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V4 Summer School Krakow , July 16 , 2008

V4 Summer School Krakow , July 16 , 2008. Multiculturalism. Paradigmal Changes In 21st Century . PhDr. Michal Vašečka, PhD. Masaryk University, Brno ( www.fss.muni.cz ) Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, Bratislava ( www.cvek.sk ). Structure of the Prezentation.

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V4 Summer School Krakow , July 16 , 2008

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  1. V4 Summer SchoolKrakow, July16, 2008 Multiculturalism. Paradigmal Changes In 21st Century. PhDr. Michal Vašečka, PhD. Masaryk University, Brno (www.fss.muni.cz) Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture, Bratislava (www.cvek.sk)

  2. Structure of the Prezentation • 1. Multiculturalism as a „fuzzy“ term and its functional usage • 2. Multiculturalism as an ideology of modern democratic society and its criticism • 3. Multiculturalism and its reflexivity - nation, ethnic group, and nationalism in modern era. • 4. Multiculturalism in European context • 5. Accomodation of migrants, multiculturalism and citizenship policies in V4 • 6. Paradoxes of globalized era and multiculturalism

  3. Multiculturalism as a „fuzzy“ term and its functional usage • Multiculturalism as a: • type of societal situation, • scientific theory, • political goal, • vision, or ideal, • set of practical and educational strategies that leads to this ideal. • Multiculturalism as an: • ideology, • concept, • principal, • discourse. • Multiculturalism as a: • value, • attitude, • problem, • challenge

  4. Multiculturalism as a „fuzzy“ term and its functional usage • Multiculturalism and its functions: • To fight social inclusion • To prevent discrimination • To secure social cohesion of modern societies • To offer and secure human dignity to all segments of society

  5. MULTICULTURALISM AS AN IDEOLOGYOF THE MODERN DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY • Multiculturalism presupposes existence of different groups that consider themselves different, whose members have a desire of self-expression and have an interest in preserving differences of the group. • Multiculturalism considers each group to be equal. • Differences of existing groups are rooted inside of societal structures. • Multiculturalism insist on relativism: no life style can be considered as a superior over other life styles. It is important to understand it in relations, but it cannot go beyond a legal system and societal acceptance. • Diversity should not be only passively perceived fact, it should be supported and included into the life of a society.

  6. Criticism of multiculturalism • Is multiculturalism compatible with liberal-democratic concept of the state? • Does multiculturalism secure civic integration? • Multiculturalism does not distinguish between types of minorities • Concept of multiculturalism is primordial. • Ethnicity as it used by multiculturalism is quasi-scientifical category of 20-th century

  7. Reflexivity of multiculturalism.Nation and nationalism in modern era. • Difficulties to define what we mean by a nation (PACE) • Western model – Eastern model • Kultursnation – Staatsnation (Meinecke) • Civic – ethnic model • Primordialism – constructivism (Gellner) • Definition cultural and voluntaristic • Background of national mobilization in 19. century (A. Smith) • Nation as an imaginative community (Anderson) • Ethnicity and social cohesion (Vertovec) • Nation as a „core“ group of the society (Alexander)

  8. Multiculturalism in European context? • Assimilationism of European nations • Germany: Differentiated incorporation • France: Civic - political integration aiming at assimilation • Britain: Hierarchical group pluralism

  9. Recent developments in EU Integration and Inclusion Policies Shift from multicultural policies to individual civic integration (case of Netherlands) Shift from acceptance of ethno-cultural groups to ideological and religious groups Significant differences in integration policies among EU-27 prevail Different approaches to the „core“ part of a nation in EU-27 – citizenship policies as a major challenge of EU countries

  10. Multiculturalism and Nationalized Citizenship in V4 • Multiculturalism in V4? • Modern national states create a „cocktail“ of civic and ethnic traditions • V4 countries are rather ethnically defined with many differences in constitutional codifications of a nation • Citizenship in V4 is a mixture of ius soli and ius sanguini principles, but understood rather in ethnic terms - ex-patriots policies • Lack of thinking in terms of post-national citizenship

  11. V4 constitutional codificationsof a nation • 1. Civic Codification (Czech republic) • 2. Patriotic mixture of ethnic and civic codifications (Poland) • 3. Civic codification combined with externally focused ethnic codification (Hungary) • 4. Ethnic codification that defines sovereignty of a „volk“ as a participation and cooperation between ethnic majority and minorities (Slovakia)

  12. Paradox of the globalized era and multiculturalism • Appearance and strengthening of new and particular identities, fragmentarization of class identities, „imaginative community“ is facing serious challenge • Multiculturalism as we know it will not survive these structural changes • But – banal nationalism and tribal understanding of citizenship are preventing to move toward post-national citizenship

  13. Need of re-definition of national identities • Need of transfer from ethno-cultural to legal-political definition • Need of redefinition of the core solidarity based on ethnicity to core solidarity based on modern citizenship • Racist Paradox as an Explanation of Recent Problems in the Processes of Minority Integration. • Challenge – how to „sell“ constitutional patriotism (Jurgen Habermas) to people who are locked in the cage of banal nationalism?

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