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Lisa Koep School of Marketing Professor Aidan O’Driscoll 17.05.2013

How Best to Communicate a Firm’s Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility: Integrating Management and Communications Theory to Determine Effective Corporate Reputations Outcomes. Lisa Koep School of Marketing Professor Aidan O’Driscoll 17.05.2013. Introduction.

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Lisa Koep School of Marketing Professor Aidan O’Driscoll 17.05.2013

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Presentation Transcript

  1. How Best to Communicate a Firm’s Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility: Integrating Management and Communications Theory to Determine Effective Corporate Reputations Outcomes Lisa Koep School of Marketing Professor Aidan O’Driscoll 17.05.2013

  2. Introduction Currently research project is in the the early developmental stage Research takes place in the food and retailing sector Industry partner in this project is Bord Bia

  3. Introduction

  4. Why Sustainability Communication?

  5. Dilemma: to tell or not to tell? High Low High Illy Cafe M&S Adoption of Sustainability Ryanair AIB Low Intensity of Communication

  6. Objectives of Research • To examine how firms should communicate their sustainability/corporate responsibility claims most effectively: • How? • To what extent? • To whom?

  7. Why Is It Important? Currently scholarly and practitioner knowledge offer limited insight into this dilemma Sustainability communication impacts on corporate reputation and thus economic performance Sustainability communication can also impact on the broad project of sustainability

  8. Why Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility (CR)?

  9. How Will It Be Carried Out? • To address the research question, two streams of literature on sustainability will be connected • Management of sustainability • Evolution • Organisation • Delivery • Communications of these activities

  10. How Will It Be Carried Out?

  11. How Will It Be Carried Out?

  12. How Will It Be Carried Out?

  13. Methodology

  14. Contribution • Research output will provide a model to comprehend the interconnections between organising/managing sustainability/CR and the communication to stakeholders • Managerially: research will provide valuable insights into into how firms can effectively communicate sustainability/CR depending on their level of embrace

  15. Contribution • Academically: the research question will be answered by linking to streams of sustainability/CR literature: • Sustainability/CR Management • Sustainability/CR Communication • To date there have been limited attempts to explore the relationships between management and communication of sustainability and a gap in existing research has been identified

  16. Questions? Comments?

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