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SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA

SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA Sprijinul acordat de proiectul ROMNET-ERA pentru participarea la competitiile FP6. www.romnet.net. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA. Partenerii proiectului:.

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SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA

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  1. SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME • Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA • Sprijinul acordat de proiectul ROMNET-ERA pentru participarea la competitiile FP6 www.romnet.net

  2. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA Partenerii proiectului:

  3. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA Obiectivele proiectului: • A complete inventory of the Romanian centres of research; • Networking on four European priorities of the Romanian high quality research centres; • Meetings and other actions for information exchange and elaboration of proposals; • Assist Romanian SMEs to participate to FP 6; • Organize annual information events for presenting FP 6.

  4. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA • The estimated results of the project ROMNET-ERA will be the integration of the target group (the Romanian scientific community network organised on FP6) into ERA. There are some elements describing this impact: • the integration in proposal for FP6 delivered by MS • ROMNET-ERA will improve the visibility of ACCs in MS. • ROMNET-ERA will attract industrial partners, by disseminating the possibilities of partnership for FP6, information via databases • Creating a roadmap of the scientific interest and technological capabilities for Romania

  5. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA ROMNET-ERA is supporting four networks made of high-quality research centres, which are active in the fields corresponding to the four FP6 priorities chosen for this project. These networks are created by strengthening the electronic links between partners, supporting meetings, visits and research stays of partners. The networks will extend in time by dissemination activities: conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions, and meetings, newsletters columns in MNT Buletin for information and partner search, web pages, success stories from proposal comprising ROMNET-ERA partners.

  6. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA The important target groups at the national level are: high-quality research centers, and innovative SMEs. Identifying, screening and networking of research groups (from three separate research systems: national R&D institutes, university research centers, research units of the Romanian Academy) will be focused on some priorities of FP 6, catalyzing the participation to EU projects. The emphasis will be on new materials and new technologies and their implications on the quality of life. Advanced software techniques and the experience of one EU partner in knowledge management will increase the efficiency of networking at the national level and make it attractive for interaction at the regional and at the European level.

  7. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA Activitati ale ROMNET-ERA in sprijinul participarii la FP6 • Identificarea centrelor de cercetare si IMM-urilor inovative cu potential in participarea la FP6 • Manifestari de tip workshop, conferinta, seminar, training, info-day • E-newsletter http://www.romnet.net/ro/e-newsletter • Bazele de date www.romnet.net/ro/suportproiect.htm • MNT Bulletin www.imt.ro/mnt • Manifestari de brokeraj, Consultanta • Formarea de retele tematice pe prioritati

  8. Identifying centres questionnaire The first area:Explanation what means centres and contact data

  9. The second area:Interest in Framework Programme 6 (FP 6 )

  10. The third area:Competence and resources relevant to FP 6

  11. Search form by keywords After registration based on username and password supplied by email you get access on the search form.

  12. Final result of the search partner matching databases • A list of all entries corresponding to the selected sub domain, also containing the keyword: • entry one • contact data for this entry • profile of the organization introducing the data • basics resources in the selected domain • suggestion for common research (expression of interest) • entry two

  13. www.nanolink.netDatabases Partner Matching and Expression of interest (NMP call in FP 6, December 2003)

  14. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA RETELE in proiectul ROMNET-ERA Se propune formarea a patru retele orientate pe “Noi materiale si tehnologii cu accent pe aplicatii in calitatea vietii. urmatoarea tematica: 1) Micro si nanotehnologii (prioritatile 2 si 3) 2) Noi materiale si procese de productie (prioritatea 3) Tehnologii pentru calitatea alimentelor si securitate (prioritatea 5) 4) Noi materiale si tehnologii pentru sanatate (prioritatea 1) Retelele asigura catalizarea cercetatorilor, pentru participare crescuta la FP6, pe arii tematice. Comunicarea cu retelele se face la adresa romnet@imt.ro

  15. RETELE in proiectul ROMNET-ERA Retelele au urmatorii coordonatori: Micro si nanotehnologii (IST, NMP) IMT – Bucuresti, Acad: Dan Dascalu Noi materiale si procese de productie (NMP) Institutul de Cercetari tehnologice pentru Constructia de Masini-ing. Catalin Sfetcu Universitatea Craiova, Fac. de ingineria si managementul sistemelor Tehnologice, decan Prof. Dr. Mihai Mangra, conf.dr.Oana Gingu Institutul National de Cercetare Aerospatiale “Elie Carafoli”; Dr .Ing. Victor Manoliu Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Textile si Pielarie; Dir.Gen.Dr.ing. Emilia Visileanu Tehnologii pentru calitatea alimentelor si securitate (prioritatea 5) IBA – dr. Claudia Mosoiu Noi materiale si tehnologii pentru sanatate (prioritatea 1) Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Textile si Pielarie; Dir.Gen.Dr.ing. Emilia Visileanu

  16. ROMNET-ERA: Romanian Inventory and Networking for Integration in ERA MULTUMESC! cmoldovan@imt.ro romnet@imt.ro www.romnet.net

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