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Saliency-guided Enhancement for Volume Visualization

Saliency-guided Enhancement for Volume Visualization. Youngmin Kim and Amitabh Varshney Department of Computer Science University of Maryland at College Park. Motivation. The volume datasets have grown in complexity Visible Human Project 13GB ~ 60GB National Library of Medicine (NIH)

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Saliency-guided Enhancement for Volume Visualization

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  1. Saliency-guided Enhancement for Volume Visualization Youngmin Kim and Amitabh Varshney Department of Computer Science University of Maryland at College Park

  2. Motivation • The volume datasets have grown in complexity • Visible Human Project • 13GB ~ 60GB • National Library of Medicine (NIH) • Richtmyer-Meshkov Instability Simulation • 2 TB (= 7.5GB * 273 time steps) • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory • Human visual capabilities remain fixed • The need to draw visual attention to appropriate regions in their visualization

  3. Motivation • We can draw viewer attention in several ways • Obtrusive methods like arrows or flashing pixels • Distracts the viewer from exploring other regions • Principles of visual perception used by artists and illustrators • Gently guide to regions that they wished to emphasize

  4. Contributions • A new saliency-based enhancement operator • Guides visual attention in volume visualization without sacrificing local context • Considers the influence of each voxel at multiple scales • Augments the existing visualization pipeline • Enhances regional visual saliency • Validation by eye-tracking-based user study • Our method elicits greater visual attention

  5. Related Work - Saliency • Computation and Evaluation • Computational models for image [Itti et al. PAMI 98] and mesh [Lee et al. SIGGRAPH 05] • Evaluation by predicting eye movements [Parkhurst et al. 02], [Privitera and Stark PAMI 00] Mesh Saliency • Use of eye movements • Volume composition [Lu et al. EuroVis 06] • Abstractions of photographs [DeCarlo and Santella SIGGRAPH 02, NPAR 04] • Use of Saliency • Progressive visualization [Machiraju et al., 01] • Importance-based enhancement [Rheingans and Ebert TVCG 01] • Interior and exterior visualization [Viola et al. TVCG 05] • Generalizing focus+context [Hauser Dagstuhl 03] • Saliency has not been used for guiding visual attention

  6. Related Work – Transfer Functions • Transfer Functions map the physical appearance to the local geometric attributes such as: • Gradient magnitude [Levoy CG&A 88] • First and second derivatives [Kindlmann and Durkin Volume Rendering 98] • Multi-dimensional transfer functions [Kindlmann et al. Vis 03], [Kniss et al. TVCG 02], [Kniss et al. Vis 03], [Machiraju et al. 01] • Have played a crucial role in informative Visualization • Difficult to emphasize (or deemphasize) regions specified exclusively by locations in a volume

  7. Transfer Functions Saliency Enhancement Enhancement Operators Emphasis Field Computed Saliency Field by User Input Saliency-enhanced Volume Rendering Validation by eye-tracking device Overview • Saliency Field • Enhancement Operators • Emphasis Field • Saliency Enhancement • Saliency-enhanced Volume Rendering • Validation by eye-tracking based user study

  8. Basic idea from Saliency Computation C: Mean curvature • Saliency map is: • Mesh saliency based on curvature values • Image saliency based on intensity and color • In general, saliency may be defined on a given scalar field S (v)=|G(C, v, σ) – G(C, v, 2σ)|

  9. Unknown Known Known Unknown Emphasis Field Computation • Mesh Saliency: S(v) = G(C, v, σ) – G(C, v, 2σ) • We introduce the concept of an Emphasis Field Eto define a Saliency Field S in a volume S (v) = G(E, v, σ) – G(E, v, 2σ) Given a saliency field, can we design some scalar field that will generate it?

  10. = Emphasis Field Computation • Expressible as simultaneous linear equations • Saliency Enhancement Operator (C-1) • CE =S , which implies E = C-1S • Given a saliency field S, the enhancement operator C-1 will generate the emphasis field E where cij is the difference between two Gaussian weights at scale σ and at scale 2σ for a voxel vj from the center voxel vi

  11. Emphasis Field Computation • We like to use enhancement operators at multiple scales σi • Let E i be the emphasis field at scale σi • Compute this by applying the enhancement operator Ci-1 on the saliency field S • Final emphasis field is computed as the summation of E i

  12. Emphasis Field in Practice • A system of simultaneous linear equations in n variables • Generally, can handle arbitrary saliency regions and values • Computationally expensive: O(kn2) or O(n3) • Alleviate this by solving a 1D system of equations • Given a saliency field • Solve 1D system of equations at multiple scales and sum them up • Approximate results using piecewise polynomial radial functions [Wendland 1995] • Interpret results to be along the radial dimension • Assume spherical regions of interest (ROI)

  13. Visualization Enhancement • Emphasis Fields can alter visualization parameters in several ways • Various rendering stylizations and effects possible • We outline a couple of possibilities • Brightness • Widely used to elicit visual attention by artists • Modulate the Value parameter in the HSV modelas follows: • Vnew(v) = V(v)•(1+E (v)), where –λ- ≤E (v) ≤ λ+ • Used 0.4 ≤ λ+ ≤ 0.6 and 0.15 ≤ λ- ≤ 0.35 • Saturation • Can modulate Saturation instead of Value if the latter is not effective (for instance, in regions already very bright)

  14. Gaussian-based vs. Saliency-guided Enhancement • Previous Gaussian-based Enhancement of a Volume • Volume Illustration [Rheingans and Ebert TVCG 01] • Importance-based regional enhancement • We use a Gaussian fall-off from the boundary of ROI

  15. Visualization Enhancement - Brightness Traditional Volume Rendering Gaussian-based Enhancement Saliency-guided Enhancement Traditional Volume Rendering Gaussian-based Enhancement Saliency-guided Enhancement

  16. Visualization Enhancement - Saturation • Increasing brightness diminishes the appearance of blood vessels at the center of the Sheep Heart model Traditional Volume Rendering Saliency-guided Enhancement

  17. User Study • Validated results by an eye-tracking-based user study • Hypotheses: The eye fixations increase over the region of interest (ROI) in a volume by the saliency-guided enhancement compared to • the traditional volume visualization (Hypothesis H1) • the Gaussian-based enhancement (Hypothesis H2)

  18. User Study – Experimental Design • Eye-tracker and General Settings • ISCAN ETL-500 • Records eye movements at 60Hz • 17-inch LCD monitor • With a resolution of 1280x1024 • Placed at a distance of 50cm (19.7’’) from the subjects • Eye-tracker Calibration • Desired accuracy of 30 pixels • Two-step calibration process • Standard calibration with 5 points • Look and click on 13 points • Triangulation and interpolation with 4 corner points • Accuracy test on 16 random points

  19. User Study – Experimental Design Extracting fixations from raw points • Raw points: all points from the eye-tracker • Saccade Removal • Velocity > 15°/sec • Fixation combining • Filter out the points which stay less than 100ms within 15 pixels • Average eye locations within 15 pixels and 100ms

  20. User Study – Experimental Design • Image Ordering • 10 users (who passed the accuracy tests) • Total of 20 images: 4 models * (1 original + 2 regions * 2 different enhancement methods (Gaussian, Saliency)) • Each user saw 12 images out of these 20 images • 4 models * (1 original + 2 altered)) • Enhanced different regions with different methods • Placed similar images far apart to alleviate differential carryover effects • Randomized the order of regions and the order of enhancement types (Gaussian and saliency-based) to counterbalance overall effects • Duration • 12 trials (images), each of which takes 5 seconds

  21. User Study – Result I Gaussian-based Enhancement Gaussian-based Enhancement With Fixation Points Saliency Field Saliency-guided Enhancement With Fixation Points Saliency-guided Enhancement Traditional Volume Rendering Traditional Volume Rendering With Fixation Points

  22. User Study – Result II Gaussian-based Enhancement Gaussian-based Enhancement With Fixation Points Saliency Field Saliency-guided Enhancement With Fixation Points Saliency-guided Enhancement Traditional Volume Rendering Traditional Volume Rendering With Fixation Points

  23. Data Analysis I The percentage of fixations on the ROI for the original, Gaussian-enhanced, and Saliency-enhanced visualizations

  24. Data Analysis II • A two-way ANOVA on the percentage of fixations for two conditions, regions and enhancement methods for each volume • For regions, no statistically significant results as expected • F(1,34) = 0.2827 ~ 3.3336, p > 0.05 • For enhancement methods, statistically significant results • F(2,34) = 7.2668 ~ 31.479, p ≤ 0.01

  25. H2 H2 H2 H2 H1 H1 H1 H1 Data Analysis III • Carried out a pairwise t-test on the percentage of fixations before and after we applied enhancement techniques for each model • Found a statistically significant difference in the percentage of fixations with saliency-guided enhancement for all the models • Hypothesis H1:More fixations than the traditional • Hypothesis H2:More fixations than the Gaussian

  26. Conclusions • Introduced the concept of the Emphasis Field for selective visual emphasis (or de-emphasis) • Developed the computational framework to generate the Emphasis Field from a given Saliency Field • Illustrated the use of the Emphasis Field in Visualization • Validated its ability to successfully guide visual attention to desired regions • Saliency-guided Enhancement provides a powerful tool to help scientists, engineers, and medical researchers explore large visual datasets

  27. Future Work • Measure comprehensibility of the volume rendered images • Explore other appearance attributes such as opacity and texture detail • Generalize to handle time-varying datasets with multiple superposed scalar and vector fields • Identify the relative importance of various scales

  28. Acknowledgments • Datasets: Stefan Roettger (University of Erlangen) and Dirk Bartz (University of Tuebingen) • Discussions: David Jacobs, François Guimbretière, Derek Juba, and Robert Patro (University of Maryland) • Eye-tracker: François Guimbretière • The Anonymous Referees • Supported by NSF grants: CCF 05-41120, CCF 04-29753, CNS 04-03313, and IIS 04-14699

  29. Questions ?? Lab:Project:Images: www.cs.umd.edu/gvil www.cs.umd.edu/gvil/projects/sevv.shtml Supplemental material in the DVD-ROM

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