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Rhymes Consulting Services

Rhymes Consulting Services. Helping People See Eye To Eye. A Premier Human Relations Consulting Company. RCS’s training programs always include 4 basic components:.

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Rhymes Consulting Services

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  1. Rhymes Consulting Services Helping People See Eye To Eye A Premier Human Relations Consulting Company

  2. RCS’s training programs always include 4 basic components: Awareness: of learned prejudices and fears about differences and how these impact organizational culture and personal and professional relationships Knowledge: creating a critical human rights consciousness; a deeper understanding of the issues of discrimination, equity and inclusion Attitudes: To develop the necessary skills that integrates newfound and existing values and knowledge into the organization’s mission and vision Action/Behavior: to develop plans to implement the new knowledge, awareness and skills, on both the individual and organizational levels

  3. RCS’s Core Training Programs RCS’s training programs are custom-designed to be “field” (i.e. education, law enforcement, healthcare etc.) specific. In addition, we work closely with each organization to fit our programs to their particular and unique needs. Further curriculum development is based on information gathered from evaluations and surveys conducted by RCS for the organization.

  4. Examples of Training Modules Business Cross Cultural Communication Understanding Difference Building Cultural Competence & Proficiency The Dynamics of Leadership & Training Based Inclusion Training

  5. Examples of Training Modules (Continued) Education Overview of Culture, Identity and Development Culture, Teaching and Learning Culture, Family and Community

  6. Examples of Training Modules Human & Social Services Historical/Institutional Racism Social Constructivism (Socialization) Anti-Oppression Prejudice Reduction Appreciating Inclusion

  7. Staff Bio Brief: Edward Rhymes Ph.D.Senior Consultant • Has over 16 years experience working in the field of equity and inclusions training • Is an internationally-recognized authority in the field of critical race theory • Work is being used in colleges and universities across the U.S. and World (including Harvard, Princeton, Rutgers, and the Sorbonne) • Articles have appeared and work has been cited in the nation’s leading newspapers and journals (including the New York Times, The Black Commentator, Issues in Higher Education)

  8. Staff Bio Brief: Lisa RhymesCurriculum Specialist • Has over 17 years in education and curriculum development • Expertise in immigrant acculturation and ESL/ESOL • Designed and developed tools used by faith-based organizations to work in different countries and with various cultures • Created and piloted multicultural programming for ESL/ESOL in Massachusetts

  9. Embedded in our dialogues are a series of ground rules which we live by, primarily, to understand the difference between debate and dialogue, respect for each individual and a willingness to endeavor to make positive change.

  10. If you have any questions concerning training, fees or availability, please contact RCS using the information below Rhymes Consulting Services Helping People See Eye To Eye URL: www.rhymesworld.com Email: RCS@rhymesworld.com Ph.: 412-415-0410

  11. Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Rhymes Consulting Services. We do hope to hear from you soon.

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