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Please Begin Filling in the Evaluation

Please Begin Filling in the Evaluation. . . . up to 1 st question on bottom Return completed evaluations at Book Fair. Journey to Common Core. 12:00 Brief Introduction to Common Core State Standards 12:30 Visit your child’s classroom (student projects)

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Please Begin Filling in the Evaluation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Please Begin Filling in the Evaluation . . . up to 1st question on bottom Return completed evaluations at Book Fair
  2. Journey to Common Core 12:00 Brief IntroductiontoCommon Core State Standards 12:30 Visit your child’s classroom (student projects) 1:30 Bell Rings – Head to the Learning Center Return completed evaluations Light Refreshments Book Fair 2:03 School Ends
  3. WELCOME to POHAKEA ELEMENTARY Common Core State Standards
  4. Common Core State Standards (CCSS) A set of learning outcomes that each student can progress toward and master at their own pace, Clear, incremental, measurable goals, Consistent across schools, districts, and 45 states.
  5. CCSS and the Classroom Instruction in the Classroom Rigorous and relevant problem solving Application of skills Personalized and engaging instruction opportunities Professional Development Improved Classroom Instruction Greater emphasis on collaboration among teachers
  6. KEY SHIFTS IN MATH 1. Greater Focus on Fewer Topics In grades K–2: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to ADDITION and SUBTRACTION In grades 3–5: Concepts, skills, and problem solving related to MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION of whole numbers and fractions In grade 6: RATIOS and PROPORTIONAL RELATIONSHIPS, and early algebraic EXPRESSIONS and EQUATIONS 2. Coherence 3. Rigor Conceptual understanding Procedural skills and FLUENCY Application
  8. Three Shifts in English Language Arts (ELA) Building knowledge through nonfiction Reading, writing and speaking using evidence from text Reading complex text with rigorous vocabulary
  9. Nonfiction: Why? Non-fiction makes up the vast majority of required reading in college and the workplace Informational text is harder for students to comprehend than narrative text Builds content knowledge
  10. What Can I Do To Support my Child? Encourage your child to: READ DAILY Increase reading Non-Fiction books DoKidBiz at home Grades 3 – 6 Visit our Book Fair or public library
  11. Journey to Common Core 12:30 Visit your child’s classroom 1:30 Bell Rings – Head to the Learning Center Return completed evaluations Light Refreshments Book Fair Thank YOU for taking time to support your child!
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