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American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD)

American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD). Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Anil K. Prinja, Chair November 1, 2011 Washington, DC. MCD Division Mission.

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American Nuclear Society Mathematics and Computations Division (MCD)

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  1. American Nuclear SocietyMathematics and Computations Division (MCD) Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Anil K. Prinja, Chair November 1, 2011 Washington, DC

  2. MCD Division Mission Division members promote the advancement of mathematical and computational methods for solving problems arising in all disciplines encompassed by the Society. They place particular emphasis on numerical techniques for efficient computer codes, the proper use of these codes, the preparation of computational benchmarks, and the development of standards for computing practices.

  3. MCD Governance • Executive Committee Structure • Chair: Anil Prinja • Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Todd Urbatsch (annually elected) • Secretary: Jeffrey Densmore (elected every 2 years) • Treasurer: Andrew Smetana (elected every 2 years) • Aaron Watson (KAPL), Yousry Azmy (NC St.), Thomas Evans (ORNL), Ray Gamino (KAPL), Richard Sanchez (CEA), Sandra Dulla (Polit. Di Torino), Avneet Sood (LANL),Greg Davidson (ORNL), Troy Becker (KAPL), David Griesheimer (BAPL), Massimiliano Rosa (LANL) (3-year terms) • 2 Ex Officio: Farzad Rahnema (past chair), Sharon Kerrick • Board Liaison: Jacob DeWitte

  4. Division/TG Governance • Bylaws & Rules Status • Review of MCD B&R will occur this year • Current status is unknown • Succession Planning Status • Changed term of Treasurer and Secretary • New newsletter editor term limit (3 years) • Program committee now has Chair and Vice-Chair • Division Website: http://www.mcd.ans.org • Two newsletters per year

  5. Division Membership Trend

  6. Division Membership

  7. Division Finances

  8. Division Contributions to Society • ANS Position Statements • MCD members, especially the members of the executive committee, standing committees, and officers have individually contributed to ANS position statements • MCD maintains no position statements. • Participation with Other Professional Societies • Our members participate at SIAM, AAPM, ASTM and APS societies • Co-sponsorship of meetings, e.g., Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (SNA), Monte Carlo (MC)

  9. Division Contributions to Society • Society Leadership • Our members serve on the ANS board and actively participate in many standing committees • Endowed scholarships • Robert A. Dannels graduate scholarship • Planning ongoing for scholarship honoring Eli Gelbard • Non-Meeting Publications • Our members publish papers in Nuclear Science and Engineering, Nuclear Technology, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Journal of Computational Physics, Journal of Medical Physics, TTSP, SIAM Journals, IEEE Journals, ASTM Journals

  10. Summary • Areas of Success • Organization of successful topical meetings • Increasing trends in number of members • Large student participation • Organization of code workshops at national and international meetings • Effective collaborations with international nuclear community • Formation of the Computational Medical Physics Working Group in collaboration with BMD

  11. Summary • Focus for Future Action • Continue our activities for attraction of young members and students • Continue our efforts to attract other societies into ANS; our current efforts on the Computational Medical Physics Group should help with attraction of AAPM members to ANS • Further develop new technical areas in which MCD members participate - e.g., computational materials, multiphysics • Continue our efforts in organization of quality meetings • Improve service to membership by exploring new approaches to roundtable session at national meetings and workshops at topical meetings

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