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South-South Cooperation : Policy Framework, Current Context and Future Perspectives Francisco Simplicio Special Unit

I would like to:. CongratulateRedesul ? Oris/Unasul coordination and extensive network of partnersConvening the Forum Its commitment to International CooperationSouth-South CooperationThank the UNDP SU/SSC Director Mr. Yiping Zhou . Scope:. SSC Overview and Policy TrendsSSC Governance - Po

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South-South Cooperation : Policy Framework, Current Context and Future Perspectives Francisco Simplicio Special Unit

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    1. South-South Cooperation : Policy Framework, Current Context and Future Perspectives Francisco Simplicio Special Unit for South-South Cooperation in UNDP

    2. I would like to: Congratulate Redesul – Oris/Unasul coordination and extensive network of partners Convening the Forum Its commitment to International Cooperation South-South Cooperation Thank the UNDP SU/SSC Director Mr. Yiping Zhou

    3. Scope: SSC Overview and Policy Trends SSC Governance - Policy debate SSC 3-in-1 Multilateral Support Architecture Relevance of sectoral cooperation

    4. Overall Context: Fast changing international environment Resource Limitations Resource Mobilization towards new donors Increased role of new actors in health, e.g. global Funds, PPP Fragmentation/Coordination challenges Institutional Capacity/Management challenges Need for innovation

    5. Context: growing recognition that the knowledge on what works and does not work to generate growth and sustainable development can be found increasingly in developing economies

    6. Conclusions: SSC is intentionally designed as an evolving space, open to opportunities; SSC is one of the few innovation spaces in development cooperation able to broadening sources of Knowledge; knowledge sharing is a distinct tool for promoting growth and development that is complementary to finance and technical cooperation; Need for systematically tracking and evaluating results; Sectoral Cooperation can help Institutional development / Management capacity Peer to peer engagement Improved coordination Ownership based monitoring and assessment of results

    7. UNDP Special Unit for South-South Cooperation

    8. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this presentation are based on UN Documents, but it contains analysis that do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations, the United Nations Development Programme or the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation.

    9. New Expectations from SSC: If a southern country positions itself as an important ally, sharing its development with other countries, Is this likely to be seen in a positive light?

    11. SSC key questions: Is South-South a step to become donor or it is a separate policy and action space? Will the main players join the North or will they build a different collaborative space with the South?

    12. SSC Key Trend Analysis: Some key different interests between the North and the South play a crucial role in how the key players are shaping their relations with the South; Basic Rhetorical Analysis of 2 documents reflecting important trends: Nairobi Outcome Document G20 Knowledge Sharing A partial force field analysis

    13. SSC Policy Trends What is a good picture of SSC?

    14. Shaping South-South Cooperation

    15. Important forces with limited discussion here: Private Sector – SS Trade OECD enlargement

    16. Private Sector: In a globalized world, successful business ventures seem to follow inherently similar approaches regardless of whether they are originally from developed or developing countries.

    17. Private Sector: There are several efforts by the international community to create a set of higher principles for the private sector in areas such as human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. E.g. the UN Global Compact and the Voluntary Guidelines on Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land and Other Natural Resources of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. These higher principles need to be widely promoted for the private sector worldwide to ensure that markets advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.

    18. OECD Enlargement: OECD offered enhanced engagement to Brazil, China, India, Indonesia and South Africa. Enhanced engagement is distinct from accession to the OECD, but it has the potential in the future to lead to membership.

    19. SSC Institutional Perspective

    20. The Agreed SSC Principles Nairobi Outcome Document, December 2009 Developing countries leadership and ownership Complementary and non-competitive with North-South cooperation Intentionally broad definition - open to opportunities for capitalizing on actual development experiences: Knowledge and experience sharing, Technology exchanges, [Mutual] strengthening of capacities, Institutional and regulatory cooperation, Promotion of national and collective self-sufficiency, Coalition-building, etc.

    21. The Agreed SSC Principles Nairobi Outcome Document, December 2009 National ownership and leadership National sovereignty and independence Equality and Horizontality Solidarity Non-conditionality Non-interference in the internal affairs Mutual benefit and learning

    22. SSC as different development cooperation paradigm: There is growing recognition that the knowledge on what works and does not work to generate growth and sustainable development can be found increasingly in developing economies. New forms of cooperation such as triangular cooperation, are emerging as significant opportunities to promote both learning on development experiences and to maximize resources, capacities and knowledge. Resources: relevance of in-kind contributions

    23. Theory in Practice

    24. Shaping South-South Cooperation

    25. SSC and aid effectiveness … there are considerable investments on efforts to superimpose the aid effectiveness agenda on SSC even though it is established that SSC is broader than ODA… As policy dialogue, these efforts have not resonated to the main players but they influence the development community

    26. Trends in Policy Dialogue

    27. Trends in Policy Dialogue Intentionally broad definition, open to opportunities for SSC versus Need for greater rigor in its definitions promoted by: Aid Effectiveness for Official Development Assistance G77 : AAA is not a UN process not even in the DCF SSC is broader than ODA

    28. Different principles The different principles reflect different priorities: Making cooperation viable: versus Making cooperation more efficient: Some convergence may be expected in near future Key issue: How the expanded mandates will be financed

    29. Trends in Policy Dialogue

    30. Governance of SSC through Aid Effectiveness AAA stresses “the role of middle-income countries as both providers and recipients of aid” “recognise[s] the importance and particularities of SSC and acknowledge[s] that we can learn from the experience of developing countries” (art. 19b), while also encouraging development actors engaged in SSC to “use the Paris Declaration principles as a point of reference in providing development co-operation” (art. 19a)

    31. Trend: Transfer the aid effectiveness agenda to the UN “Two parallel processes that oversee aid effectiveness are a waste of time and money. This is the OECD's opportunity to pass that role to the UN [for a global governance of aid effectiveness]. “The UN can represent the interests of poorer countries better than the OECD “ Guardian, 23 May, 2011 OECD Secretary-general, Angel Gurría, meeting President Lee Myung Bak of South Korea in Paris It is also [a waste] to spend millions on an aid-effectiveness process that does not involve China, Brazil or the Arab donors in any serious way. The UN is the only body that can credibly bring all the different interests together ...

    32. Trend: Transfer the aid effectiveness agenda to the UN? What would an effective and inclusive global governance structure to support management of aid effectiveness look like? recipient countries should increasingly take the lead on the movement to improve aid effectiveness. …ownership: the first principle of SSC and the Paris Declaration

    33. Summary SSC is guided by its own principles, SSC should be understood in its own terms, and not as a sub-category of international cooperation, It is not a stage to become a donor, It is a mistake to superimpose on SSC paradigm that were established to mitigate some of the weaknesses of NSC, Let’s learn from the perspectives of new actors and their innovations.

    34. Shaping South-South Cooperation

    35. G-20 Development Working Group, Pillar 9 Action - Enhance the Effectiveness and reach of knowledge sharing: We request the Task Team on South-South Cooperation and UNDP to recommend how knowledge sharing activity, including North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation, can be scaled up. These recommendations should include measures to broaden knowledge sources improve brokering functions strengthen the dissemination of best practices , and expand funding options

    36. G-20 Development Working Group, Pillar 9 Implementation of the G20 Multi-Year Action Plan: Knowledge sharing Sharing development experiences, including through North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, contribute to the adoption and adaptation of the most relevant and effective development solutions. We encourage international organizations that operate knowledge sharing platforms to strengthen and broaden sources of knowledge on growth and development.

    37. G-20 Development Working Group, Pillar 9 recognizes that knowledge sharing is a distinct tool for promoting growth and development that is complementary to finance and technical cooperation. calls upon countries as well as international organizations that work on development to consider KS explicitly in their strategies and programs. commits to promoting knowledge sharing among themselves and with other countries.

    38. KS as key development driver? Knowledge can be packaged as business method and traded as valuable intellectual property Most of development knowledge are not prepared to be delivered unchanged and transferred between contexts. KS is most of all about people, not about heavily formalized systems or technologies. KS happens when people interact with each other. Brokers: Yes. Intermediaries: No

    39. Importance of peer to peer Practitioners engaging in direct exchanges with peers who are or have been struggling with similar development challenges, enrich the analysis and understanding of their own circumstances, opportunities, and constraints help to draw and adapt those lessons that are relevant.

    40. Existing KS mechanisms Existing KS mechanisms are able to support the scaling up and support KS at country, regional and global level. Sectoral Cooperation Peer to peer engagement Improved coordination Mutual institutional development / Management capacity Very few KS mechanisms track and evaluate systematically results

    41. To bear in mind: “People on the ground, trying to make aid work on a day-to-day basis, will probably have more pressing concerns than the management of global bureaucracies that are at best only partially effective.” “Even when changes are fairly positive, complex problems usually remain complex.”

    42. Theory in Practice The Special Unit for SSC in UNDP is involved in both: Policy Dialogue and Practice: Several SSC efforts under the principles of SSC. Partnership approach Multilateral support architecture for South-South Cooperation

    43. The Special Unit multilateral support architecture for South-South Cooperation

    44. Global South-South Development Academy to enable systematic identification, documentation, peer review, publication and distribution of solutions for global validation and mutual learning; Global South-South Development Expo to enable the showcasing of successful and scalable solutions to the broader community for partnership-building; South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange (SS-GATE): to enable listing the most scalable solutions and technologies for partnership-building, resource mobilization and actual transfer.

    45. SSC 3-in-1 Service Platform The 3 platforms have been successfully providing a number of services on demand basis, and supporting: Brokering, implementation, quality, funding GSSD Academy Provide the WIDE Roster Platform for partners to build and maintain rosters of experts with access via web; Knowledge sharing process with peer review, based on the publication and dissemination of solutions through the series Sharing Innovative Experiences (19 issues so far) (web supported).

    46. Sharing Innovative Experiences Vol 19 Experiences from 10 Southern countries in designing and implementing population and reproductive health policies and programmes are now documented and available for South-South learning and exchange.

    47. GSSD EXPO Selection of quality solutions; meeting space for solution seekers and solution providers; E.g. 2010 Solution Forum on Global Health led by the World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 Solution Forum on HIV/AIDS led by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2011 Solution Forum on Global Health, Agriculture and Food Security led by FHI360 and PAHO

    48. 2011 Expo – FAO Rome

    49. SS-GATE public listing of quality solutions and technologies (web); assistance to solution seekers; mentoring for access to funding. Special Unit signed an MOU with PAHO towards establishing a ‘SS GATE for Global Health', an innovative global transaction platform to enhance south-south exchanges of successful solutions.

    50. Other supporting areas Examples of innovations supported by the Special Unit: IBSA Fund Management (India, Brazil y South Africa) China South-South Development Centre to engage provincial and national institutions in SSC (beyond governmental institutions) South Korea sponsored Facility for Capacity Development through SS and Triangular Cooperation

    51. Theory in Practice SSC will continue to evolve and define itself through policy dialogue and practice. All countries have experiences to share A different way to share development gains Important role of Knowledge Broker SSC is by itself, one of the few spaces for innovation in international cooperation .

    52. Conclusions: SSC is intentionally designed as an evolving space, open to opportunities; It will continue to evolve; SSC is one of the few innovation spaces in development cooperation able to broadening sources of Knowledge; All countries have experiences to share; knowledge sharing is a distinct tool for promoting growth and development that is complementary to finance and technical cooperation; Important role of Knowledge Broker; Need for systematically tracking and evaluating results; Sectoral Cooperation can help Institutional development / Management capacity Peer to peer engagement Improved coordination Ownership based monitoring and assessment of results

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