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Learning Goals: Explain the significance of the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

THE NORTH WINS. Learning Goals: Explain the significance of the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg. Analyze why the Confederacy fell. The picture is of the Gettysburg, PA battlefield. THE NORTH WINS. Journal Question: You have been chosen by the post office to design a series of

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Learning Goals: Explain the significance of the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg.

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  1. THE NORTH WINS • Learning Goals: • Explain the significance of the battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg. • Analyze why the Confederacy fell. The picture is of the Gettysburg, PA battlefield.

  2. THE NORTH WINS • Journal Question: • You have been chosen by the • post office to design a series of • postage stamps on the Civil • War. Choose three topics on the • Civil War and describe your • postage stamps. You may draw • them for extra credit.

  3. THE NORTH WINS • 1. The Confederates lost “Stonewall” Jackson when he was accidentally killed at the Battle of Chancellorsville by being shot by his own men.

  4. THE NORTH WINS 2. The armies of the Union and the Confederacy met at Gettysburg. It was one of the major turning points of the war.

  5. THE NORTH WINS 3. The Battle of Gettysburg crushed Lee’s hopes for an invasion and victory in the North. A view from Little Round Top. The Slaughter Pen

  6. THE NORTH WINS 4. The Siege at Vicksburg by Ulysses S. Grant helped the Union gain complete control over the Mississippi River and split the Confederacy in half.

  7. THE NORTH WINS 5. William Tecumseh Sherman waged a “total war” on the South. He destroyed the South’s will and ability to fight and tore into the heart of the Confederacy.

  8. THE NORTH WINS • 6. William Tecumseh Sherman’s conquest of Atlanta helped Lincoln win reelection in 1864. Atlanta on fire!

  9. THE NORTH WINS • 7. The event that forced Lee to surrender at Appomattox Court House was when Richmond, VA fell to Union forces.

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