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PHOENIX CONTROLLER 20 (PC20). Overview. Task Background FAA Hiring Practices DoD Civilian Controllers (GS-2152) PC20 Options Recommendations. Task. AF/CV tasked AF/XOO-CA and AFFSA to develop options for a Phoenix Aviator-type program for air traffic controllers

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  2. Overview • Task • Background • FAA Hiring Practices • DoD Civilian Controllers (GS-2152) • PC20 Options • Recommendations

  3. Task • AF/CV tasked AF/XOO-CA and AFFSA to develop options for a Phoenix Aviator-type program for air traffic controllers • Enable DoD controllers to serve a 20-year military career and still be eligible to be hired by FAA--current FAA age limit is 30 • Include sister services as well as Guard, Reserve, and DoD GS-2152s

  4. Background • Meeting held on 8 Feb 99 between reps from the four services to discuss retention issues and a “broad plan” for effecting a Phoenix Controller program • All services experiencing similar problems and effecting similar programs to stem tide • FAA 30% pay increase is a key factor

  5. Background (cont.) • New DoD fiscal incentive programs too young to gauge effectiveness (initial enlistment bonuses, SRB increases) • DoD cannot compete with FAA pay scale

  6. FAA Hiring Practices • Public Law 92-297 allows DOT to establish maximum entry age limit for appointment to FAA • Current DOT policy states controllers must be appointed prior to age 31 • Public Law also establishes age 56 as the mandatory retirement age for working controllers • Higher wages have always been one incentive for military controllers to move to FAA • 1999 FAA wage scale increased salaries by 30% • FAA radar controller estimate base salary $89-121K Source: HQ FAA/AAT-5

  7. Pay Chart / Lifetime Earnings Total Earnings to Age 56 - $1,864,752 FAA Pay $1,095,900 FAA Retire Military Pay $768,852 Military Retirement Years Source: SAF/FMBOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  8. Pay Chart / Lifetime Earnings Total Earnings to Age 56 - $2,546,964 FAA Pay $2,192000 FAA Retire Military Pay $354,.964 Years Source: SAF/FMBOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  9. Pay Chart / Lifetime Earnings Total Earnings to age 56 $2,845,300 FAA Pay $2,743,500 Military Pay $101,841 FAA Retire Years Source: SAF/FMBOP (Military Annual Std Composite Pay) NATCA ATC Target (FY01) Pay Chart

  10. FAA Hiring Practices (cont.) FY 94 - 137 FY 99 - 265/350 FY 95 - 157 FY 00 - 265 FY 96 - 102 FY 01 - 265 FY 97 - 671 FY 02 - 565 FY 98 - 834 FY 03 - 1165 Note: FY 99 - 03 FAA projected hiring based on projected retirements (mandatory retirement age of 55) and normal attrition. Source: HQ FAA/AAT-5

  11. DoD Civilian Controllers • Now-greater disparity in pay between DoD civilian controllers (GS-2152) and FAA • DoD essentially serving as a training ground for FAA controllers • Due to GS-2152 rating and lacking any service commitment, can more easily transition to FAA if appointed prior to 31 • ANG & AFRC face similar challenge

  12. PC20 Options • Option 1: View all DoD controllers as “national assets” • Option 2: View retiring DoD controllers as “national assets” • Option 3: DoD civilian employment program

  13. PC20 Option 1 View all DoD controllers as “national assets” • FAA allow DoD controllers to transfer to FAA without age consideration • FAA recognize DoD ATC certifications as equivalent to GS-2152 rating • Benefit • Removes pressure to separate prior to age 31

  14. PC20 Option 1 • Concerns • Mass exodus of qualified controllers • Would require large bonus structure to keep controllers in service • NATCA acceptance

  15. PC20 Option 2 View retiring DoD controllers as “national assets” • FAA hire retiring military controllers • Aviator Continuation Pay (ACP)-type program may be beneficial in retaining mid-career controllers • Current Phoenix Aviator Program offers short and long-term contracts to eligible aviators • Upon retirement, FAA recognize DoD ATC certifications as equivalent to GS-2152 rating

  16. PC20 Option 2 • Provide a mechanism for preferential hiring • Benefits • Encourages controllers to stay in the service and enjoy associated benefits (travel, education, MGIB, etc.) • Reduces outflow of skilled personnel prior to their 31st birthday • Creates hiring opportunity for the controller who stays for full career

  17. PC20 Option 2 • Concerns • Controller will still earn much more if he/she separates prior to age 31 and is hired on by FAA • May encourage retirement at 20 years vs staying longer (potential increased loss of experienced leadership personnel) • NATCA acceptance

  18. PC20 Option 3 DoD Civilian Employment Program • Allow controllers to hire on at a facility employing GS-2152s • Waive or change current DoD policy which closely mirrors FAA • Benefits • May be attractive alternative to FAA for some controllers • Ease manning shortfalls in DoD civilian-manned facilities

  19. PC20 Option 3 • Benefits (cont.) • Retains DoD personnel • Concern • Not as lucrative as FAA

  20. Recommendations • TBD

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