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CHARACTER ARCHETYPES ( archē ) "beginning, origin“ ( tupos ) "pattern, model, type”

CHARACTER ARCHETYPES ( archē ) "beginning, origin“ ( tupos ) "pattern, model, type”. Writing Fiction @ suite 101 http://teacherwriter.net/2010/06/30/using-character-archetypes-to-teach-and-learn-writing/. The Bad Boy The Warrior The Waif The Professor The Swashbuckler The Seductress

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CHARACTER ARCHETYPES ( archē ) "beginning, origin“ ( tupos ) "pattern, model, type”

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  1. CHARACTER ARCHETYPES(archē) "beginning, origin“(tupos) "pattern, model, type” Writing Fiction @ suite 101 http://teacherwriter.net/2010/06/30/using-character-archetypes-to-teach-and-learn-writing/

  2. The Bad Boy The Warrior The Waif The Professor The Swashbuckler The Seductress The Librarian The Nurturer The Free Spirit The Boss The Hero The Sidekick

  3. The Bad Boy The Bad Boy archetype can be a villain or a hero depending on the character's role in the story. Read more at Suite101: The Bad Boy Character Archetype: Using the Misbehaving Male as the Hero or the Villain | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-bad-boy-character-archetype-a66047#ixzz1kqu3dggW

  4. The Warrior The Warrior is a fundamental literary archetype who protects and defends against all foes, operating on the premise that strength and power overcome any injustice. Read more at Suite101: The Warrior Character Archetype: The Protector and Savior of All That is Right | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-warrior-character-archetype-a71753#ixzz1kqtkDSMl

  5. The Waif The waif character archetype is pure and uncorrupted, kind and gentle, and easily becomes the target of those who would take advantage of her.Read more at Suite101: The Waif Character Archetype: Innocent, Naïve, and Always Needs Saving | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-waif-character-archetype-a66131#ixzz1kquJkqdL

  6. The Professor The intellectual Professor archetype serves a role in stories that require a character who can delve into data and decipher the meaning of it all.Read more at Suite101: The Professor Character Archetype: Logical Thinker, Introverted, Fact Checker and Know-It-All | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-professor-character-archetype-a98161#ixzz1kquZEbtN

  7. The Swashbuckler The swashbuckler character archetype is enthusiastic, exciting, intriguing, and is fearless is pursuing his goals, constantly seeking new adventures.Read more at Suite101: The Swashbuckler Character Archetype: Fearless, Exciting, and Always Ready for Adventure | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-swashbuckler-character-archetype-a71760#ixzz1kqul8rew

  8. The Seductress Readers love to hate seductress, yet at the same time are drawn to her sexuality, her strength, and her ingenuity.Read more at Suite101: The Seductress Character Archetype: Sexuality is Power | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-seductress-character-archetype-a69332#ixzz1kquyRti1

  9. The Librarian The librarian archetype follows the rules and thinks everyone else should. Read more at Suite101: The Librarian Character Archetype: Strongest Characteristic: Keeping Everything Organized | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-librarian-character-archetype-a71761#ixzz1kqv7sIzs

  10. The Nurturer The nurturer character archetype is the glue that bonds a family together. She is the one everyone looks to for love and support.Read more at Suite101: The Nurturer Character Archetype: A Caring, Generous, and Self- Sacrificing Personality | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/the-nurturer-character-archetype-a71762#ixzz1krDP7800

  11. The Free Spirit Thefree spirit archetype is a quirky, talkative, charming, and unpredictable individual. Read more at Suite101: Free Spirit Character Archetype: Upbeat, Eccentric, Creative, and Charming | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/free-spirit-character-archetype-a73318#ixzz1kqvSFhv4

  12. The Boss The boss character archetype is the person who wants to run the show. When writing fiction, this is the character who tells everyone else what to do.Read more at Suite101: Creating Characters When Writing Fiction: Using the Boss Archetype in a Novel or Story | Suite101.comhttp://suzannepitner.suite101.com/creating-characters-when-writing-fiction-a66130#ixzz1kqveHty6

  13. The Hero http://www.slideshare.net/chrismurban/hero-archetype The Sidekick

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