why did France and England send explorers to America? • 2. What might have happened if the Spanish Armada had defeated England? How might the world look different today?

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