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CS 235102 Data Structures ( 資料結構 )

CS 235102 Data Structures ( 資料結構 ). Chapter 2: Arrays and Structures Spring 2012. Arrays. One Dimensional Array: Two dimensional Array:. int A[10];. int A[10][25];. Polynomial – Abstract Data Type (ADT). Object: Polynomial. Operations: Boolean IsZero(poly)

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CS 235102 Data Structures ( 資料結構 )

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  1. CS 235102 Data Structures (資料結構) Chapter 2: Arrays and Structures Spring 2012

  2. Arrays • One Dimensional Array: • Two dimensional Array: int A[10]; int A[10][25];

  3. Polynomial – Abstract Data Type (ADT) • Object: Polynomial. • Operations: • Boolean IsZero(poly) ::=return FALSE or TRUE. • Coefficient Coeff(poly, expon) ::= return coefficient of xexpon • Polynomial Add(poly1, poly2) ::= return poly1 + poly2 • Polynomial Subtract(poly1, poly2) ::= return poly1 - poly2

  4. First Representation as Arrays • Unique exponent arranged in decreasing order: MaxDegMaxDeg-1 … … 0 • Eg. P(x)=x5+4x3+2x2+1 degree = 5 Coefficient degrees degree (the degree of the polynomial) 0 … 1 0 4 2 0 1

  5. First Representation as Arrays • In C language: • Operations: addition, subtraction … • Easy to carry out • Just adding/subtracting the corresponding terms, respectively. (See next slide …) #define MAXDEGREE 101 typedef struct { int degree; int coef[MAXDEGREE] } polynomial;

  6. First Representation as Arrays • Eg. Addition of two polynomials: • Disadvantage: • Sparse polynomial ==> waste of space !! polynomial addp(polynomial a, polynomial b) { polynomial c; c.degree = max(a.degree, b.degree) for (i=0; i<=MAXDEGREE; i++) c.coef[i] = a.coef[i] + b.coef[i]; return c; }

  7. 2nd Representation As Arrays • Only represent non-zero terms • Need to represent non-zero exponents and its corresponding coefficients • Eg. A(x) = 2x1000 + 1 B(x) = x4 + 10x3 + 3x2 + 1 startA startB avail finishA finishB Coef 2 1 0 1 4 10 3 3 2 0 1 … … 1000 Exp

  8. 2nd Representation As Arrays • In C: • Comparisons of two representations: • If polynomial sparse, 2nd repre. is better. • If polynomial full, 2nd repre. is double size of 1st. typedef struct { int coeff, exp; } polynomial; polynomial terms[MAX_TERMS]; int avail = 0;

  9. Addition of Polynomials (padd) • Operation: C(x) = A(x) + B(x) • Eg. A(x) = x5 + 9x4 + 7x3 + 2x • B(x) = x6 + 3x5 + 6x + 3 padd() { p  point to head of A q  point to head of B while ( !IsZero(p) && !IsZero(q) ) { switch (compare(Exps of p and q) ) { “>”: attach p to C; advance p to next element in A; break; “<”: attach q to C; advance q to next element in B; break; “=”: add coefs of p and q; attach it to C; advance p to next element in A; advance q to next element in B; } } Attach remaining terms of A or B into C; }

  10. Addition of Polynomials (padd) • An running example for padd(): C(x) = A(x) + B(x) • A(x) = x5 + 9x4 + 7x3 + 2x B(x) = x6 + 3x5 + 6x + 3 p p p p p q q q q + 7x3 C(x) = = x6 + 4x5 + 9x4 + 7x3 + 8x + 3 x6 + (1+3)x5 + 9x4 + (2+6)x + 3

  11. Time Complexity of padd • Inside the while loop: O(1) time • How many times the “while loop” is executed in the worst case ? • Let A(x) have m terms, and B(x) have n terms. • In each iteration, we access next element in A(x) or B(x), or both. • Worst case: m + n – 1 eg. It happens when A(x) =7x5 + x3 + x; B(x) = x6 + 2x4 + 6x2 +3 • Remaining terms in A(x): O(m) Remaining terms in B(x): O(n) • Hence, total running time = O(m + n)

  12. Matrix – Abstract Data Type (ADT) col. 1 • Object: Matrix. • dimension = #rows x #cols • Operations: • Matrix Transpose(matrixA) ::= return transpose of matrixA • Matrix Add(matrixA, matrixB) ::= return (matrixA + matrix B) • Matrix Multiply(matrixA, matrixB) ::= return (matrixA * matrixB) col. 0 col. 2 -27 3 4 6 82 -2 109 -64 11 12 8 9 48 27 47 row 0 row 1 A = row 2 row 3 row 4

  13. Matrix Representation • We use arrays to represent matrices. • Use array a[M][N] to store a matrix A(M, N). • Use a[i][j] to store A(i, j).

  14. Operations: Transpose & Add • c transpose(a) // a: m x n matrix Running time = O(mn) • c add(a, b) // a, b: m x n matrices Running time = O(mn) for (i=0; i<rowA; i++) // O(m) for (j=0; j<colA; j++) // O(n) c[j][i]=a[i][j]; for (i=0; i<rowA; i++) // O(m) for (j=0; j<colA; j++) // O(n) c[i][j]=a[i][j]+b[i][j];

  15. Operations: Multiply • c multiply(a, b) //a: m x n mat., b: n x p mat. Running time = O(mnp) x c: m x p mat. = for (i=0; i<rowA; i++) { // O(m) for (j=0; j<colB; j++) { // O(p) sum=0; for (k=0; k<colA; k++) // O(n) sum += a[i][k]*b[k][j]; c[i][j]=sum; } }

  16. Sparse Matrices • An example sparse matrix: • A lot of “zero” entries. • Thus large memory space is wasted. • Could we use other representation to save memory space?? 15 0 0 22 0 -15 0 11 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 91 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 A = 15

  17. Representation for Sparse Matrices • Use triple <row, col, value> to characterize an element in the matrix. • Use array of triples a[]to represent a matrix. • row by row • within a row, column by column row col value a[0] 6 6 8 a[1 ] 0 0 15 a[2] 0 3 22 a[3] 0 5 -15 a[4] 1 1 11 a[5] 1 2 3 a[6] 2 3 -6 a[7] 4 0 91 a[8] 5 2 28

  18. Representation for Sparse Matrices • In C: typedef struct { int col, row, value; } term; term a[MAX_TERMS];

  19. Operations: Transpose • c transpose(a) // a: m x n matrix • Eg. //Algorithm 1: for each row i { take element (i, j, value) and store it as (j, i, value). } row col value row col value a[0]66 8 a[1 ]00 15 a[2]03 22 a[3]05 -15 a[4]11 11 a[5]12 3 a[6]23 -6 a[7]40 91 a[8]52 28 c[0]66 8 c[1 ]00 15 c[2]30 22 c[3]50 -15 c[4]11 11 c[5]21 3 c[6]32 -6 c[7]04 91 c[8]25 28

  20. Operations: Transpose • Problem: • If we just place them consecutively, we need to do a lot of insertions to make the ordering right. row col value c[0]66 8 c[1 ]00 15 c[2]30 22 c[3]50 -15 c[4]11 11 c[5]21 3 c[6]32 -6 c[7]04 91 c[8]25 28

  21. Alg. 2 for Transpose • Algorithm 2: • Find all elements in col. 0, and store them in row 0; Find all elements in col. 1, and store them in row 1; …………etc row col value row col value a[0]66 8 a[1 ]00 15 a[2]03 22 a[3]05 -15 a[4]11 11 a[5]12 3 a[6]23 -6 a[7]40 91 a[8]52 28 c[0]66 8 c[1 ]00 15 c[2]04 91 c[3]11 11 c[4]21 3 c[5]25 28 c[6]30 22 c[7]32 -6 c[8]50 -15

  22. Alg. 2 for Transpose • Algorithm 2 in C: Running time = O(#col x #terms) for (j=0; j<#col; j++) { //O(#col) for all elements in col j { //O(#terms) place element (i, j, value) in the next position of array c[]; } }

  23. Alg. 3: Fast Transpose • Algorithm 3: c transpose(a) • Find number of terms in a row in c[], and then calculate the starting position of each row in c[]. • Put the terms in a[] into correct position in c[] • Scan through all terms in a[] only twice. row col value a[0]66 8 a[1 ]00 15 a[2]03 22 a[3]05 -15 a[4]11 11 a[5]12 3 a[6]23 -6 a[7]40 91 a[8]52 28 rowTermsrowStart [0] 2 [1]1 [2] 2 [3] 2 [4] 0 [5] 1 1 3 4 6 8 8

  24. Alg. 3: Fast Transpose • Algorithm 3: c transpose(a) • Positions of rowStart[i] • rowStart[i] increment by 1 after it is occupied. row col value c[0]66 8 c[1 ]00 15 c[2] c[3] c[4] c[5] c[6] c[7] c[8] rowStart[0] = 1 rowStart[1] = 3 rowStart[2] = 4 rowStart[3] = 6 rowStart[4] = rowStart[5] = 8

  25. Alg. 3: Fast Transpose • Algorithm 3 in C: FastTranspose(term a[], term c[]) { initialize c[0]; initialize rowTerms[] to 0; for ( i=1; i<=#terms; i++ ) rowTerms[a[i].col] += 1; Compute rowStart[] fromrowTerms[]; for ( i=1; i<=#terms; i++ ) { assign data in a[i] to c[rowStart[a[i].col]]; rowStart[a[i].col] += 1; } }

  26. Alg. 3: Fast Transpose • Algorithm 3 in C: Running time = O(#col + #terms) FastTranspose(term a[], term c[]) { initialize c[0]; initialize rowTerms[] to 0; // O(#col) for ( i=1; i<=#terms; i++ ) // O(#terms) rowTerms[a[i].col] += 1; Compute rowStart[] fromrowTerms[]; // O(#col) for ( i=1; i<=#terms; i++ ) { // O(#terms) assign data in a[i] to c[rowStart[a[i].col]]; rowStart[a[i].col] += 1; } }

  27. Running Times: Alg. 3 vs 2D-Array-Alg. • Alg. 3: O(#col + #terms) 2D-array-alg.: O(#col x #rows) • When#terms = #col x #rows (dense matrix), • Alg. 3 has same time complexity as 2D-array-alg. • When#terms is small (sparse matrix), • Alg. 3 is faster than 2D array representation.

  28. Fast Multiply for Sparse Matrices • c multiply(a, b) //a: m x n mat., b: n x p mat. Running time = O(rows(a) x terms(b) + cols(b) x terms(a) ) x c: m x p mat. = FastMultiply(term a[], term b[], term c[]) { FastTranspose(b, newB); for each row i of a[] { for each row j of newB[] { multiply row i & row j using similar proc. as padd(); //see next slide for Eg. } } } “Good for sparse” For details, please refer to textbook !!

  29. An Example for Fast Multiply • c FastMultiply(a, b) c: m x p mat. a: m x n mat. b: n x p mat. x 0 5 2 0 0 7 3 0 4 3 6 5 =

  30. An Example for Fast Multiply • c FastMultiply(a, b) c: m x p mat. a: m x n mat. newB: p x n mat. x 0 5 2 0 0 7 3 0 4 3 6 5 = p p p q q q q q x = (2)(4) + (7)(5) = 43

  31. Time Complexity of Fast Multiply a: m x n mat. newB: pxn mat. • # of jumps of q : • for computing one row of c = terms(b) • for computing all rows of c = rows(a) x terms(b) • Similarly, # of jumps of p = cols(b) x terms(a) • _Total time=O(rows(a) x terms(b) +cols(b) x terms(a) ) newB c: m x p mat. = p q newB c: m x p mat. =

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