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El Subjuntivo

El Subjuntivo. ¿ Cómo se usa el subjuntivo ?.

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El Subjuntivo

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  1. El Subjuntivo

  2. ¿Cómo se usa el subjuntivo? You will use the subjunctive when there is something uncertain and a degree of desire, ignorance, or impersonal opinion, and to express a maybe on the part of the subject. There are two parts of the sentence containing a subjunctive clause: 1. the main clause and 2. the subordinate clause. These two clauses generally are separated by que which means that. The main clause contains the statement of desire, ignorance or opinion: the verb is in the indicative (normal conjugation). The subordinate clause contains the verb in the subjunctive tense. Ejemplo: Yodudoqueéltrabajemucho (I doubt that he works much) The main clause is ” I doubt”. The subordinate clause” he works much” is in the subjunctive due to the uncertainty expressed in the main clause. Yoséquetúhablasespañol (el verbo “ hablas “ tieneunaconjugación normal) (I know that you speak Spanish) . The speaker is certain of something (that you speak Spanish) and is reporting that information. Esperoquetúhablesespañol . (el verbo “hables” is in the subjunctive because the speaker doesn’t know that you speak Spanish, but has a desire or hope that you do. (I hope that you speak Spanish )

  3. ¿ Cómo se forma el subjuntivo? El subjuntivo se forma de la siguientemanera:There are three steps: 1. take the “ yo form” of the present tense 2. remove the” o” 3. add the followig endings: -ar verbs has -er endings in the present tense except yo ending : -e, -es, -e,-emos, éis, -en -er/-ir verbs has –ar endings : -a, -as,-a, -amos, -áis, -an Ejemplo: 1. Hablar--- 1. Yohablo 2. hablø 3. hable, hables, hable, hablemos, habléis, hablen

  4. Ejerciciosdel subjuntivo 1.baile 2. comas 3. se pongan 4. viva 5. conozca 6. tenga 7. me acueste 8. hagan 9. quieran 10. salgan 11. te vistas 12. se despierten 13. veamos 14. oslevantéis 15. noscepillemos Carlos quiereque • YO (bailar) • TU (comer) • Ellos(ponerse) • EL (vivir) • ELLA (conocer) • UD (tener) • Yo( acostarse) • ELLAS (hacer) • ELLOS (querer) • UDS (salir) • Tu(vestirse) • Ellos(despertarse) • NOSOTROS (ver) • VOSOTROS(levantarse) • Tuy yo ( cepillarse)

  5. No stem-changing in the nosotros and vosotros except in the –ir verbs Generally there is not a stem-changing verb in the nosotros and vosotros forms, except in the -irverbs : dormir, mentir, pedir, servir. o changes to u durmamos, durmáis e changes to I pidamos, pidáis mintamos, mintáis sirvamos, sirváis

  6. Irregulares en el subjuntivo I S S E D H Ir Haber Saber Ser Estar Dar Yo Tú Él Ella Ud Ellos Ellas Uds Nosotros Vosotros Haya Vaya Sepa Esté Dé Sea Hayas Vayas Sepas Des Seas Estés Haya Vaya Esté Dé Sepa Sea Hayan Vayan Sepan Sean Estén Den Sepamos Vayamos Seamos Hayamos Estemos Demos Seáis Hayáis Sepáis Vayáis Déis Estéis

  7. Expresiones de Deseo (Expression of desire, will and influence) Verbs in the main clause which express a wish, a preference, a request will set up the need for the subjunctive in the second clause. The subject tells what he or she would like to happen: wether it will actually happen is not certain. Verbs of desire, wiland influence that require the use of the subjunctive Rogarque Esperarque Pedirque Exigirque Insistiren que Necesitarque Preferirque Quererque Ojaláque Desearque Recomendarque Sugerirque

  8. Expresiones de ignorancia Verbs in the main clause that express ignorance or doubt will set up the need for the subjunctive in the subordinate clause. In these situations, the subject acknowledges uncertainty or ignorance of the outcome of the action described in the subordinate clause. No creerque Dudarque No esverdadque No estarseguro de que No esseguroque No esciertoque

  9. Expresionesde frasesimpersonales An impersonal expression in the main clause which expresses emotion, uncertainty, unreality or an indirect or implied command will set up the need for the subjunctive in the subordinate clause Eslógicoque • Esnecesarioque … Esnecesarioque • Esmaloque ….. • Esridículo… • Esbuenoque ….. • Esraroque … • Estristeque …. • Esmejorque…. • Esimportanteque….. • Esunalástimaque …. • Es probable que …. • Esfantásticoque … • Espeligrosoque…… • Es possible que ….

  10. Expresiones con perhaps, may be , could be.. etc Quizás (perhaps), Tal vez (may be) , Puedeser (could be) are usually words that express some uncertainty and therefore require the use of the subjunctive. Puedeser Tal vez Quizas

  11. Expresiones de emoción Expresiones de emoción are also used to convey emotions, such as frustration, happiness, being afraid, likes, dislikes…etc. • Fastidiarcomogustar • A mi me fastidiaque ….. • Alegrarse de que • Gustarque • Sentirque • Tenermiedoque • Estarcontento de que ….. • Molesarcomogustar • A ella le Molestaque • Sorprendercomogustar

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