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Improving Outcomes for Offender Learners 4 th November 2010

Improving Outcomes for Offender Learners 4 th November 2010. The purpose of the day:. Set in context the history of change in the sector and clarify some priorities and direction for the future Explore the significance of learning, skills and

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Improving Outcomes for Offender Learners 4 th November 2010

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  1. Improving Outcomes for Offender Learners4th November 2010

  2. The purpose of the day: • Set in context the history of change in the sector and • clarify some priorities and direction for the future • Explore the significance of learning, skills and • employment in the context of rehabilitation of offenders • Identify common components of a learning and skills • strategy that supports learners throughout their • journey

  3. Where are we now? Where are we going? Sue O’Hara Head of Offender Learning Skills Funding Agency

  4. Where are we now? • Skills Funding Agency • Coalition Government • OLASS 3 • Offender Learning Review • Comprehensive Spending Review • Green Paper

  5. Judicial and offender learning inspections Developments, outcomes and progress 1998 - 2010 Jen Walters (Cagney)

  6. Prisons • 1998 – responded to a request from the then HMCI Prisons for the Training Standards Council (TSC) to ‘inspect’ education and training in prisons- ALI (2001) and Ofsted (2007) • contribution moved from periphery to central position • continue to strengthen joint working with partner inspectorates - work to partners inspection timetable • from separate inspection criteria to more joint CIF/Expectations criteria while retaining the CIF principles • 2004 – 2006 ALI reinspected inadequate provision • 2006 – moved from subject areas to strands • 2010 – continuing to work with HMIPrisons to bring inspection methodology closer (criteria, process, administration and reporting)

  7. Probation areas (now Trusts) 2005/6 - discussion with HMIProbation to compete the Ofsted inspection of the learner journey 2006/07 Ofsted observations of inspections 2008/09 – first contribution to HMIProbation report plus 2009 Ofsted published report from 1 September 2008 – 2010 first two years of inspection most area inspection outcomes satisfactory with a few good Currently working to improve joint working through inspection methodology, process, administration and reporting

  8. Inspection Outcomes • 2001 – 2004 • Key low period of inspection outcomes – 85% inadequate • 2005 – 2008 • 75%+ satisfactory or better inspection outcomes • Improved individual learner progress and achievements • Many good inspection outcomes with some aspects of outstanding • Raised sector awareness and commitment to L&S and its contribution to resettlement • Improved efficiency and effectiveness of attendance and delivery • Good initiatives to improve links with employers

  9. Inspection Outcomes 2008 – 2010 • More prison learning and skills this year inadequate – since 2004 • Some good and better teaching and training but too much satisfactory • Concerns about attendance and punctuality trends • Lack of links with employers- but some very good individual local links • Lack of sequencing of programmes for release/resettlement • Insufficient information and advice and guidance • What is the current situation of working between HoLS and the prison …and HoLS and the providers …and Prison and Providers? Ranges from very good to a few serious issues and concerns

  10. Where are we going? • Changing structures • Changing policies • Changing personnel • Changing Direction

  11. Workshop What’s in the bathwater?

  12. The improvement journey…. While the tasks ahead may look daunting….. Take some time to recognise the achievements and improvements you have already made

  13. In your groups consider: • What have you and your organisation achieved that has improved outcomes for your offender population? • What are the key drivers within YOUR learning and skills strategy?

  14. Your key drivers to enable rehabilitation of your offenders? • National and local priorities and policies to shape the direction of learning and skills in your establishment • A clear understanding of the needs of your population • Finance/funds which allow you to execute your plan • Procedures to allow all those in your organisation to understand what is expected of them and systems that allow you to monitor the quality of your provision • Human resources • Partnerships/multi-agency working arrangements • Provision that meets the needs of your population • Information and learning technology

  15. The Rehabilitation Revolution Sharon Barrett Head of Prison Skills and Employment NOMS

  16. Background • Need to update thinking set out previously: • Social Exclusion Report 2002 • Reducing Re-offending of Ex-prisoners • Evidence based policy development • Concerns re public spending on prisons and probation • Increase in prison population • Re-offending rates

  17. Priorities • Punishment • Crime reduction • Reform and rehabilitation • Public protection • Reparation

  18. What Ministers have signalled • Work in prison • Implementation of Prisoner Earnings Act 1996 • Employer engagement • Payment by results • Partnership working • Sentencing review and reform

  19. Partnerships Greater than the sum of the parts: Developing approaches to partnership working

  20. Partnerships “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

  21. Partnerships Mapping • Consider the purpose of ‘learning, skills and employment’ within your establishment • Looking at the learners’ journey, consider who are your partners

  22. Context for Learning Learner journey Induction Recruitment/allocations Initial Assessment learning and skills Teaching & Learning Learning Plans Reviews Which partners are involved with the learners at each stage of their journey? Map them to the learner journey. What are their roles? How do they contribute to the learning? What should be in place? What evidence is there that they are effective in improving outcomes for the learners? On programme At assessment Assessment Achievement & Qualification Progression Release Progression

  23. Select any aspect of the learners’ journey that contributes to rehabilitation

  24. Identify your key partners and score the effectiveness of each partnership Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor Outstanding Good Effective Adequate Some areas still to be developed Some areas of concern Poor

  25. Your rationale • What were the critical success factors? • Do we all measure the effectiveness of partnerships in the same way? • To what degree is your measurement based on impact for the learners? • To what degree is your measurement based on rehabilitation? • How should they be measured?

  26. Successful and sustainable To what degree is the partnership of equal value?

  27. To improve the effectiveness of a partnership: what do you have to give? or are willing to offer?

  28. The improvement journey…. Prison targets Learning and skills contribution – you are already on the right track……

  29. Choose to . ………………Taking a more holistic approach Sue HigginsonAssistant Principal November 2010

  30. Key Facts Wirral Metropolitan College: • Is a college of Further and Higher Education • Is one of the largest employers in Wirral with 700 Employees • Has an annual turnover of £25m • Supports 19,000 student enrolments each year • Is the largest single provider of education for 16-18 year olds in Wirral • Is the largest provider of further education for adults in Wirral

  31. Choose to be the story

  32. Choose to be ……..the Impact Did it pass the …so what? Test

  33. Video

  34. Questions

  35. How can offender learning support this innovative/inspirational thinking?

  36. Virtual Campus Mark Taylor Virtual Campus Technical Delivery Manager, OLASS

  37. Blue skies thinking If our learners were really able to choose to be.... And were supported in their choice throughout their journey, how would we be working in the OL sector?

  38. Final thoughts What are you going to do to ensure you lead the vision/strategy and give your learners the opportunity for successful rehabilitation?

  39. Thank You

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